20 Clever Insults for a Brummie

A “Brummie” is a term used to describe someone from the city of Birmingham, England. The word comes from “Brum”, which is a local nickname for the city.

Brummies are known for their strong accents and distinctive dialect, and the city itself is known for its industrial history and its vibrant culture. So, if you meet someone from Birmingham, you can call them a Brummie.

Here are clever insults to give a Brummie to get them pissed:

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Here are 20 Clever Insults for a Brummie

  1. When he got lost for seven days, we just posted “Call this number if you find a boy whose strong accent screams I am from Birmingham ” and we found him that evening.
  2. Before you can go out today with us, you need to lose that auspicious hoodie that makes you look like a suspect in every crime case.
  3. Your accent is a secret weapon that makes the most serious of news mundane and uninteresting.
  4. Whenever my mum wants me to come home early I go to your party, because after 6 songs have been played and they have the same beat I always want to come home and sleep.
  5. You have a knack for making the simple things in life complicated, like pronouncing “bath” as “barth”.
  6. Your pride is like a tiny flame, it flickers in the darkness, but it is easily extinguished by someone with good taste.
  7. Your accent is anti-helper because it repels anybody who wants to have a meaningful conversation with you.
  8. I bet your people invented “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” to make yourselves feel better about your appearance.
  9. Bad luck is taking orders from your household when I have just resumed my shift, one hour, we are still taking orders.
  10. I was told the fastest way to keep you quiet is to remind you of your team’s position on the championship table.
  11. Your pronunciation is so mangled, it is like you have a vendetta against vowels.
  12. Your slang is so off, it is like you are speaking in tongues.
  13. If I could make a wish on your behalf, it would be that you have a filter for your accent.
  14. Your accent is so grating it could strip paint off a wall.
  15. Do you have a competition with other British folks to see who can pronounce words the most inaccurately?
  16. If Brummie’s accent was a course in universities, people would stop going to school.
  17. Brummies are known for their quirky wit, or is that what you keep telling yourself to make up for your lack of it?
  18. Every time you open your mouth, your stories are like every bad episode of Peaky Blinders.
  19. Your habit of ending every conversation with “ay” sounds like you need validation for your basic thoughts.
  20. Your swag is so ancient, that even the Peaky Blinders it looks like you want to emulate will be disappointed.

When he got lost for seven days, we just posted “Call this number if you find a boy whose strong accent screams I am from Birmingham” and we found him that evening.

Brummies have a very distinctive accent that sets them apart from people of different accents or places.

Thus if a Brummie gets lost in a foreign country, his accent will give away that he is a British folk and a foreigner. Such a person should be easy to find.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • Your Brummie accent is like a never-ending rain cloud, perpetually dampening every glimmer of joy.

How to insult a brummie

Before you can go out today with us, you need to lose that auspicious hoodie that makes you look like a suspect in every crime case.

A Brummie fashion often involves wearing a hoodie, due to cold and because it is a trend that has come to stay there in Birmingham.

Then it is also because of the increase in gang activities, gang members love to wear hoodies all the time. This is the perfect insult for such individuals.

Insult them this way:

  • I burnt your hoodie because I know it brings you bad luck.

Your accent is a secret weapon that makes the most serious of news mundane and uninteresting

A very strong accent can be tiring to cope with especially when you are trying so hard all the time to hear what they are saying.

Easily, it can take all the seriousness or the urgency out of news or information that needs to be passed.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • It is no wonder that brummies are known for their lack of excitement; your accent alone could cure insomnia.

Whenever my mum wants me to come home early I go to your party, because after 6 songs have been played and they have the same beat I always want to come home and sleep.

Drill is the major genre of hip-pop that Brummies listen to because they are more rampant these days.

30 songs will have the same type of beat but with little differences, the only way you can tell them apart is the concept of the rapper’s or singer’s lyrics being recorded on the beat.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • They asked me to choose between your party and community service, I chose community service immediately.
  • I have met Brummies with better taste in music by that I meant pigeons cooing in the park.

You have a knack for making the simple things in life complicated, like pronouncing “bath” as “barth”

A brummie’s pronunciation of R is very active in their words and maybe passive depending on what word they are trying to pronounce.

It all comes with the accent and dialect. If you have anybody in this category, this is the perfect insult for them.

Insult them this way:

  • I heard Brummies have a special talent for making their “r” disappear, how convenient when they are always bahming (barming) out of places

Your pride is like a tiny flame, it flickers in the darkness, but it is easily extinguished by someone with good taste.

Pride in this statement embodies their accent and their taste in fashion. Thus, they have a strong accent which is hard to process for non-indigenous folks, and their fashion mostly starts and ends with hoodies and sneakers.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • I heard that Brummies are the salt of the word, but I guess the person who first said that mistook salt for baldness.

How to insult a brummie

Your accent is anti-helper because it repels anybody who wants to have a meaningful conversation with you.

This insult portrays a scenario where a Brummie needs help, especially in a situation where he travels out of Birmingham and wants to ask for directions or help.

He will have difficulties communicating with an indigene of another country who understands English to the minimum level, and he may be frustrated if care is not taken.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • Your accent is so thick it is a wonder you ever managed to communicate with the rest of the country.

I bet your people invented “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” to make yourselves feel better about yourselves.

Brummies have quirky charm and like everybody else in a culture or civilization, they are extremely proud of who they are and their heritage.

Thus, this insult is trying to make the Brummie in question feel sour about his accent and his defining qualities as a Brummie.

Insult them this way:

  • Are you from Birmingham, no wonder you have that distinct Brummie charm, which is like the charm of a rusty teapot.
  • Your fashion sense is so Brummie, it is stuck between the ’60s and the ’80s.

Bad luck is taking orders from your household when I have just resumed my shift, one hour, we are still taking orders.

Communication can be an unexpected obstacle for a Brummie and their family on vacation when they are visiting a nice restaurant.

This insult exaggerates and emphasizes how impeding the Brummie accent can be for effective communication.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • You are so Brummie, even your car honks with that distinctive Birmingham twang.

I was told the fastest way to keep you quiet is to remind you of your team’s position on the championship table.

The championship is the second division of the Premier League where teams who are relegated from the premiership go.

It is less watched all over the world, unlike the prestigious Premier League which is arguably the best league in the football world. This insult is best served for a Brummie to make them sour.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • Now that you have started bragging about your knowledge of football, how many matches has your team won this championship season?

Your pronunciation is so mangled, it is like you have a vendetta against vowels.

A brummie’s pronunciation can be so terrifying especially when they are serious and they are trying to make a point, or whenever they choose to use their slang.

This is the perfect insult for a person in this category.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • Is it true that you Brummies have your dictionary, it will be quite handy to translate mumbling into English.

Your slang is so off, it is like you are speaking in tongues.

Slang may sound like rubbish to an outsider who doesn’t understand what it means.

This insult compares the weirdness of Brummie slang to that of speaking in tongues which is also difficult to understand, all you can hear is people saying something you don’t know.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • I have heard Brummie can charm birds off the trees, but it seems they only fly away to avoid the accent.

If I could make a wish on your behalf, it would be that you have a filter for your accent.

A brummie’s accent is so distinct, probably a working accent filter could probably make it normal and easy to comprehend.

Thus, this insult emphasizes how badly the Brummie in question sarcastically needs a filter for his accent, because there is nothing like an accent filter.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • Your accent is like a secret code, only a Brummie can decipher, others are left bewildered.

Your accent is so grating it could strip paint off a wall.

This insult directly compares the accent of a Brummie to a paint scraper, and that the accent sounds like a paint scraper grating against the wall and producing sound, and it is so unsoothing that it makes it hard for a non-Brummie to comprehend.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • Your accent is like a rollercoaster ride, it is a wild journey full of ups and downs and plenty of confused screams along the way.

Do you have a competition with other British folks to see who can pronounce words the most inaccurately?

This insult portrays how difficult it is to understand a brummie’s pronunciation. When they pronounce it, it may not be wrong, but it may sound like a different thing entirely, thereby creating confusion. An example is “worth” sounding like “what”.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but imitating a Brummie accent just feels like a bad impersonation.

If Brummie’s accent was a course in universities, people would stop going to school

A Brummie accent can be so difficult to understand, not to mention study it as a course, people will have a hard time passing it.

It would be one of the most challenging courses in linguistics if it were to exist, and fewer people would want to study it.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • I changed my university when we had two Brummie lecturers who made me fail for the first time in my life.

Brummies are known for their quirky wit, or is that what you keep telling yourself to make up for your lack of it?

Brummies think they are naturally funny, but few of them can put to use that accent in a way that people will find them funny like most Brummies hope to be.

If you have anybody in this category, this is the best insult for them.

Insult them this way:

  • You must be a Brummie because your humor is as flat as a pancake.

Every time you open your mouth, your stories are like every bad episode of Peaky Blinders.

Peaky Blinders are some legendary gangsters who operated in Birmingham a long time ago and were portrayed in the movie Peaky Blinders, they were bad news for the people of Birmingham.

In recent times, Birmingham still has frequent gang activities, therefore Brummie will always have a bad story to tell.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • You Brummies are always scared of sirens, even if it is a TV advertisement.

Your habit of ending every conversation with “ay” sounds like you need validation for your basic thoughts.

Brummies are used to some expressions like ending their sentences with “ay” or “fam”. It may be something they do and they are cool with it, but it may sound weird to other people who notice or hear it for the first time.

Insult them this way:

  • I only like to mimic you every time I want to end a phone call with my parents.

Your swag is so ancient, that even the Peaky Blinders it looks like you want to emulate will be disappointed.

Brummies are known for their love of fashion, but they do have some specific types of dress and clothes that are trending among them and one of them is a hoodie.

No matter what a Brummie wears, they complement it with a hoodie. While they might like it, other people might not like it.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • I always offer you my suit whenever you have an important meeting, because you may decide to wear your favorite clothing that you know everybody hates.

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