20 Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty

Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty

Have you ever been called petty before? What did you do to deserve the name-calling?

While being petty is considered a negative attitude, some people may describe you as one when things don’t go their way. So, how do you react when you find yourself in such situations?

Also, some people believe being petty is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it feels good to talk about something, no matter how trivial. 

So, if someone calls you “petty,” whether you’re being one or not, I’ve got good comebacks you can use as a response.

Keep reading this article to find out the best comebacks for being called petty.

20 Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty 

If someone calls you “petty,” there are many things you can say to deal with them.

For example, “Who’s checking?,” “I would have considered your opinion if you meant something to me,” and “Everyone has been petty one way or the other.”

Below are for being called petty:

  1. I’m not petty, I only give people what they deserve
  2. As long as I haven’t committed a crime, it’s fine
  3. Who’s checking?
  4. It takes one to know one
  5. I’m sorry, I’m not just like you who likes being taken for granted 
  6. I would have considered your opinion if you meant something to me
  7. Unfortunately, I don’t care
  8. Take some chill, there are plenty of us out there
  9. It feels good
  10. What you say is a reflection of your baseless thoughts
  11. Everyone has been petty one way or the other
  12. You’re just angry that I’m no longer tolerating your nonsense
  13. You don’t expect me to kiss your ass every time, right?
  14. If you think I’ll keep letting things go, you’re mistaken
  15. You don’t expect me to ignore this one because I ignored the last one
  16. Yes, I want to chase a lot of people away from my life 
  17. Just because things didn’t go your way, you’re resulting in name-calling 
  18.  Nothing you ever say makes sense. I’m not surprised at this one 
  19. I know, I enjoy it
  20. Thanks for your observance. Any other mind-blowing observation you’d like to reveal to me?

I’m Not Petty, I Only Give People What They Deserve

“I’m not petty, I only give people what they deserve” is one of the things to say to someone who calls you petty.

This statement is a straightforward and polite one that you can use to defend yourself. It denies being petty, letting them know that you’re only doing what you ought to do.

For instance, if you feel offended by what looks like a little thing to others, don’t feel bad for calling the person who hurt you out. So, this response will work appropriately when they call you out.

As Long as I Haven’t Committed a Crime, It’s Fine 

“As long as I haven’t committed a crime, it’s fine” is another thing you can use to someone who calls you petty.

This time around, this response doesn’t deny their accusation. It lets them know that you don’t mind being referred to as a petty person as long as it’s not a criminal act.

In addition, it’s a perfect way to let them know that you’re not affected by their insult.

Who’s Checking?

Another wonderful comeback for someone who calls you petty is, “Who’s checking?” 

This is a smart question to ask them that’ll take them aback. Also, it’s a great way to let them know that you don’t care about the opinion they have about you.

Additionally, it’s a perfect way to dismiss them. 

  • Who’s checking? You?
  • Who’s checking? You? You’re insignificant 

It Takes One to Know One 

Another sharp response for someone who calls you petty is, “It takes one to know one.”

This is a clever comeback that shows them that you’re not bothered by being called petty by them. Also, this reply accuses them of being petty themselves. It’s a smart way to dismiss and discard them.

  • It takes one to know one. You can come back when you have something to say to me
  • It takes one to know one. We’re all the same

I’m Sorry, I’m Not Just Like You Who Likes Being Taken for Granted 

“I’m sorry, I’m not just like you who likes being taken for granted “ is another great clapback for someone who says you’re petty.

This is a smart response that shows your pride in who you are and what you’ve done. Also, it shows that their insult doesn’t bother you.

In addition, stating that they like being taken for granted is a perfect way to ridicule them.

I Would Have Considered Your Opinion If You Meant Something to Me 

“I would have considered your opinion if you meant something to me” is another sharp reply you can use to dismiss someone who insults you.

If someone calls you petty, this response tells them that their words did not get to you.

Also, it’s a clever way to return the embarrassment to them, letting them know that they’re nothing to you, including what they say.

  • I would have considered your opinion if you meant something to me. Unfortunately, you don’t
  • I would have considered your opinion if you meant something to me, but, you don’t. So, learn to keep your opinion to yourself 

Unfortunately, I Don’t Care 

Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty

Another smart comeback for being called petty is, “Unfortunately, I don’t care.”

This is another snappy reply that’ll work to dismiss the person. Also, this response shows them that you’re not offended by their statement.

It’ll work well if you walk away or go on to ignore them after using the response.

Take Some Chill, There Are Plenty of Us Out There 

“Take some chill, there are plenty of us out there” is another great response that’ll work for someone who calls you out for paying attention to trivial things.

First, this response shows you’re not bothered by their words. Also, it lets them know that being petty is normal, emphasizing that you’re not the first who would act as you did.

  • Take some chill, there are plenty of us out there. Or do you intend to call everyone out?
  • Take some chill, there are plenty of us out there. You don’t have to act lousy about it 

It Feels Good 

“It feels good” is another smart reply for being called petty.

This is a simple but sarcastic reply that’ll ridicule them. It shows that you’re not affected by their insult while showing them that you enjoyed doing what you did. 

Moreover, using this response while smiling will surely get to them.

  • It feels good. Do you want to try it out?
  • It feels good. I bet you can’t wait to experience it

What You Say Is a Reflection of Your Baseless Thoughts 

“What you say is a reflection of your baseless thoughts” is another thing you can say to someone who calls you petty.

This statement is another classic comeback that dismisses them rudely. Also, it shows them that you’re not bothered by their words. 

Moreover, saying they have baseless thoughts will surely sting.

  • What you say is a reflection of your baseless thoughts, so I don’t care
  • What you say is a reflection of your baseless thoughts. They hold no water

Everyone Has Been Petty One Way or the Other 

“Everyone has been petty one way or the other” is a good reply for someone who calls you petty.

This cool statement shows that you’re not offended by their words. Also, it explains to them that being petty is not a new thing and that they too have acted petty.

  • Everyone has been petty one way or the other including you
  • Everyone has been petty one way or the other. Some pretend about theirs

You’re Just Angry That I’m no Longer Tolerating Your Nonsense

Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty

“You’re just angry that I’m no longer tolerating your nonsense” is another befitting response for someone who calls you petty. 

This reply will work for someone who calls you petty because of what you did to them. 

If they’ve been annoying for a long time, and you decide to act on it, this is an appropriate reply to give them if they call you out for your actions.

Also, it lets them know that you’ll no longer take everything from them.

You Don’t Expect Me to Kiss Your Ass Every Time, Right?

Another thing to say to someone who calls you petty is, “You don’t expect me to kiss your ass every time, right?”

Just like the above reply, if they call you petty because you reacted to something they did, use this reply to shut them up.

Also, it’ll work well for someone you’ve been overlooking their bad behavior.

If You Think I’ll Keep Letting Things Go, You’re Mistaken

“If you think I’ll keep letting things go, you’re mistaken” is another smart reply for someone who keeps taking you for granted.

If someone calls you petty because you decided to respond to their ill manner, use this response to dismiss them.

Also, it’ll work well to let them know that they can’t always have their way.

You Don’t Expect Me to Ignore This One Because I Ignored the Last One 

“You don’t expect me to ignore this one because I ignored the last one” is another befitting reply for someone who keeps abusing your tolerance.

Just like the previous examples, it’ll work well for someone that you have been tolerating, letting them know that you won’t anymore.

Yes, I Want to Chase a Lot of People Away from My Life 

“Yes, I want to chase a lot of people away from my life” is another great response to being called petty.

This reply will work for someone you want to cut away from. At some point in life, we all have to do away with some of the people in our lives. And one of the ways to go about it is by gradually withdrawing from them with our actions.

So, paying attention to little things is one of the ways to pass the message. Therefore, if they call you petty, use this reply to pass a clearer message.

  • Yes, I want to chase a lot of people away from my life, and I’m starting with you
  • Yes, I want to chase a lot of people away from my life. This is my way of doing so

Just Because Things Didn’t Go Your Way, You’re Resulting in Name-calling 

“Just because things didn’t go your way, you’re resulting in name-calling” is another clever comeback for someone who calls you petty.

As I’ve earlier stated, some people will accuse you of being petty if you do things they don’t like.

So, this response will work well for such people, calling them out for their childish acts.

Nothing You Ever Say Makes Sense. I’m Not Surprised at This One 

“Nothing you ever say makes sense. I’m not surprised at this one” is another smart response for someone who accuses you of being petty.

This reply dismisses their insult, letting them know that you can’t take their words seriously because they never make sense.

Also, it’s a funny way to insult them.

I Know, I Enjoy It

Best Comebacks for Being Called Petty

“I know, I enjoy it” is another clever comeback for someone who calls you petty.

First, it’s a simple reply that disregards their insult, letting them know that their words didn’t get to you.

Also, this is a sarcastic response that ridicules them.

  • I know, I enjoy it. Anything more to say?
  • I know, I enjoy it. You can now shed tears

Thanks for Your Observance. Any Other Mind-blowing Observation You’d Like to Reveal to Me?

“Thanks for your observance. Any other mind-blowing observation you’d like to reveal to me?” is another way you can mock someone who calls you petty.

First, thanking them for calling you petty is a sarcastic remark. Then further implying that they did well and asking if they have more to say to you will further ridicule them.

Also, it’s a perfect way to embarrass them in the presence of others.


If someone calls you petty, you don’t have to let their words get to you. Whether you’re being petty or not, there are great comebacks you can give to shut them up.

This article has provided you with enough smart statements you can use to reply to someone who calls you petty. So, feel free to always come back for them.


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