20 Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

Humor is a significant part of life. And Colombia takes it very seriously.

Colombia, a country in South America is known for its lively culture, warm and welcoming people, and has a rich tradition in humor.

From hilarious slang and expressions to lighthearted jokes and puns, Colombians know how to enjoy good jokes.

So, if you know a Columbian, a good roast with them is a cool way to enjoy a conversation with them. In this article, I’ll be sharing with you interesting punchlines you can use to roast a Colombian.

20 Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

From the mega and lively streets of Bogota, through eje cafetero, the home of Colombian coffee to the beautiful city of Medellin, Colombian jokes reflect the beautiful spirit of the nation.

Some examples include: “The Colombian soccer team brought a string to the match.

They said they wanted a tie,” “Do you know how to woo a Colombian woman? Just brew a cup of coffee for her,” and “Be careful not to piss a Colombian, they can keep the whole world awake.”

Here are 20 funny roasts for a Colombian person:

  1. The Colombian soccer team brought a string to the match. They said they wanted a tie
  2. I’m afraid of traveling to Columbia, I might get too fat to return
  3. I visited Colombia for the first time and I was greeted by Madmen Medellin in the city 
  4. Wow! So you’re a Colombian
  5. Do you sell cocaine too?
  6. Every Colombian reminds me of Pablo Escobar
  7. Why are you too proud of your third-world country?
  8. Have you caught Gonorrhea?
  9. You’re just a lámpara
  10. Whenever I see a Colombian I’m reminded of an atulampado
  11. Where will you find a smart Colombia? At the coffee shop
  12. Why did the Colombians take an AC to their carnival? To cool himself when things get boring 
  13. There are many beautiful Colombians but you’re more ugly than a car’s underside
  14. What do you call someone who talks too much in Colombia? Hablo Escobar
  15. What’s the difference between a child and a Colombian? One likes to struggle with drugs, the other likes to smuggle drug
  16. You might be arrested if you lose weight in Colombia
  17. Do you know how to woo a Colombian woman? Just brew a cup of coffee for her
  18. Be careful not to piss a Colombian, they can keep the whole world awake
  19. If you ask a Colombian to choose between coffee and cocaine, they’ll ask for a cocained coffee 
  20. If Columbians use their brains like they use their mouth, they’d have more sensible people

The Colombian Soccer Team Brought a String to the Match. They Said They Wanted a Tie

Like in many other countries, soccer is one of the most popular sports in Colombia. So, this line here provides an interesting way to roast a Colombian and by extension, their soccer team.

This is a funny line that makes fun of the team by implying that they’re not good enough. 

Also, it’ll work well to roast a Colombian footballer. However, you can always use this line during a roast battle to ridicule a Colombian.

I’m Afraid of Traveling to Columbia, I Might Get Too Fat to Return  

According to the World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency, 2016, Colombia is ranked as the 78th country with a high obesity rate.

So, you can use this one-liner to tease a Colombian. It makes fun of them by implying that they easily get fat in their country. 

I Visited Colombia for the First Time and I Was Greeted by Madmen Medellin in the City 

Medellin is one of the cities in Colombia. It’s the second largest.

So, this is a play on words you can use to tease a Colombian. This one-liner makes fun of their city, by implying that it houses madmen. They’ll surely not miss the joke.

  • I visited Colombia for the first time and I was greeted by madmen Medellin in the City. It seems it’s a city for mad people
  • There are a lot of madmen Medellin in Medellin 

Wow! So You’re a Colombian

“Wow! So you’re a Columbian” is another line you can use to roast a Colombian. This is a simple yet funny way to piss them off.

This expression indicates surprise at them being Colombian. Also, it’ll work well when they introduce themselves as one. It’s just like saying that you did not expect them to be from such a country.

  • Wow! So you’re a Columbian. It’s heartbreaking!
  • Wow! So you’re a Columbian. It’s such a pity 

Do You Sell Cocaine Too?

Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

“Do you sell cocaine too?” is one of the popular questions that many Colombians are accosted with by foreigners.

While Colombia is famous for many beautiful and interesting things, it’s also popular for illegal drug activities.

So, this is a crazy line you can use to finish a Colombian, especially when they introduce themselves. It’ll surely get to them.

Every Colombian Reminds Me of Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar was the most famous drug trafficker in the 80s. This is a very popular name that many Colombians would like to forget for a long time because of the havoc he caused in his time.

So, this is a crazy punchline you can use to roast a Colombian. It’ll surely hit hard, as it implies that you think of every Colombian as a drug trafficker. 

Why Are You Too Proud of Your Third-World Country?

While Colombia is not fully developed, its economy is rapidly growing, and it can be referred to as a developing country.

So, referring to this country as a third-world country is one of the fastest ways to get under a Colombian’s skin.

This is a savage remark you can use to make fun of them, especially using it as a response when they talk proudly about their country.

Have You Caught Gonorrhea?

Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

Colombia is famous for slangs and many interesting expressions. Gonorrhea is one of these expressions.

In Colombia, Gonorrhea means the same thing as it everywhere, a sexually transmitted infection. However, it can also be used as an insult to someone. It’s used to describe someone who behaves badly or annoyingly.

So, you can use this line on a Colombian when he acts grumpily or behaves in a way you don’t like. It’ll surely hit hard.

  • Have you caught gonorrhea? Just stop acting like a kid!
  • It seems you have gonorrhea. I’ll stay away from you until you heal 

You’re Just a Lámpara

Another interesting way you can roast a Colombian is with this expression, “You’re just a lámpara.” 

Lámpara is another funny expression you can use to insult a Colombian person. This word means “lamp” in Spanish, but in Colombia, it’s used to insult an arrogant person.

It’s often used for someone who likes to show themselves. So, you can use this line to playfully ridicule a Colombian, especially when they offer to do something.

Whenever I See a Colombian I’m Reminded of an Atulampado

Atulampado is another funny Colombian slang you can use to roast a Colombian.

This word is used to describe a naive person. Someone who’s easily pushed to do something. So, this is another interesting way to get to a Colombian.

Also, this punchline doesn’t only insult them, it insults every Colombian. 

  • You’re such an atulampado, you’ve no business talking to me
  • You’re such an atulampado. You need help

Where Will You Find a Smart Colombia? At the Coffee shop

Coffee is another thing that Colombia is well-known for. They’re one of the top five world’s largest producers of coffee. 

So, implying that you’ll only find smart Colombians at a coffee shop is another interesting way to roast them.

While this line may sound like a compliment at first, they would certainly not miss the underlying insult, as it implies that it’s only brewing coffee they’re good at.

Why Did the Colombians Take an AC to Their Carnival? To Cool Himself When Things Get Boring 

The Colombian carnival is another interesting thing about this country. They hold a yearly carnival at Barranquilla, on the Caribbean coast.

The carnival is one of the traditions they hold dear. So, making fun of this activity is one of the ways to easily piss them off.

Also, this savage remark will work well during a roast duel.

There Are Many Beautiful Colombians but You’re More Ugly Than a Car’s Underside

Another funny way to poke fun at a Colombian person is with this silly remark.

This is a savage comment that starts with first complimenting Colombians. However, by the time you end your statement, you might have burnt them completely.

It’ll work well when they introduce themselves or during a roast battle to finish them up.

  • You’re so ugly that a car’s underside can’t stand near you

What Do You Call Someone Who Talks Too Much in Colombia? Hablo Escobor

“Hablo” in Colombia means “speak.” So, this line is a play on the name “Pablo,” the powerful Colombian drug trafficker 

It’s another interesting way to make fun of a Colombian. They’ll certainly get the joke. Also, it’ll work well during a roast duel.

What’s the Difference Between a Child and a Colombian? One Likes to Struggle with Drugs, and the Other Likes to Smuggle Drug

Another funny way to roast a Colombian is with this crazy comparison.

Of course, it’s common knowledge that many children don’t like drugs. So, oftentimes they would struggle to take one.

This is a crazy line that insults Colombians by calling them drug dealers. It’s a strong statement they wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

In addition, using this line in front of an audience will cause a good laugh.

You Might Be Arrested If You Lose Weight in Colombia

Funny Roasts for a Colombian Person

“You might be arrested if you lose weight in Colombia” is another hilarious way to refer to Colombia’s high obesity rate.

It’s a sassy one-liner that ridicules them by implying that Colombians love to be fat.

Moreover, adding that they might be arrested makes it more hilarious. It’s an exaggeration that’ll hit hard.

  • Be careful and watch your weight while in Columbian. Losing a Kg may land you in prison
  • I’m worried about losing weight in Colombia. It seems like it’s a crime 

Do You Know How to Woo a Colombian Woman? Just Brew a Cup of Coffee for Her

As I’ve previously mentioned, Columbians have a great love for coffee. So, this is another classic one-liner you can use to make fun of them.

This is a playful insult thrown at a Colombian woman. It implies that they can be easily gotten by just a cup of coffee.

Also, it’ll work well during a roast duel to completely ridicule them.

  • It only takes a cup of coffee to get a Colombian woman. How cheap!
  • I met a Colombian woman and asked how much for a night. She whispered, “Just a cup of coffee.”

Be Careful Not to Piss a Colombian, They Can Keep the Whole World Awake

This is another line that can work in roasting a Colombian person.

It’s another funny way of referring to their love for caffeine and coffee. This line may sound like a positive remark. However, using the line sarcastically will certainly get to them.

If You Ask a Colombian to Choose Between Coffee and Cocaine, They’ll Ask for a Cocained Coffee 

Another interesting way to poke fun at a Colombian is by placing their love for coffee and cocaine side by side.

This savage one-liner emphasizes their love for hard drugs and coffee. Saying that they would want a cocained coffee is a hilarious way to insult them.

If Columbians Use Their Brains Like They Use Their Mouth, They’d Have More Sensible People 

This is another crazy line you can use to insult a Colombian. This iconic punchline is a double one-liner that calls them out for their love for food.

Also, it insults them by implying that they have very few sensible people. It’s a sassy one-liner that’ll work well during a roast duel.


Colombians have a rich culture of humor and will certainly enjoy a good joke with you.

So, feel free to roast a Colombian with these hilarious punchlines in this article.


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