20 Insults for a Gangster

Gangsters often engage in activities like racketeering, drug trafficking, or illegal gambling. Gangsters are often depicted in popular culture as being tough and intimidating, and they may have a reputation for violence.

Some real-life examples of gangsters include Al Capone, John Gotti, and Bugsy Siegel. Gangsters have also been portrayed in many movies.

If you want to insult an individual who falls into this category, this is the right article for you. It is filled with accurate insults and figurative expressions to make them have a bad day.

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Insults For A Gangster

  1. Two extended families in shades came to visit us, I heard you embarrassed the whole family by begging them that you only did it for free booze.
  2. Funny how you got your engagement broken off because some policemen called you a regular visitor in the traffic
  3. Whenever they lock you up, we sleep well that day.
  4. The doctor told your mum the only medicine that can make her fat is to forget about you
  5. I think the only operation your gang can pull off is to pester your parents to work shifts and then steal their money to buy matching outfits
  6. We don’t know why the pastor suddenly hired a security team to protect the tithe collected, but it was around when you started coming to church.
  7. Whenever I see you and your gang mate you all look like underage kids trying to convince the barman to sell booze for them
  8. You all looked packed but seen a better gangster on G.T.A, you should step up
  9. When last did you wash that hoodie, it smells like a waste bin
  10. I thought you were respected but your rich girlfriend treats you like a pet.
  11. When you were paraded on TV, your swollen lips and expression looked like you were about to call for mummy
  12. The doctor said even his 5-year-old does not wail the way u did when he was fixing your broken bones
  13. You are always loyal until you see plea deals
  14. I thought you were a rebel, but you are just a conformist ready to lick ass for some pay
  15. They said a week after you almost ODed, you were always screaming “I don’t want to die in your sleep”
  16. You dress like one but upstairs you are just a baby who knows 2pac’s lyrics
  17.  You think you are in control, but you are just an old man fighting to retain his childhood room
  18. Your mum was worried she did not have enough money for Christmas presents for all her kids, I told her not to worry that you are going to be behind bars by then
  19. The day you got released from jail, I told people not to be sad that you will soon go back
  20. Do you think you are a gangster? You are just a wannabe thug who gets locked outside whenever he gets home past 8

Two extended families in shades came to visit us, I heard you embarrassed the whole family by begging them that you only did it for free booze.

Gangsters are dangerous people who are scared of the law personnel. All they love doing is prey on good people who they know won’t fight back.

But as soon as they are about to be apprehended or when they are apprehended they start begging for mercy out of fear.

Insult them this way:

  • They told me you are so fearless you are not scared of anything, I told them to randomly shout police and I would be hospitalized.

Insults for a Gangster

Funny how you got your engagement broken off because some policemen called you a regular visitor in the traffic.

Gangsters are lazy people who only have a flair for doing something wrong and making quick money that cannot sustain them for two days.

So, they will have to continue the circle of doing what is wrong, and whenever there is a chance to commit a crime and make money, they are tempted to do it immediately.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • You are so unstable that if you were asked to pick a good life or suffering, one way or the other you would find yourself picking suffering.
  • I heard the cops slap you every time you wanted to whisper to him, this is my in-laws.

Whenever they lock you up, we sleep well that day.

Whenever there is a Gangster in a household, getting arrested and disturbing the peace of the family will be a normal occurrence.

So, whenever he is unavailable, due to being on a trip, or he is in rehabilitation, they can be at peace for some time.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • I heard your brother started going to work late from too much because of too much peace after you were remanded.

The doctor told your mum the only medicine that can make her fat is to forget about you.

Mothers are usually very emotional, whenever they have a child who brings sadness and disgrace to the family. It takes more toll on the mother than the father.

The only way such a mother can stay fine is to make peace with herself that she has done her best. This is the perfect insult for any person in this category.

Insult them this way:

  • After your mum started putting herself first I heard she looks twenty, and you are the one looking forty now.

Insults for a Gangster

I think the only operation your gang can pull off is to pester your parents to work shifts and then steal their money to buy matching outfits.

Wannabe Gangsters are the most popular, they pose to be something important, respected, and feared, but they are just a group of people who want to use their parents’ money for the wrong thing.

This insult is for anyone who falls into this category.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • I heard you were caught with the table knives that were missing at home, who do you plan to scare with that?
  • You all look like you went back to the 80s and exchanged common sense for some outdated swag.

We don’t know why the pastor suddenly hired a security team to protect the tithe collected, but it was around when you started coming to church.

Gangsters can operate anywhere, they don’t care as long as money will be made.

All they need is to be talked into it, or tempted if they are broke and desperately in need of some quick easy money.

Thus, if a known gangster starts coming to church, members won’t discriminate but they would be security-conscious.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • Whenever you dance in church and you get closer to the offering box the music goes off and continues after a while in case you do anything funny.

Insults for a Gangster

Whenever I see you and your gang mate you all look like underage kids trying to convince the barman to sell booze for them

Not all gangsters are jacked up, scary, and tall. Some are just so wicked and small, and ready to commit crimes like that is all they know how to do.

So, the only thing that makes people scared of them is the fact that they may possess a weapon, or that they have many gang members.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • I know the only reason you became a gangster is because of your height so that you can be respected and given booze even if the barman is so desperate to see an ID.

You all looked packed but seen a better gangster on GTA, you should step up.

Some gangs are made of lazy individuals who call themselves gangsters because that is the only means they can be respected in life.

They cannot do a meaningful thing and get meaningful results, so they turn to crime. Whenever you see them, you know they are a newbie criminal.

Insult them this way:

  • You think your gun is the reason they give you money, but it is because of how skinny and have your sickle cell-type appearance that you have.

When last did you wash that hoodie, it smells like a waste bin.

Due to gangsters’ reckless and idle life of just committing crimes, they are always hiding from somebody or the various law enforcement agencies.

So, they wear a hoodie with a cap all the time so that they won’t be sighted by CCTV or security personnel, which prevents them from doing necessary things like laundry.

Look serious when delivering this insult:

  • Whenever you start wearing that hoodie repeatedly, it is a signal that when you get arrested you are going away for a long time.

I thought you were respected but your rich girlfriend treats you like a pet.

Gangsters’ sole reason for carrying out organized crime is because of money.

They need money to buy drugs and maintain their lifestyle, so they become puppets to whoever puts money in their pockets. If you have a person in this category, this is the best insult for them.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • I saw the way you were begging her yesterday, I have never seen anybody so soft like that before

When you were paraded on TV, your swollen lips and expression looked like you were about to call for mummy.

Gangsters are always going to be arrested as often as possible and some usually try to resist arrest, thereby leading to them being harassed and beaten or some even killed in the process if they use weapons.

This is the perfect insult for a person that falls into this category.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • I don’t know why I can’t stop picturing you in the state that you were in when you were shown on the TV, I just can’t get it out of my head.
  • When we were able to get your bail, I drank into a stupor that night thanking God that our family name would not be popular that day again.

The doctor said even his 5-year-old does not wail the way u did when he was fixing your broken bones.

Gangsters get into fights all the time. If it is not a gunfight, it will be a fistfight, and when they fight they often get injured either by getting their bones broken or sprained.

Some might be a professional at committing a crime, but may not be able to withstand the pain of fixing a broken bone.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Whenever I am having a bad day I just bring out your video on my phone, where you are wailing like a baby and immediately I am good again.

You are always loyal until you see plea deals.

Gangsters under the surveillance of the FBI or CIA, are eventually arrested and when they are arrested they are given plea deals as long as they can snitch on the head of their gang or somebody who is a target.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • I call you a rat because plea deals are like cheese to you.
  • If we all turn into citizens of a new world you will be the first person to take a plea deal.

I thought you were a rebel, but you are just a conformist ready to lick ass for some pay.

Gangsters are conformists trying to get paid. Whether they plan a robbery, smuggle drugs, or engage in racketeering, it is all about getting paid.

The only reason they might not conform is when they work, and the people they worked for don’t want to give them their pay or a member of the gang is greedy and wants to elope with the whole money they were supposed to split.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • I see you as deaf and dumb because the only language you hear is quick money and prison.

They said a week after you almost ODed, you were always screaming “I don’t want to die in your sleep”.

Gangsters whenever they are initiated are introduced to hard drugs, and reckless lifestyles so that they can always feel good when they do bad things.

Some of them become addicts, and some overdose and die or if they get lucky they don’t.

Insult them this way:

  • Who would believe that the big bully on the street could be this scared and naive as a lost puppy because you almost ODed?

You dress like one but upstairs you are just a baby who knows 2pac’s lyrics.

Some wannabe thugs claiming that they are gangsters, start by hanging around in the hood and listening to hard music and rap songs.

They start wearing matching outfits and start fights just to have a bad reputation, that is all they know how to do. They are just pretenders who roll with real criminals.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • I heard the cop almost killed you because you replied to all his questions with 2pac lyrics.

You think you are in control, but you are just an old man fighting to retain his childhood room.

Gangsters don’t have a stable life, they most times don’t have lofty dreams of owning a family because it is unrealistic because of the atrocities that have committed.

They are mostly on the run and whenever they lose their way or get betrayed they come back to the only people that will take them and won’t crucify them, their family.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • If I were you I would think about suicide when your prodigal self gets his room back.

Your mum was worried she did not have enough money for Christmas presents for all her kids, so I told her not to worry that you are going to be behind bars by then.

Some teenage gangsters start their operations in high school and most times try to hide it until they cannot hide it again.

After they get arrested, their secrets are exposed to friends and family, but before their secrets are usually exposed they are regular kids in front of the family who will collect gifts and be treated like other kids.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • Your parents have more savings, now that you frequent prison.

The day you got released from jail, I told people not to be sad that you will soon go back.

Going to prison back and forth is one of the forte of a gangster. They always get arrested for a crime, and they always get their bail reversed whenever they do something equally bad while their case is still on.

This is a perfect insult for a person in this category.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • One guy was feeling sorry for you that you were released and arrested the same week, I told him that he is still new and that he will soon get used to your back-and-forth story.

Do you think you are a gangster? You are just a wannabe thug who gets locked outside whenever he gets home past 8.

Some Gangsters live with their parents especially when they are local ones, and they always come back home to protest against their parent’s rule, but all they do most times is consent to it especially when there is nobody ready to house them.

Deliver your Insult like a pro like this:

  • I could always see you from my window, snoring and enjoying yourself sleeping outside of your father’s house.

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