20 Funny Roasts for Someone from India

Funny Roasts for Someone from India

Indians are very interesting people. They’ve got an interesting culture and a variety of traditions to keep you entertained.

Moreso, they’re fun to engage with. So, if you’ve got an Indian friend or you know someone from India, roasting them is quite easy.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll be discussing funny insults for someone from India. Therefore, if you need great roast ideas, this article is for you.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone from India 

There are countless interesting ways to roast someone from India. Also, there are lots of Indian jokes they can relate to.  

You can always tease them about their dressing, or their cuisine. However, while it can be fun, it isn’t every Indian person that’ll relate to your joke. So, discretion is important.

Some humorous jokes for an Indian person include: “Ask me how I know an Indian treats his wife well. They worship cows,” “If I’m collating a list of ugly men, India would be my first stop,” and “What is it called when an Indian man in a Turban insults you? A Sikh Burn!”

Here are 20 hilarious insults for someone from India: 

  1. Hey! What’s with that red dot on your forehead?
  2. Ask me how I know an Indian treats his wife well. They worship cows 
  3. Wow! So you still stay in the same house with your parents 
  4. There’s nothing more Indian than riding an elephant!
  5. Your opinion is as boring as all those scarfs you wear on your head 
  6. Huh! Do you wear curry too?
  7. Are you sure you’re Indian? You’re too fair 
  8. What is it referred to when a Turban-wearing Indian insults you? A Sikh Burn!
  9. I would insult you, but I’ve got more respect for cows
  10. You people are only good for arranged marriages
  11. Do you know what people say after tasting Indian food? I’ll never try it again
  12. What do Indians say to their mothers to bid her farewell? Mumbai
  13. I can never discuss something important with Indians because they begin to sing and dance when things get interesting 
  14. If I’m collating a list of ugly men, India would be my first stop
  15. How many Indians would it take to bake brownies? Depends on how brown you like it
  16. A food distributor in India is known as? A curry-er.
  17. How do you turn an Indian girl on? Press the red button
  18. What is sung in India when they get sick? Down with the Sikhness
  19. Why is it easy to shoot Indian women? They have got a red mark on their head
  20. How do you know Indian men are now adults? When they use their diapers as a wrap for their head

Hey! What’s It with That Red Dot on Your Forehead?

Funny Roasts for Someone from India

“Hey! What’s it with that red dot on your forehead?” is the first on our list.

This is a hilarious thing to ask an Indian lady. First, the red dot is known as bindi and is traditionally worn by women in India for marriage and religious purposes.

So, you can tease an Indian woman wearing this mark on her forehead with this question.

Ask Me How I Know an Indian Treats His Wife Well. They Worship Cows 

One crazy one-liner you can use to roast an Indian person is, “Ask me how I know an Indian treats his wife well. They worship cows.” 

First, Cows are revered in Hinduism and are part of religious rituals. Also, the majority of Indians practice Hinduism. So, this is a funny comment to make if you want to get under the skin of an Indian.

In addition, this is a hilarious and stinging remark that refers to their women as cows. Believe me, you might have to run after using this line.

  • Wow! So you worship cows! How about a goat?
  • I bet cows are more valuable than Indian women 

Wow! So You Still Stay in the Same House with Your Parents 

“Wow! So you still stay in the same house with your parents” is another classic burner.

First, it’s not uncommon to see an adult who might have left their parent’s house in another culture still living with their parents in India.

This practice is acceptable because they place high importance on family.

So, you can use this line to tease your Indian friend who lives with their parents.

  • Wow! So you still live with your parents. You must be an Indian baby then
  • Wow! So you still live with your parents. I’m sorry, I thought I was discussing with an adult 

There’s Nothing More Indian Than Riding an Elephant!

Funny Roasts for Someone from India

Another comment to make to tease someone from India is, “There’s nothing more Indian than riding an elephant!”

As I’ve earlier established, 80% of Indians practice Hinduism. And just like a cow, an elephant is another sacred animal in India. So, elephant riding is quite common there.

Therefore, you can tease them with this remark, emphasizing that that’s all there’s about them.

  • Show me something else an Indian does better than elephant riding 
  • I bet you are all taught to ride an elephant before respect 

Your Opinion Is as Boring as All Those Scarfs You Wear on Your Head 

“Your opinion is as boring as all those scarves you wear on your head” is another thing to say to make fun of someone from India. This is a funny statement that makes fun of their style of clothing.

Also, it’s a suitable way to tease a man, especially because of the many wraps of turban they always wear on their head.

So, you can use this expression to make fun of your friend when they give their opinion. It’s a humorous way of letting them know you find their style of clothing boring while disregarding the point they raised.

  • You need to work on yourself. You wear boring scarfs and raise dull suggestions 
  • Go work on your dressing before giving unsolicited advice 

Huh! Do You Wear Curry too?

“Huh! Do you wear curry too?” is another exciting one-liner. 

First, curry is a very popular spice in India. So, this is a fantastic way to get to them. Also, this statement implies that they’re smelling of curry. 

To make this roast more dramatic and funny, you can act like you perceived their smell.

  • Huh! Do you wear curry too or do you work in a curry shop?
  • Are you Indian? I can smell curry 

Are You Sure You’re Indian? You’re too Fair 

“Are you sure you’re Indian? You’re too fair” is another absurd question to pose to an Indian.

This is a funny way of emphasizing that they’re meant to be yellowish-brown in complexion. 

However, this is a silly question because there are fair Indians too. So, you can use this line to roast them and get everyone laughing.

  • You must be a result of some genetic testing, you’re too fair to be Indian
  • I bet your parents practiced cross-breeding to give you that skin color 

What Is It Referred to When a Turban-wearing Indian Insults You 

Another crazy one-liner you can use to tease someone in India is, “What is it referred to when a Turban-wearing Indian insults you? A Sikh Burn!”

First, Sikhs are people who practice Sikhism, and turban-wearing is part of their practice. So, this roast line is an attempt to make fun of their practice.

Also, it’s a play on words that will get everyone laughing, and show that you’re the king of savage one-liners.

I Would Insult You, But I’ve Got More Respect for Cows 

Another thing to say to insult someone from India is, “I would insult you, but I’ve got more respect for cows.”

This is a crazy burner you can use during a roast duel to finish them up. It’s a perfect comeback for their insult to let them know you’re not moved by what they say.

Also, this statement is a funny way of calling them a cow.

  • You’ll get no response from me, I feel bad insulting a cow
  • It’s alright, say all you want. But, I don’t engage in conversations with cows 

You People Are Only Good for Arranged Marriages

Another insane burner you can use to roast and finish an Indian is, “You people are only good for arranged marriages.”

This is a silly comment that draws attention to their practice of arranging marriage for young people.

So, you can tease them with this line, implying that they’re not useful except for arranged marriages.

  • The only surprise party you’ll see Indian parents throw for their kids is “arranged marriage”
  • No man will look at you twice unless you are an arranged bride 

Do You Know What People Say After Tasting Indian Food? I’ll Never Try It Again 

Another interesting thing to say to tease someone from India is, “Do you know what people say after tasting Indian food? I’ll never try it again” 

This is another way to make fun of them. But, in this case, you’re teasing them about their food. It’s a funny way of letting them know that people don’t like their food. 

  • Do you Indians even eat what you cook?
  • Your food must scare your visitors 

What Do Indians Say to Their Mothers to Bid Her Farewell? Mumbai

Funny Roasts for Someone from India

Another way to make fun of an Indian is, “What do Indians say to their mothers to bid her farewell? Mumbai.”

This is a hilarious statement that’ll throw everyone in fits of laughter. Mumbai is a city in India. So, this is a punny statement that’ll be interpreted as mum bai(bye). 

It’s a real joke that’ll hit hard.

I Can Never Discuss Something Important with Indians Because They Begin to Sing and Dance when Things Get Interesting 

“I can never discuss something important with Indians because they begin to sing and dance when things get interesting” is another roast line that’ll work for an Indian.

First, if you watch Indian movies, you’ll be familiar with their practice of singing and dancing in between scenes. So, this is a hilarious comment that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter.

It implies that they’re never serious. 

If I’m Collating a List of Ugly Men, India Would Be My First Stop

“If I’m collating a list of ugly men, India would be my first stop” is another amusing thing to say to insult someone from India.

This statement is a classic one-liner that classifies Indian men as ugly. Using this comeback during a roast battle will surely make a comeback difficult.

  • According to the last global census for ugly people, Indians came out top on the list

How Many Indians Would It Take to Bake Brownies? Depends On How Brown You Like It

“How many Indians would it take to bake brownies? Depends on how brown you like it” is another humorous thing to say to get under the skin of an Indian.

This comment makes fun of their skin color, implying that they’re very brown in complexion. Moreover, comparing them to brownies is surely going to cause some laughter.

It’s a hilarious comparison they wouldn’t take lightly.

A Food Distributor in India Is Known as? A Curry-er.

“A food distributor in India is known as? A curry-er” is another teasing remark you can use to make fun of an Indian.

This is an appropriate roast line for someone who works in a restaurant or as a food delivery person. Also, this line teases them about the fact that they love the curry spice.

How Do You Turn an Indian Girl on? Press the Red Button

Another exciting way to tease an Indian girl is with this statement, “How do you turn an Indian girl on? Press the red button.” 

This is another silly thing to say to make fun of the bindi mark on their forehead. Also, it’s a naughty thing to say that’ll surely get to them and cause some good laughs.

What Is Sung in India When They Get Sick? Down with the Sikhness

“What is sung in India when they get sick? Down with the Sikhness” is another silly way to attack an Indian.

This is a hilarious way of making fun of their culture. Also, it’s a play on words that’ll show your pun skill. They’ll surely relate to this joke.

Why Is It Easy to Shoot Indian Women? They Have Got the Red Mark on Their Head 

Another interesting thing to say to make fun of a woman from India is, “Why is it easy to shoot Indian women? They have got the red mark on their head.”

This is another humorous way of teasing them about the bindi they wear on their forehead.

How Do You Know Indian Men Are Now Adults? When They Use Their Diapers as a Wrap for Their Head 

Funny Roasts for Someone from India

Another funny way of teasing an Indian man is, “How do you know Indian men are now adults? When they use their diapers as a wrap for their head.”

This is another ridiculous thing to say to make fun of the scarves they were on their head. Also, it’s a hilarious way of describing their turban, implying that they’re diapers.


As you can see, it’s quite easy to laugh and joke about the Indians. These funny roasts can serve as a guide for you when you want to make fun of someone from India.


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