20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

Someone calling you a pig is an insult. The term “pig” is often used to describe someone messy, greedy, or behaves in a selfish or uncouth manner. It’s generally not a flattering way to tell someone.

So, how do you respond to someone calling you a pig?

You can give them the silent treatment and make them look like the fool, or you can respond with a sassy comeback like, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize we were on a farm. You must be mistaking me for your mirror.”

There are still many other clever things to say in return.

In the rest of this article, you will learn some of the best funny comebacks for when someone calls you a pig.

Table of Contents

List of the Best 20 Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

1. Well, I may be a pig, but at least I’m not a bore like you.

Leave the insulter stumped with the wordplay. Instead of getting upset, use this line first to accept being called a pig, then turn the insult around.

Being called a bore is way worse than being called a pig because it suggests being dull and uninteresting.

It’s such a clever response that the insulter won’t know how to come back from it.

Here are other variations: 

  • Yeah, I might be a pig, but at least I’m not as dull as you!
  • Sure, call me a pig, but I’d rather be that than be as boring as you!

2. That explains why your mom sucks pork meat

Use the x-rated joke to turn the table around. Nothing irks someone more than attacking their mom, especially when the roasting is intense.

This is simply throwing the insulter’s mother under the bus and implying she’s a whore. Not good at all. But you’re in for the brutality. If not, then try softer lines like:  

  • Well, your mom must love bacon, then!
  • Maybe your mom’s a fan of pork chops.

3. Takes one to know one

Turn their insult back on them. Remind them that they’re the one who really understands what being a pig is all about.

I also like this comeback because it’s a playful way to show that their insult didn’t bother you and that you’re quick on your feet with a clever response.

  • You’d know!
  • You’re the expert.

4. Well, everyone does seem to love bacon, so it makes sense.

Turn their insult into a compliment. A comeback like this one allows you to show that their insult does not faze you.

Instead of feeling bad, you show confidence and humor by making a joke out of it. Meanwhile, bringing up bacon is sure to get a laugh. It shifts the conversation from being harmful to being positive. 

  • Well, who doesn’t love bacon, right?

5. Squeal all you want; I’m still not buying what you’re selling.

By saying, “I’m still not buying what you’re selling,” you’re basically telling them that their insult doesn’t affect you.

You’re in control of your feelings and opinions, and you’re not buying into their attempt to bring you down.

  • Keep thinking, I’m not interested in what you’re saying.
  • Squeal away; your words won’t change my mind

6. If being a pig means I enjoy the finer things in life, then I am guilty as charged.

Comebacks are at their best when unexpected and intelligent.  Instead of getting mad or responding with a bland reaction, you surprise them with a clever response.

It catches them off guard and makes you look quick. They will know that calling you a pig didn’t get under your skin. 

  • If enjoying life’s pleasures makes me a pig, then I am guilty as charged!
  • Hey, if being called a pig means I know how to savor life’s joys, then consider me guilty!

7. Last time I checked, being a pig wasn’t a crime, but rudeness certainly is.

Don’t stop at defending yourself; also, point out that their insult is pretty weak. With this line, you’re telling the person to call you whatever they want, but it’s not going to bother you because you know being rude is worse than being called a pig.

So, with this comeback, you’re showing that you’re classy enough to handle insults without stooping to their level. 

  • Calling me a pig isn’t a big deal, but being rude definitely is.
  • It’s okay if you think I’m a pig, but being disrespectful is what’s really not OK.

8. You must be confused; I’m not a pig; I’m just outstanding in my field.

Make the international erroneous interpretation of Pig. What’s better? When it’s a win-win situation—you shut them down while still looking calm and composed.

This line allows you to play with words cleverly. Instead of taking “pig” as an insult, you interpret it as being excellent in your field of expertise, hence “outstanding in your field.”

  • Confused much? I’m not a pig; I’m just really good at what I do!
  • Huh? I’m not a pig; I’m just awesome at my thing!

9. At least I’m not a snake in the grass like you.

Comparing a pig (messy but honest) to a snake (sneaky and dishonest) helps make the point clear. You’re saying, indeed, you’re not perfect, but at least you’re not pretending to be something you’re not like the person is. 

  • Well, I’d rather be a pig than a sneaky snake like you!
  • Being messy is one thing, but being sneaky like you? No thanks!

10. If pigs are what you see, maybe get your eyes checked.

The average person, when called a pig, will get all worked up or start throwing insults back at them.

But to deliver this particular comeback effectively, you’re staying calm and relaxed, which shows confidence. And then, you compare their vision to seeing pigs. 

  • Maybe your glasses need a tune-up if all you see are pigs.
  • You might want to check your eyesight; I’m definitely not a pig.

11. If I’m a pig, you must be the one wallowing in negativity.

Again, flip the script. “Wallowing in negativity” paints a vivid image of someone being really pessimistic and gloomy. So this line helps you to make the point that they are the ones with the wrong attitude, not you.

  • If I’m a pig, then you’re swimming in negativity!
  • Calling me a pig? Looks like you’re the one stuck in the mud of negativity!

12. Sure, I’ll embrace being a pig if it means I get to avoid being a donkey like you.

Make the insult sound like no big deal to you. By mentioning the donkey, you let them know that the pig isn’t so nasty compared to being a stubborn donkey like them — A fantastic way to say they’re worse than you.

So you can see it’s not just a comeback; it’s a funny one! 

  • Call me a pig? Fine by me! I’d rather be a pig than a stubborn donkey like you.
  • Being called a pig? No biggie! I’ll take being a pig over being a donkey any day

13. Call me a pig one more time, and I’ll turn you into bacon.

Confidently challenge the insulter. Threatening to turn them into bacon adds a humorous flair to the comeback that makes the insult backfire on them. If you want to make them regret insulting you, this is a great comeback punchline to use. 

  • Keep calling me a pig, and I’ll have you oinking in no time!
  • Say ‘pig’ again, and I’ll have you joining me in the mud.

14. Keep grunting; I’m immune to your swine insults.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

Let them know their mission to get you riled up didn’t work. The nightmare of a verbal bully is when you make them see that their words have nothing on you.

Absolutely! So, imagine someone trying to insult you by calling you a pig. Your comeback shows you’re confident and not easily shaken. 

  • Nice try, but your piggy insults don’t faze me.
  • I’m not bothered by your piggy jabs.

15. Pig? What’s your best shot? You’re not even worth bacon.

By saying they’re “not even worth bacon,” you’re basically saying they’re not even good enough to be considered food. It’s a sneaky way to insult them back. It’s the kind of comeback that sticks in people’s minds because it’s clever and funny. 

  • Pig? Is that all you’ve got? I’ve heard better insults from a toddler.
  • Pig? Wow, original. I’ve seen more creativity on a blank page.

16. Well, well, well, it looks like someone’s hogging all the creativity with their insults.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

Act like you’re not upset. “Well, well, well” sets a playful tone, showing you’re not upset. Then you go ahead to say the insulter is being unoriginal and not very creative.

Use this line as a perfect way to make fun of their attempt to insult you while staying cool and funny.

  • Oh, seems like someone’s stuck on repeat with their insults! It looks like the creativity train missed your stop with that one!

17. If you’re trying to hurt my feelings, you’ll have to be more original than calling me a pig.

The key highlight of this comeback is that you’re showing them that their insult doesn’t faze you. You’re not giving them the reaction they want.

Instead, you’re kind of laughing it off and telling them they need to step up their game if they’re going to get under your skin.

And trust me, it’s much cooler to brush off their insult with a witty line than to let it bother you.

  • If you’re trying to insult me, you’ll need a fresher insult than ‘pig.’
  • Are you calling me a pig? That’s so last season. Try again

18. Thanks for the feedback, but I prefer being a pig over being a pest like you.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You a Pig

Make them look bad. The second part of your comeback is where you really shine. You tell them that you’d rather be a pig than be annoying like them.

So, you’re not just brushing off the insult – you’re also pointing out that they’re the annoying ones, not you. It’s a witty and effective way to handle the situation!

  • I’d rather be a pig than be annoying like you.
  • Being a pig sounds better than being a pest like you

19.  Funny, I don’t see any truffles around here for you to sniff out.

What you’re doing with this line is turning their insult around and making them look silly for not being more creative. Watch them struggle to come up with a response after you say this. You can even put it in any of these ways: 

  • Yeah, there are no truffles here. Guess I’m just hogging all the fun without the snout.
  • There are no truffles in sight, but I’ll gladly hog the spotlight without the mud

20. Being called a pig doesn’t bother me; I’ll just overeat on your jealousy instead.

Calling someone a pig usually implies they’re greedy or messy. But by saying you’ll “pig out on their jealousy,” you’re implying they’re jealous of you, which is a subtle way of one-upping them.

  • Are you calling me a pig? No biggie. I’ll just enjoy your jealousy instead.
  • Being called a pig? Meh. I’ll just laugh and enjoy your envy

Sometimes, You Don’t Need A ‘Comeback’… 

Depending on the situation, it may be more effective to not stoop down to their level and start exchanging words. 

Most of the time, when I’m called derogatory terms, Instead of stooping to their level, I respond confidently when someone tries to put me down.

I ask them to repeat their insult, making them face the absurdity of their comment. This is a tactic that the Comedians use while performing, and someone from this crowd throws a hurtful word at them.

By the third time of repeating the insult, they usually realize how pointless their attempt was.

Then, you can calmly ask them why they thought saying that would make them feel good. This approach stops their insults and leaves them feeling foolish.

I hope you found this article helpful. 


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