20 Good Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Teeth

Good Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Teeth

There are many sassy comebacks to respond with when someone makes fun of your teeth. One of the best responses is, “Better to have a gap in the teeth than a gap in the skull like you.”

If it’s about other dental features, you can respond with, “I see you’re an expert on teeth. Shame your expertise doesn’t extend to manners.”

I’ve read in many self-help magazines that when someone makes fun of your body features (teeth, in this case), the best response is never to engage and just let it go. 

However, it’s frustrating to let people get away with being mean to others and then feel like they’ve won.

Rather than staying quiet, there are clever responses you can use when someone makes fun of your teeth.

In this article, I’ve collected some of the best ones and will explain how to use them. 

Table of Contents

List of the Best Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Teeth

Many of the good comebacks when someone makes fun of your teeth, are not necessarily long. It could just be a punchline, but it would make all the difference. 

Whether it is comebacks for gap teeth jokes or generally someone making fun of your dentition, you can always use any of these lines:

1. It is better to have a gap in the teeth than a gap in the skull, like you.

This is one of my favourite things to say whenever someone tries to make fun of my dentition.

As someone who naturally has a gap tooth, I’ve found this statement as a sassy way to shut anyone up who tries to laugh at my dental features. 

What you’re doing by saying this line is to make them the subject of ridicule as opposed to what they initially intended to do. 

2. Did you see the sign that said “you suck”

Sometimes, your comeback doesn’t have to be directly related to the idea that the person made a joke out of your dentition.

By simply telling the person that they suck, it always passes the message that there’s nothing funny in what they are doing to you.

It’s also a way to show that you’re unfazed about their attempt to make you feel about how your dentition looks like. Note, though, that your tone matters a lot when giving this comeback. 

3. Why are you worried about my teeth and not your soul? Get healed.

Good Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Teeth

The next time someone makes fun of your teeth, instead of trying to tell stories about why it’s that way or start feeling sorry for how you look, you can confidently remind the person to worry about the right thing. 

It is possible they have more dysfunctional issues internally to deal with, but instead, it is the teeth arrangement of someone else that they choose to be worried about. 

4. Hey, at least my smile’s authentic, not store-bought like yours.

Another witty comeback for when someone makes fun of your teeth is to say, “At least my smile’s authentic, not store-bought like yours.”

This will automatically flip the conversation to be more about them.

The sweetest part of this comeback is that you make them see how they are living an unhappy life deep down while you’re enjoying smiling that comes from the heart, with or without a perfect dentition. 

5. Well, my dentist says imperfection is charming. Yours must be blind.

You can diss someone who tries to make fun of your teeth by calling them blind. The idea is to tell them that imperfection is charming and you’re happy with how you look.

The fact that they don’t see you for who you are without making a topic off your dentition is proof that they are blind. 

This is the kind of comeback that will make the person mad. 

6. My teeth may not be perfect, but at least I don’t have a personality cavity like you.

Personality cavity in this context metaphorically means someone with a flaw or deficiency in character or personality. 

Just like a dental cavity affects the health of a tooth, a personality cavity affects the overall quality or attractiveness of someone’s personality. 

With this in mind, “My teeth may not be perfect, but at least I don’t have a personality cavity like you” sounds like a perfect response or comeback for when someone is making fun of your teeth

7. You must be bored if you’re critiquing people’s teeth. Need a hobby?

Another intelligent way to respond when someone laughs at your teeth is to tell them to call them bored for seeing no other profitable thing to do than to make fun of your teeth. 

What you will achieve by using this comeback is that it deflects their criticism by implying that they have nothing better to do than to nitpick others. 

You can also use this line to subtly suggest that their behaviour reflects more on their character than on your teeth. 

8. You’re obsessed with my teeth. Should I be flattered or concerned?

Nothing pains an opp more than when you assume they are craving attention as opposed to just trying to ridicule you. 

When you show the person that you’re not feeling bad about their attempt, it drives them insane that they aren’t getting under your skin. 

So this is why I think the response, “You’re obsessed with my teeth. Should I be flattered or concerned?” It is one of the best comebacks to give when someone tries to joke about your teeth. 

9. Thanks for your concern, but I’m pretty sure my teeth are doing just fine without your commentary.

You could play the bigger person in the conversation and accept their joke gracefully. You do this in such a way that it makes them mad that you weren’t even vexed at their attempt to make fun of your teeth. 

Verbal bullies feed on your reaction, and when you starve them of these, it’s as though they’re the ones being made fun of. 

So thank them for their comment, but remind them that it was not solicited, and you’re just fine without them. 

10. I’ll remember that the next time I need dental advice from a comedian.

Who says humour is not needed when giving a comeback?

If you want to respond with something funny but still dissing when someone makes fun of your teeth, you can never go wrong with the reply, “I’ll remember that the next time I need dental advice from a comedian.”

By calling them a comedian, you’ve reduced them to a clown and, as such, wouldn’t even take any of their words to heart. 

It’s an intelligent way to brush off their comment on your teeth and show confidence that whatever they say about you doesn’t bother you. 

11. Newsflash: teeth aren’t meant to be cookie-cutter perfect. 

Sometimes, you don’t have to spell out the cuss words to give the best comeback. Depending on the person who is trying to make fun of your teeth, you can simply remind them that teeth aren’t absolutely meant to be perfect. 

Nobody is perfect. There is a high likelihood that the person making fun of you also has natural defects as well, either obvious ones or otherwise. 

12. Sorry, my dentist doesn’t take requests from random critics.

The person trying to make fun of your teeth is nobody but a random critic. They are simply commenting on your look just for mockery’s sake. 

It’s very far from sharing expert ideas about how to manage your dentition growth and health. 

So when someone makes fun of your teeth, in the spirit of ignoring them, remind them that their inputs hold no water and you’re unbothered by it. 

13. My teeth may not be flawless, but they’re real. I can’t say the same for your character.

When trying to reply to someone who is making fun of your teeth, you can start by first acknowledging that your teeth might not be perfect, but they’re genuine, and you’re proud of it. 

The best part of this punchline is that you subtly point out that while your teeth may have imperfections, at least you’re authentic and honest about them, unlike the person who may be hiding some of their imperfections. 

14. I see you’re an expert on teeth. It’s a shame your expertise doesn’t extend to manners.

If you want a sarcastic comeback for when someone makes fun of your teeth, you could say, “I see you’re an expert on teeth. Shame your expertise doesn’t extend to manners.”

Unfortunately, the person is able to act like they know all about dental issues, but it still doesn’t translate into good manners. 

It’s a way to brush off their comments and reverse the ridicule back on them. 

15. Funny how you’re fixated on my smile. Maybe you should focus on your own.

Good Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun Of Your Teeth

Tell them to focus on their smile. The person who is trying to make fun of your teeth may have flaws, too, and they should worry about themselves instead of criticising others.

Isn’t it interesting how they are so interested in your smile? Maybe they should pay attention to their smile instead of picking on yours.

You can use this line as a clever way to deflect their insult and put them in their place without resorting to insults or aggression. 

16. If you’re trying to make me self-conscious, you’ll have to try harder. Nice try, though.

Firstly, you will use this comeback to deflect the insult by acknowledging it without giving it power over you.

 The reason why I like this comeback is because it helps you to demonstrate confidence and self-assurance. 

Instead of showing vulnerability, you maintain your composure and refuse to let the insult affect you. 

This can make the insulter feel powerless and may even earn you respect from bystanders who witness the conversation.

17. My teeth are like me – unique and not here to meet your standards.

Another fantastic response you can give when someone makes fun of your teeth is to tell them, “My teeth are like me – unique and not here to meet your standards.”

Sure, there’s a more straightforward explanation:

It means you’re happy by yourself, just the way you are, and you don’t need to fit someone else’s idea of what’s expected.

It’s a confident way to respond that shows you’re not bothered by what others say about you, and it might even make the person who made fun of you think differently about how they treat people.

18. I embrace my imperfections. It builds character. You should try it sometime.

You may think that it’s dangerous to accept their comment when someone makes fun of your teeth. But trust me, that’s the best way to diss them. 

There’s no harm in acknowledging that you have an imperfection, but so does everyone. No one is perfect. But you can also add a twist to it by saying they should do the same, too. 

19. Teeth are meant for chewing, not for you to chew me out about.

This is a witty way to respond when someone tries to take you on with your teeth. 

I like the wordplay here. Teeth are indeed for chewing food, which adds a humorous twist to the phrase.

On the other hand, “chew out” is an idiom meaning to scold or criticise someone, so your response cleverly turns the insult back on the person who made fun of you.

Instead of resorting to insults or stooping to the same level as the person who mocked you, you calmly and confidently redirect the focus away from your appearance and toward their behaviour. 

I can’t think of a better than to show maturity and to put the other person in their place without escalating the situation further.

20. I’ll take flawed authenticity over artificial perfection any day. 

Shift the focus from your not-so-perfect teeth to something positive, like being honest and trustworthy to yourself.

 It means you’d rather be genuine with flaws than fake with a fake smile.

This is a short and snappy comeback that even suggests that they are the ones being fake.

Wrapping Up 

When someone teases you about your teeth, it can feel really embarrassing, and it might even make you feel sad. 

Not everybody has teeth that look like they belong in a toothpaste commercial. 

Some people’s teeth might not be perfectly straight or shiny white, no matter how much they brush them. 

So, if someone makes fun of your teeth, just remember that everyone’s teeth are different, and that’s totally okay.

But you wouldn’t just fold your hands and make someone ridicule you over someone you can’t control. So, use any of the above comeback punchlines also to put the mockers in their place. 

I hope you found this helpful. 


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