20 Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

Are you just starting as a scare actor? Are you looking for creepy things to say to help you play your role well? Then you’re in the right place.

Scare acting can be quite fun, especially if you know the right lines to say all the time. However, knowing the right lines to use at the right time can be quite daunting, as sometimes you don’t get the expected response from your target.

Notwithstanding, you don’t have to be discouraged, as I’ve got good news for you. In this article, I’ll be discussing some of the scary things you can say as a scare actor.

Whether you’re new to the game, or you want to fine-tune your lines for the next Halloween task, these lines will serve you well.

Moreover, they’re far from cliche and will give your audience something they won’t be expecting.

20 Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

Are you jumping onto the next scary mission? Here are some of the things to say to make your target uncomfortable: 

“Can I walk with you? A shadow keeps following me,” “Hello, your face is so white. Are you dead?” and “I love your skin, my teeth will look good on them.”

Below are 20 creepy things to say as a scare actor:

  1. Can I walk with you? A shadow keeps following me 
  2. I was told I looked more beautiful when I was dead, can you help confirm that?
  3. I’ve been told razors are multipurpose, do you mind me checking it out?
  4. You look interesting, but I bet you’ll look more interesting in a coffin
  5. Hello, your face is so white. Are you dead?
  6. Can we take a walk together? It’s really boring in the graveyard
  7. Don’t go to your house today
  8. Excuse me, you gave me the wrong number when we last met
  9. I’m thirsty, do you have blood for me?
  10. I love your skin, my teeth will look good on them
  11. Can you please permit me to lick you? I heard black skin tastes better 
  12. You walk too slow, what if I was a serial killer?
  13. You look good. Can I become one with you? 
  14. Why did you give me the wrong address to your house 
  15. I know the route you take every day. You can’t run from me
  16. I told you I’m always behind you
  17. I see you every day in my dreams. You look the same 
  18. You better watch your back. I see you 
  19. Sadly, you’ll soon die. I’ll miss you
  20. What if I tell you that this is not my first time in this world?

Can I Walk with You? A Shadow Keeps Following Me

Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

“Can I walk with you? A shadow keeps following me” is one of the creepiest things to say to someone.

This is the most random of things to say to someone that’ll immediately get them worried. 

It’s the perfect line that’ll get them looking behind them in search of a shadow, and if they find none, it makes it all the scarier.

Also, it’s something you can say to a stranger or to someone you know. As a scare actor, don’t be afraid to pop this question to your friend anytime, the fact that they know you will heighten their fear.

I Was Told I Looked More Beautiful When I Was Dead, Can You Help Confirm That?

Another crazy thing to say to someone to creep them out is, “I was told I looked more beautiful when I was dead, can you help confirm that?”

This is another fantastic line that’ll make you a great scare actor. Also, this is the perfect line to pop out of nowhere to a stranger, as that would make them wonder who or what you are.

Moreover, casually asking this question will make it scarier.

You can try something like:

  • Do you mind checking my look? I’ve been told I’m prettier dead
  • Am I pretty? Most people say they prefer the dead me

I’ve Been Told Razors Are Multipurpose, Do You Mind Me Checking It Out?

Another random statement to make to someone to scare them is, “I’ve been told razors are multipurpose, do you mind me checking it out?” 

This is a simple statement you can make in the most casual of ways to someone and get the desired effect.

Imagine walking up to someone you don’t know and asking if you can test a razor blade; without saying so, they’re automatically going to think you want to try it out on them.

So, as a scare actor, this is one of the creepy things you can try with a stranger. Ensure you sound conversational and unthreatening; it makes it all the fun.

You Look Interesting, but I Bet You’ll Look More Interesting in a Coffin

“You look interesting, but I bet you’ll look more interesting in a coffin” is another disturbing thing to say to someone.

One of the things humans are afraid of is death. Though not everyone is scared of death, still the mention of death scares a large number of people.

So, as a scare actor, one of the things you can say to creep someone out is to mention them and a coffin in one sentence.

With this line, they’re automatically going to think you’re some serial killer out to butcher them.

Hello, Your Face Is So White. Are You Dead?

One of the ways to scare a stranger is with this weird question, “Hello, your face is so white? Are you dead?” 

This is another casual statement to make that’ll certainly get them on their toes. Moreover, walking up to someone you don’t know and showing concern with this sentence is sure to get to them.

Be careful though, they might scream for the police with this one.

You can tweak yours in this way:

  • Hello, your face is so white. You sure must be dead. But, how come you’re moving about?
  • Hello, your face is so white. Are you a ghost or something?

Can We Take a Walk Together? It’s Really Boring in the Graveyard

Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

“Can we take a walk together? It’s really boring in the graveyard” is another crazy question to ask someone to scare them.

This is a crazy line you can use randomly with strangers at a park or on the road. It’s a hilarious line that implies you’re a ghost. 

While ghost-themed lines for scare actors are quite common, getting into step with your target and offhandedly asking this question is sure to get them to take some steps away from you.

Don’t Go to Your House Today 

“Don’t go to your house today” is another random thing to say to someone you don’t know to scare them.

This is another perfect way to get them uncomfortable, as they’d assume you know them and know where they live. 

One of the things that scare people is strangers knowing where they live.

So, with this statement, you’ve succeeded in giving them a double scare, as they’d be left wondering how you know the house and what the hell is going to happen there.

Excuse Me, You Gave Me the Wrong Number When We Last Met

“Excuse me, you gave me the wrong number when we last met” is another hilarious line you can use to creep someone out as a scare actor.

It’s a perfect line for a stranger to leave them confused and worried. Moreover, politely and convincingly making this statement is sure to get under their skin.

In addition, it’s a perfect way to make them think you’re following them.

  • Excuse me, you gave me the wrong number when we last met. Can you correct that?
  • Excuse me, you gave me the wrong number when we last met. I told you we’d meet again, right?

I’m Thirsty, Do You Have Blood for Me?

“I’m thirsty, do you have blood for me?” is another crazy line to say as a scare actor.

This is a classic creepy line that’ll work during a casual conversation with someone you just met.

For instance, when you get into a discussion with them, along the line you can make this comment. 

Imagine telling someone you’re thirsty, but instead of asking for water, you ask for blood. It’s certain to creep them out.

I Love Your Skin, My Teeth Will Look Good on Them

“I love your skin, my teeth will look good on them” is another scary statement to make to a stranger.

It’s a funny statement that compliments them. However, when you complete your sentence, it’s sure to frighten them.

Also, this line will work well when you approach them with a friendly demeanor. You’re sure to give them quite a scare at the end of the day.

  • I love your skin, my teeth will look good on them. Can I bite into them? (You can advance towards them at this stage)
  • I love your skin, my teeth will look good on them. I’m sure they’d taste good too

Can You Please Permit Me to Lick You? I Heard Black Skin Taste Better 

“Can you please permit me to lick you? I heard black skin taste better” is another strange statement to make to scare someone. 

This is a hilarious line you can say to a stranger you walk up to meet. Not only is it strange, but it’s also a creepy line that’s going to give them quite a scare if you choose the right environment and time. 

For instance, on a lonely road in the dark or early hours of the morning.

You Walk Too Slow, What if I Was a Serial Killer?

“You walk too slow, what if I was a serial killer” is another interesting line you can use to scare someone you don’t know before.

As a scare actor, this is a perfect line you can try during one of your pranks. It’s going to work well if you sneak up on them and whisper this statement to them.

They’re probably going to think you’re a serial killer.

You Look Good. Can I Become One with You?

Another strange question to ask someone you’re just meeting is, “You look good? Can I become one with you?”

This is another creepy thing to say to them to terrify them.

First, complimenting them gets them comfortable. But, when you add the question, it’s going to leave them wondering who you might just be.

Why Did You Give Me the Wrong Address to Your House?

“Why did you give me the wrong address to your house?” is another random and terrifying statement to make to someone.

It’s another creepy line that’ll work for you as a scare actor. Using this line is going to get them wondering if you’re a stalker.

Moreover, making this statement to someone you haven’t met before adds to the fun, as you won’t only scare them, you’ll also end up confusing them.

I Know the Route You Take Every Day. You Can’t Run from Me 

Another classic line you can use to scare someone is,“I know the route you take every day. You can’t run from me.”

Telling a random person you meet on the streets that you know where they follow every day is surely going to creep them out.

Additionally, adding that they can’t run from you will make it more interesting.

I Told You I’m Always Behind You 

Creepy Things to Say as a Scare Actor

“I told you I’m always behind you” is another interesting line you can use to frighten someone.

Sneaking up to a random person and whispering that you’re always behind them is sure to send a chill down their spine.

You can try the following:

  • I told you I’m always behind you. You won’t know when I get you
  • I told you I’m always behind you. You’re too careless 

I See You Every Day in My Dreams. You Look the Same 

“I see you every day in my dreams. You look the same” is another creepy line to try as a scare actor.

Telling a total stranger that you see them in your dream is not something they’d like to hear.

Also, adding that they’re not different from what you see will add to their fear.

You Better Watch Your Back. I See You 

“You better watch your back. I see you” is another frightening line that’ll work for you as a scare actor.

Sneaking up to some random person and mumbling this warning is going to get to them.

Moreover, using a threatening voice will make it more interesting.

Sadly, You’ll Soon Die. I’ll Miss You 

Another creepy thing to say to terrify someone is, “Sadly, you’ll soon die. I’ll miss you.”

This one will work for someone you know and also a stranger. Speaking about their death so randomly is sure to get them scared.

Moreover, speaking about it with confidence will spice things up.

What if I Tell You That This Is Not My First Time in This World?

“What if I tell you that this is not my first time in this world? is another ridiculous question to throw at someone to make them uncomfortable.

This is a disturbing statement you can make randomly during a discussion to scare them.


Being a scary actor is all fun until you run out of what to say to scare your victim. So, it’s best to have some lines ready at the tip of your tongue.

This article has provided you with creepy things you can say to frighten your target. Feel free to use them as a guide to creating your scary lines.


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