20 Horse Girl Roasts: Check Them Out

Horse Girl Roasts

Back in the day, being a horse girl was not cool. People disregarded them and even bullied them.

However, these days, being a horse girl is now a flex. Many people admire girls who know a lot about horses. Also, some men are easily attracted to these types of girls.

So, as a girl, if you love horses, feel free to live your life as a horse girl.

However, this article is all about roasts and insults for horse girls. With crazy and humorous one-liners, we’ll be exploring the life of a horse girl.

Whether you’re a horse girl or not, feel free to use these one-liners to tease any horse girl you know.

20 Horse Girl Roast

Roasting a horse girl can be fun. With hilarious puns and one-liners, you can create humor and have a fun time with them.

Some interesting punchlines include: “Why do people hate horse girls? They ride on high horses,” “Who’s better, the horse girl or the horse? The horse, because it’s friendlier,” and “How do you quickly get a horse girl’s attention? Shouting hay!”

Below are 20 good horse girl roasts:

  1. What type of song do horse girls sing? Neigh pop
  2. Why do people avoid horse girls? They look more like horses now
  3. What is the stigma that comes with being a horse girl? They smell like horse poop
  4. Why do people hate horse girls? They ride on high horses
  5. What’s the difference between a horse and a horse girl? The horse is smarter
  6. How do you recognize a horse girl in one glance? She trots like a horse
  7. How did the horse girl win the race? She galloped her way to victory
  8. Why is it difficult to get a horse girl to date you? She’s already in a stable relationship
  9. Why is it best to stay away from horse girls? So you don’t contract hay fever
  10. Although a horse girl is always on a stable diet, they hardly look fit
  11. Why are horse girls so attached to their horses? They’re actually neigh(bors)
  12. Who’s better, the horse girl or the horse? The horse, because it’s friendlier
  13. What do you call a horse girl without a sense of humor? A horse
  14. What’s the danger of being a horse girl? Your voice becomes hoarse
  15. What do you call a horse girl who stays up late at night? A nightmare
  16. How do you quickly get a horse girl’s attention? Shouting hay!
  17. I saw the horse girl eating hay, she said her doctor recommended a stable diet
  18. Why does the horse girl look unhealthy? She is on an unstable diet 
  19. Being a horse girl means you only attract horses 
  20. Being a horse girl isn’t bad, it’s just stupid

What Type of Song Do Horse Girls Sing? Neigh Pop 

“What type of song do horse girls sing? Neigh pop” is one of the things to say to roast a horse girl.

This is a hilarious line that teases them about their love for horses. Also, it’s wordplay that ridicules them by inferring that they sing “neigh pop.” 

First, “Neigh” is the sound made by a horse. So, this is a funny way to say they sing like a horse. 

Why Do People Avoid Horse Girls? They Look More Like Horses Now 

“Why do people avoid horse girls? They look more like horses now” is another hilarious line you can use to roast a girl who likes horses.

Since they spend a lot of time with horses, this punchline ridicules them by saying they look like horses.

Also, saying that people avoid them because of their look is a stinging remark that’ll get to them.

What Is the Stigma That Comes With Being a Horse Girl? They Smell Like Horse Poop

Horse Girl Roasts

Another crazy line you can use to make fun of a horse girl is, “What is the stigma that comes with being a horse girl? They smell like horse poop.” 

This line is a savage one that implies that there’s a stigma that comes with being a horse girl. Also, stating that the stigma is smelling like horse poop is a funny way to insult them.

It’s something you can say after they make an appearance to stylishly say that they’re smelling of horse poop.

  • Being a horse girl means you smell like horse poop. Too bad
  • You should avoid public gatherings, you now smell like poop

Why Do People Hate Horse Girls? They Ride on High Horses

“Why do people hate horse girls? They ride on high horses” is another punchline you can use to roast a horse girl.

First, “on a high horse” is an expression used to describe arrogant people, people who think they’re better than others.

So, this is another play on words that ridicules them by stating that they’re always proud, so people hate them.

  • How can people like you? You’re always on a high horse

What’s the Difference Between a Horse and a Horse Girl? The Horse Is Smarter 

Horse Girl Roasts

Another funny line that ridicules a horse girl is, “What’s the difference between a horse and a horse girl? The horse is smarter.” 

This is a savage statement that compares them to a horse. Also, it doesn’t just compare them to a horse, it states that a horse is better because it’s smarter.

It’s a smart way to tell them that they’re not smart.

How Do You Recognize a Horse Girl in One Glance? She Trots Like a Horse 

“How do you recognize a horse girl in one glance? She trots like a horse” is another thing to say to roast a horse girl.

This is a hilarious line that compares them to a horse. It ridicules them by stating that they walk like a horse. Also, stating that people will recognize them because of their gait is a funny way to insult them.

How Did the Horse Girl Win the Race? She Galloped Her Way to Victory 

“How did the horse girl win the race? She galloped her way to victory” is another funny way to ridicule a horse girl. 

Gallop is usually used to describe the fast pace of a horse. So, this is another play on words that describes them as a horse.

It’s a rude way to say they ran like a horse.

Why Is It Difficult to Get a Horse Girl to Date You? She’s Already in a Stable Relationship

“Why is it difficult to get a horse girl to date you? She’s already in a stable relationship” is another thing to say to roast a horse girl.

This is another humorous pun they’ll find interesting. Also, this statement implies that it’ll be difficult to date them because they’re already in a stable relationship.

First, a stable is where horses are kept. So, this line can mean that she’s in a relationship with her horse.

  • A horse girl is already in a stable relationship, she can’t afford another
  • There’s a stable relationship between a horse and the horse girl, no one can come in between 

Why Is It Best to Stay Away from Horse Girls? So You Don’t Contract Hay Fever

“Why is it best to stay away from horse girls? So you don’t contract hay fever” is another crazy comment you can use to roast a horse girl.

This line ridicules their lifestyle of spending most of their time with horses. First, hay fever is a reaction to outdoor or indoor substances which are usually not harmful.

Although it’s called hay fever, it isn’t caused by hay. However, since hay is part of the things found in a stable, this is a wordplay you can use to make fun of a horse girl.

Moreover, saying it’s best to stay away from them will surely sting.

Although a Horse Girl Is Always on a Stable Diet, They Hardly Look Fit

“Although a horse girl is always on a stable diet, they hardly look fit” is another one-liner you can use to jest at a lady who likes horses.

This is another play on words that ridicules them by implying they don’t look fit.

Also, a “stable diet” implies they eat well. So, it mocks them for eating well and not looking healthy.

Why Are Horse Girls So Attached to Their Horses? They’re Actually Neigh(bors)

Another hilarious line you can use to make fun of a horse girl is, “Why are horse girls so attached to their horses? They’re actually neigh(bors).”

This is another funny pun that ridicules the relationship they share with their horses. Since they’re neigh– bors, it can mean that they both neigh 

Who’s Better, the Horse Girl or the Horse? The Horse, Because It’s Friendlier

“Who’s better, the horse girl or the horse? The horse, because it’s friendlier” is another hilarious way to roast a horse girl.

This line is another funny way to compare a horse girl to her horse. It ridicules her by stating that her horse is better than her.

In addition, it implies that she isn’t friendly.

  • You should have chosen to be a horse rather than a horse girl. They’re better than you
  • A horse is better than you, just deal with that fact

What Do You Call a Horse Girl Without a Sense of Humor? A horse

Another crazy line you can use to tease a horse girl is, “What do you call a horse girl without a sense of humor? A horse.” 

This is a ridiculous comment that insults them for lacking a sense of humor. In addition, calling them a horse for lacking a sense of humor is a crazy insult that’ll sting.

  • You should be called a horse and not a horse girl. You can’t take a joke like a horse
  • There’s no difference between you and a horse. You’re both humorless 

What’s the Danger of Being a Horse Girl? Your Voice Becomes Hoarse

This one-liner ridicules a horse girl by stating that being a horse girl comes with the danger of sounding rough.

It’s just a play on words she’ll find humorous.

What Do You Call a Horse Girl Who Stays Up Late at Night? A Night(mare)

“What do you call a horse girl who stays up late at night? A night(mare)” is another hilarious pun you can use to mock a horse girl. 

First, a mare is a female horse. So, this is a crazy line that calls them a mare. Also, calling them a nightmare is a funny way of referring to them as dangerous.

How Do You Quickly Get a Horse Girl’s Attention? Shouting Hay!

“How do you quickly get a horse girl’s attention? Shouting hay!” is another funny way to make fun of a horse girl.

As I’ve earlier mentioned, hay is kept in stables. So, this is a wordplay that ridicules them. They’ll find this punchline interesting.

I Saw the Horse Girl Eating Hay, She Said Her Doctor Recommended a Stable Diet 

“I saw the horse girl eating hay, she said her doctor recommended a stable diet” is another hilarious line you can use to ridicule a lady who keeps horses.

This statement ridicules them by implying that they’ll eat hay because it’s a stable diet. Also, it’s just a play on words that’ll get everyone laughing.

Why Does the Horse Girl Look Unhealthy? She Is on an Unstable Diet 

“Why does the horse girl look unhealthy? She is on an unstable diet” is a crazy line that roasts a horse girl for looking unhealthy.

This one-liner implies that they look unhealthy because they’re not on a stable diet. Also, it’s just a funny play on words that mocks their appearance. 

Being a Horse Girl Means You Only Attract Horses

Horse Girl Roasts

“Being a horse girl means you only attract horses” is another crazy statement you can use to poke fun at a horse girl.

This statement makes fun of them by implying that they can only attract horses and not humans. Also, it’s a classic roast line they won’t forget in a long time.

Being a Horse Girl Isn’t Bad, It’s Just Stupid 

“Being a horse girl isn’t bad, it’s just stupid” is another funny way to tease a horse girl.

This line is a sarcastic one that at first sounds like a compliment. However, the final sentence is sure to sting.


Roasting a horse girl can be fun just as much as being a horse girl.

If you have any girlfriend who loves horses, use these hilarious one-liners to tease them for a fun time with them.


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