20 Funny Roasts for Someone Who Is Rude

How to Roast Someone Who Is Rude

We’ve all encountered that rude person who doesn’t care how their behavior affects people. This set of people are always getting into trouble with people because of their attitude.

If you’ve encountered one, you’ll agree with me that most of the time we desire to respond to them and put them in their place.

However, you might find it difficult to find the right way to go about that. That’s why in this article, I’ll be taking you through funny roasts for someone rude.

These humorous and sarcastic insults will help you stand up for yourself and put a rude person in their place.

Here Are 20 Funny Roasts for Someone Rude

There are many savage insults to deal with and make fun of rude people around you.

First, as I’ve previously stated, it can be difficult getting at someone rude, because they’re likely to have a ready comeback. However, a good and funny roast can shut them up.

Some examples include: “Okay, are you done? Show me you off button,” “Are you sure you aren’t bad luck? You always seem to drain the happiness from people you meet,” and “Always reset your brain before you speak.”

Here are 20 hilarious roasts for a rude person:

  1. Show me your off button
  2. You think I’m shy! I just can’t deal with you
  3. I have heels higher than you’re worth
  4. The luckiest people are those who don’t know you
  5. Your personality stinks like your breath
  6. If I looked half as you do, I would sue my parents
  7. Your presence stimulates a panic attack
  8. You remind me every day why you should be kept in the zoo.
  9. Your tongue isn’t meant for your mouth, it should be cut, tied, and hung in public
  10. Is your stupidity for sale?
  11. Do you have a reset button in your brain?
  12. My dog cleans better than you
  13. I would’ve given you a second thought, but I remember there’s no difference between you and a goat
  14. Whatever doesn’t take your life, fails me
  15. Someday you’ll go far away. And I hope you don’t remember the way back
  16. Oops! Forgive me for thinking I was speaking  to an adult
  17. Oh dear, I can’t think of an insult that’s dumb for your level
  18. I don’t know what makes you this foolish, but it works
  19. My bad. I didn’t realize my happiness brings you sorrow
  20. I told my therapist that you’re my problem

Show Me Your Off Button

“Show me your off button” is a classic burner that’ll deal with a rude person.  This is a funny thing to say to interrupt them while they’re talking or immediately they’re done talking.

Also, this statement indicates that you’re tired of hearing them talk, and so you want to keep them shut.

Here are some examples:

  • Okay, are you done? Show me your off button
  • When you’re done ranting, you can show us your off button

You Think I’m Shy! I Just Can’t Deal with You

Another insulting thing to say to someone is, “You think I’m shy! I just can’t deal with you.”

It’ll work for someone disrespectful to you. Sometimes when you don’t pay attention or respond to rude people, they assume that they’ve shut you up or that you’re afraid of them.

So, this is an appropriate thing to say when they make this assumption. Let them know you’d rather remain silent than deal with their rudeness.

I Have Heels Higher than You Are Worth

How to Roast Someone Who Is Rude

Another perfect way to roast a rude person is with this perfect bomb, “I have heels higher than your worth.”

One very smooth way to get at someone is by making them feel less of themselves. In this context, it’s a funny way to deal with a rude person who doesn’t care about people’s feelings or respect them.

Moreover, telling them you’ve heels higher than they’re worth should leave them lost for what to say. Say this in front of others and it’ll sting for a long time.

The Luckiest People Are Those Who Don’t Know You

Another thing you can say to a disrespectful person is, “The luckiest people are those who don’t know you.”

This is a stinging remark that’ll get at them. It implies people who don’t know them are fortunate. It shows that you don’t appreciate meeting or knowing them.

Also, it’s a humorous way to get at them when they’re being disrespectful. Also, making this statement should sober them up even if you say it playfully.

Here are some examples:

  • If I’m asked to change my past. I’ll erase the day I met you
  • Are you sure you aren’t bad luck? You always seem to drain the happiness from people you meet

Your Personality Stinks Like Your Breath

Another way to get at a rude person is with this stinging statement, “Your personality stinks like your breath.”

This is another funny roast that should cause anyone who hears it to laugh. It’s a perfect thing to say to an uncultured person when they begin displaying their disrespectful attitude.

Also, this is a double insult that would hit its mark adequately. Saying their personality stinks like their breath means they’ve got a bad attitude and a stinking breath.

Trust me, no one would love to hear this one.

Here are some examples:

  • I don’t know what I should be scared of, your decaying breath or your repulsive attitude
  • You should stay a distance when you talk to people because you neither have a nice smell nor an attractive personality

If I Looked Half as You Do, I Would Sue My Parents

“If I looked half as you do, I would sue my parents” is another hilarious way to roast a disrespectful person. This classic burner will surely get the reaction it deserves.

This is another two-in-one insult that implies that they’re ugly, and referring to their parents should get at them.

Also, apart from implying that their parents aren’t good-looking, this iconic line advises them to sue their parents for their bad looks.

  • I would’ve given you a nasty look, but I just remembered you’ve got one
  • Your face reminds me of why onions cry

Your Presence Stimulates Panic Attack

How to Roast Someone Who Is Rude

“Your presence stimulates panic attack” is another funny and stinging remark that’d work for a rude person.

This statement implies that whenever they’re around, it’s not a good thing. It’s a smooth way to roast them in the presence of people.

Here are some examples:

  • There’s rejoicing whenever you disappear from here
  • You should ask yourself why sadness always hangs around you

You Remind Me Every Day Why You Should Be Kept in the Zoo.

“You remind me every day why you should be kept in the zoo” is another amusing way to roast an uncultured person.

This is another stinging statement that should cause some laughter. It’s a perfect thing to say as a response to their rude display.

Here are some examples:

  • You’ve got a place in the zoo. It’s high time you relocated
  • A wild animal is more cultured than you

Your Tongue Isn’t Meant for your Mouth, it Should Be Cut, Tied, and Hung in Public

“Your tongue isn’t meant for your mouth, it should be cut, tied, and hung in public” is another funny thing to say to a rude person.

It’s a perfect thing to say when they speak rudely to you or others around you. It implies that since they don’t know how to talk, they’re better off without a tongue.

Also, saying their tongue should be cut, tied, and hung in public should get at them.

Is Your Stupidity for Sale?

Another question you can ask a disrespectful person is, “Is your stupidity for sale?”

You can calmly ask them this question immediately after they display their rude character. It’ll surely cause some laughter from others around.

Here are some examples:

  • You should slow down, you’re often too quick to display your stupidity
  • Whenever you speak, you show us more of your stupid side

Do You Have a Restart Button in Your Brain?

Another classic burner for an uncultured person is, “Do you have a restart button in your brain?”

You should ask them this question after they make a rude statement to cause some laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • You should use your reset button often, you always malfunction
  • Always reset your brain before you speak

My Dog Cleans Better than You

How to Roast Someone Who Is Rude

“My dog cleans better than you” is another thing to say to roast someone rude.

When someone disrespects you can respond with this statement to shut them up. It’s a funny thing to say that’ll get everyone laughing, as it implies that they’re very dirty.

Here are some examples:

  • You should learn to clean up your dirt first before you talk to people
  • I’ve no business talking with someone my dog cleans better than

I Would’ve Given You a Second Thought, but I Remember There’s No Difference Between You and a Goat

“I would’ve given you a second thought, but I remember there’s no difference between you and a goat” is another stinging statement to make to someone who is rude.

This classic burner will work for a rude person. Believe me, it wouldn’t sit well with them when you compare them to a goat.

Whatever Doesn’t Take Your Life, Fails Me

“Whatever doesn’t take your life, fails me” is another way to roast a rude person.

This statement will work for an uncultured person, as it implies that you’d prefer they’re not alive.

It’s a funny way to let them know how annoying they are.

Someday You’ll Go Far Away. And I Hope You Don’t Remember the Way Back

“Someday you’ll go far away. And I hope you don’t remember the way back” is another statement that’d work when you want to roast a rude person.

It’s another amusing burner that shows how much you hate being around the person. It’ll work for a rude person to point out their bad attitude. Saying you hope they don’t remember their way back will surely cause some laughter.

Oops! Forgive Me for thinking I Was Speaking to an Adult

Another iconic roast for someone who is rude is, “Oops! Forgive me for thinking I was speaking  to an adult.”

No adult would love to be referred to as a child. Even children sometimes like to be called adults. So, this statement is a real burner that’ll sting deeply.

  • Oh sorry dear, I thought for a second you were smart enough to understand me
  • Oops! I promise to come down to your level another time

Oh Dear, I Can’t Think of an Insult That’s Dumb for Your Level

“Oh dear, I can’t think of an insult that’s dumb for your level” is another hilarious way to insult someone who is rude.

It’ll work for a rude person when they act disrespectfully to you or to someone around.

Also, using a calm and sympathetic tone makes it funnier.

I Don’t Know What Makes You This Foolish, but It Works

“I don’t know what makes you this foolish, but it works” is another thing you can say to roast a rude someone perfectly.

This statement will surely get at a rude person, especially when they expect you to respond to their disrespect on their terms.

My Bad. I Didn’t Realize My Happiness Brings You Sorrow

“My bad. I didn’t realize my happiness brings you sorrow” is another thing you can say to roast a disrespectful person.

It’s a funny thing to say as a reply to their rudeness. It shows you’re not affected by their attitude. Moreover, starting by apologizing makes it funnier.

I Told My Therapist That You’re My Problem

“I told my therapist that you’re my problem” is another funny way you can reply to a rude person.

It’s a classic one-liner that indicates how troublesome they are.

Wrapping Up

The best way to deal with a rude person is either to ignore them or to give them a response they won’t be expecting.

These hilarious roasts above are good examples of ways you can match their energy and put them in their place.

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