20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Curly Hair

How to Roast Someone with Curly Hair

If you’ve curly hair, you’ll agree with me that it can be both a flex and a disturbance.

The beauty, and having people stare at you all the time can make you wild in excitement.

But, maintaining the hair is another ball game entirely. If you know a friend or someone who has curly hair, you might want to tease them about it.

Roasting them once in a while can be fun. Letting your friend know, especially someone that shows off their hair that it’s not all roses would be fun.

Therefore, if you need humorous roasts to tease someone with curly hair, this article has got you covered. I’ll be dishing out some hilarious insults for someone with curly hair.

Here are 20 hilarious insults for someone with curly hair

There are various ways to roast someone with curly hair. You can tease them with one-liners like, “You remind me of a messed up farmland,” “How do you cope with looking like a wild cat?” and “You have more curls than respect.”

  1. You have more curls than respect
  2. I would’ve been jealous of your curls if they didn’t remind me of several ugly noodles
  3. You think you have beautiful hair, go look in the mirror and you’ll find a field of tangly bushes on your head
  4. You remind me of a messed-up farmland
  5. How does your partner run his fingers through your hair? I’m sure he’s left with broken fingers all the time
  6. How do you cope with looking like a wild cat?
  7. If I had hair like yours, I would be better off donating it to charity
  8. How do you deal with hair more rebellious than you?
  9. Wait, what’s that? (Points to the hair) Is there a bird nest in there?
  10. It takes two to tango, but I bet your hair disagreed a million times
  11. It seems God was angry when he was creating you
  12. You look like someone their parents disowned from home
  13. Is it curly down there too?
  14. Ouch, you look like my poodle
  15. Your stupidity always reminds me why you’ve got curls on your head
  16. I’m not surprised you lack sense, your curls speak highly of you
  17. What should I do to get you out of my sight? Straighten your curls?
  18. I bet it’s all curls in your brain too
  19. I would have loved to insult you but I see Nature did a good job already
  20. Are you usually ugly, or is it the curls?

You Have More Curls Than Respect

How to Roast Someone with Curly Hair

“You have more curls than respect” is one of the funny ways to roast someone with curls.

This is an amusing way of saying they’ve no respect. Also, this is something you say to someone who’s being disrespectful to you.

However, you can also use this one-liner to tease your friend who has full curly hair.

Here are some examples:

  • We should sue you for possessing such numerous curls with a rude personality
  • You’re just a disrespectful curly thing

I Would’ve Been Jealous of Your Curls if They Didn’t Remind Me of Several Ugly Noodles

“I would’ve been jealous of your curls if they didn’t remind me of several ugly noodles” is another thing to say to roast someone with curly hair.

This is a humorous way to describe their curly hair that’ll get at them. Also, comparing their hair to noodles and calling it ugly should sting for a long time.

You Think You Have Beautiful Hair, Go Look in the Mirror and You’ll Find a Field of Tangly Bushes on Your Head

Another thing you can say that’ll get to a curly head is, “You think you have beautiful hair, go look in the mirror and you’ll find a field of tangly bushes on your head.

This is another interesting and hilarious way to describe their hair as ugly. Also, referring to their curls as tangly bushes implies that their hair is messy.

Here are some examples:

  • Excuse me, when was the last time you watered the bushes on your head?
  • Your hair reminds me of why we burn the bushes after weeding

You Remind Me of a Messed Up Farmland

“You remind me of a messed up farmland” is another funny way to describe someone with curly hair.

This is another statement that implies that their hair is messy and unattractive. If you want to get to someone with curls, use this one-liner with them.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m sorry, you should weed your head before you come for me
  • You should pay more attention to plowing the field on your head

How Does Your Partner Run His Fingers Through Your Hair? I’m Sure He’s Left with Broken Fingers All the Time

Another thing you can say to tease someone with curly hair is, “How does your partner run his fingers through your hair? I’m sure he’s left with broken fingers all the time.”

This is a statement that emphasizes how different their hair is. Also, adding that their partner will end up with broken fingers is an exaggeration that should get everyone laughing.

It implies that it’ll be difficult to enjoy a romantic play with their hair.

How Do You Cope with Looking Like a Wild Cat?

Another ridiculous question to ask someone you want to roast is, “How do you cope with looking like a wild cat?”

This is another comical way to tease someone with curly hair. One way to get at someone is by comparing them to an animal.

So, this is one classic burner they won’t forget in a hurry. Also, this statement implies that they’re unattractive with their curls.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m sorry, you remind me of an animal that just left the zoo
  • Why am I seeing a crazy cat looking at those curls?

If I Had Hair like Yours, I Would be Better off Donating It to Charity

“If I had hair as yours, I would be better off donating it to charity” is another funny thing to say to tease someone with curls.

This statement implies that you don’t like their hair. Also, it’s something to say to emphasize that there’s nothing special about their hair.

Using this classic one-liner with a curly head will hit its mark well.

How Do You Deal with Hair More Rebellious Than You?

How to Roast Someone with Curly Hair

Another funny question to ask a curlyhead to insult them is, “How do you deal with hair more rebellious than you?”

This is another hilarious way to describe their hair. It implies that they’ve got stubborn hair, which is not out of place. But, saying it this way makes it sound funny and annoying.

Here are some examples:

  • The only thing I’ve seen more stubborn than you is that curly hair of yours
  • I’m sure you beg your hair every morning to respect you

Wait, What’s That? (Points to the Hair) Is There a Bird Nest in There?

Another thing you can say to roast someone with curls is, “Wait, what’s that? (Points to the hair) Is there a bird nest in there?”

This is one classic punch-line that’ll perfectly roast a curlyhead and get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • If you want to keep a hair nest, you should at least keep it neat
  • You’ve everything except some birds to start a poultry on your head

It Takes Two to Tango, But I Bet Your Hair Disagreed a Million Times

“It takes two to tango, but I bet your hair disagreed a million times” is another thing to say to make fun of someone with curly hair.

This is an amusing way of describing their hair. Saying this to someone with curly hair, especially in front of others should get everyone laughing.

It Seems God Was Angry When He Was Creating You

“It Seems God was angry when he was creating you” is another thing you can say to make fun of someone with curly hair.

This statement is another funny way to get at them and cause everyone to laugh. Telling someone that God was probably angry when he was creating them is a remark that will surely burn. It implies that they’re not fine to look at.

Here are some examples:

  • God must have been very angry when he was creating you because what’s that on your head? ( Point to their curls)
  • I’m sure God does not like you to have given you such things as hair

You Look Like Someone Their Parents Disowned from Home

Another thing to say to make fun of someone who has curly hair is, “You look like someone their parents disowned from home.”

This is a stinging punchline that’ll leave a mark for a long time. Trust me, nothing comes close to burning that using this iconic one-liner. Be prepared for a roast duel after this.

Here are some examples:

  • Should we go and beg your parents to take you back? We can beg on behalf of your curls
  • I bet your parents shake their heads in regret every time they see your hair

Is It Curly Down There too?

Another ridiculous question to ask someone with curly hair is, “Is it curly down there too?”

This is an iconic one-liner they wouldn’t see coming. If you want to get at someone with curls, ask them this question and watch them turn red in embarrassment.

Ouch, You Look Like My Poodle

How to Roast Someone with Curly Hair

“Ouch, you look like my poodle” is another way to get at someone with curls.

This special breed of dog with thick curly fur is a funny comparison to make with someone with curly hair. Also, it’s a great roast one-liner that’ll hit its mark well.

Here are some examples:

  • You look like my poodle only that he’s prettier
  • I would have sworn you were a poodle at first glance

Your Stupidity Always Remind Me Why You’ve Got Curls on Your Head

“Your stupidity always reminds me why you’ve got curls on your head” is another way you can tease someone with curls.

This statement makes fun of their curly hair, implying that it’s the reason they act stupid. Also, this is a funny roast line that should get everyone laughing.

I’m Not Surprised You Lack Sense, Your Curls Speak Highly of You

“I’m not surprised you lack sense, your curls speak highly of you” is another way to get at a curly head.

This statement is another way of implying that their curls are responsible for making them act the way they do. It’s something you’ll say to get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • I think straightening your hair will help you think better
  • You’ll look and act better when you straighten that hair

What Should I Do to Get You Out of My Sight? Straighten Your Curls?

Another thing you can say to roast someone with curls is, “What should I do to get you out of my sight? Straighten your curls?”

This is another humorous line you can use with them when they’re being annoying. Anyone hearing this should burst into laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • Whenever you’re around I always wish you’d disappear with your curls
  • If I straighten your curls, will you leave?

I Bet It’s All Curls in Your Brain Too

“I bet it’s all curls in your brain too” is another way to tease someone with curly hair.

This is another funny thing to say that’ll get everyone laughing. Also, this statement implies that they don’t make sense.

I Would Have Loved to Insult You But I See Nature Did a Good Job Already

“I would have loved to insult you but I see nature did a good job already” is another funny way to insult someone with curly hair.

This statement implies that nature did them a bad thing by blessing them with curly hair. You should say this while looking at their hair for a desired effect.

Are You Usually Ugly, or Is It the Curls?

“Are you usually ugly, or is it the curls?” is another thing to say to someone with curls to roast them.

This is a funny question that makes fun of their curls and looks. It’s a smooth way to insult them and get everyone to laugh without much effort.

End Note

There are plenty of ways to make fun of someone with curly hair for a good laugh.

If you have friends with curly hair, you can use the above examples to tease them and get everyone to laugh. These are harmless jokes they should relate to.

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