15 Good Ways to Insult an Economist

Economists see economics as a way of life, also economists as consumers wisely manage the limited resources available to them.

Read along to find the best sarcasm, witty statement, and insult to make an economist burn with anger.

Here are 15 good ways to insult an Economist

  1. If success is $1 you would prefer to wait and buy it when it is half the price.
  2. The only thing expensive you possess is your vote, nothing else.
  3. You came to this world freely, if you are sick, make sure you pay before you go.
  4. You can escape death but the chase for a better price will be the end of you.
  5. I saw you giving out a dollar today, and I wonder what part of his body he is selling.
  6. It seems that getting to heaven is  expensive, how about going to hell
  7. I heard you prefer to be the woman in the house, to be a man is expensive
  8. The only thing you give out freely is bad advice and bad energy.
  9. Every grain of rice on that plate matters to you, but remember that plate life matters also.
  10. I heard you are never happy going to the toilet, that is the only leftover you can’t make use of.
  11. You hate to see things waste, the waste management job is a match made in heaven for you.
  12. I heard you count every rice grain in your house, to know when one is missing.
  13. I heard you are an only child because your dad was also an economist.
  14. I understand why you look this awful, to you looking good is a waste of time.
  15. Being short and being an economist is a match made in heaven, you couldn’t afford to be tall.

1. If success is $1 you would prefer to wait and buy it when it is half the price.

We all have that friend who is not ready to spend a dime to improve himself financially and always doesn’t want to invest to make good money because they are scared of taking a risk, and they are an economist; every dollar must be accounted for.

With a smirk on your face deliver this insult:

  • If making it in life is expensive you rather be poor.
  • I heard you bought a book called “how to be successful without spending a dime”

2. The only thing expensive you possess is your vote, nothing else

How to insult an economist

Most economists always know who to vote for, and who will positively increase the economy of the state or the country.

They put a high value on their votes but a low value on anything expensive and they are quick to point fingers at the government for every hike in price.

Almost immediately the price of things changes, they are out searching for a better candidate to vote for come the next election.

  • Your vote is the only thing you do freely without complaining because it has no price.

3. You came to this world freely, if you are sick, make sure you pay before you go.

This is a perfect insult for a colleague you know who doesn’t like to visit the hospital when sick but prefers self-medication.

Visiting the hospital can be sometimes expensive and they are not ready to lose a cent, which is a bad idea but they don’t care as long as they are not paying extra.

Insulting them on this will make them angry but don’t worry they will get the message.

  • I know you prefer to pass on than pay for your health since it is considered frivolous spending.

4. You can escape death but the chase for a better price will be the end of you.

Going shopping with an economist can be so annoying, they are always on the hunt for a cheaper price and a better discount.

A cent is worth a dollar to them and they can move from place to place looking for a better price and hoping they find one because there is always time on their side and never in a hurry but on a mission to save every penny.

Deliver your insult in this manner:

  • I am sure at Heaven’s Gate you will find the best price if not on Earth.

how to insult an economist

5. I saw you giving out a dollar today, and I wonder what part of his body he is selling.

This insult is perfect for an acquaintance who never gives out money for any reason, either you need help or your story is the most touching story they have ever heard.

But on rare occurrences you see them giving out a dollar, this calls for celebration though shocking and suspicious, wonders never cease.

With a shocked expression deliver your insult this way:

  • I see you give out another dollar in two years, then am expecting rapture and the end to all humanity.

6. It seems that getting to heaven is expensive, how about going to hell?

Most economists, if not all, have a price range for everything. Especially cab, train, and Uber prices, and prefer to alight if it doesn’t match the budget and wait for the transport system with the right price.

When they are in for a ride don’t expect a tip from them, they are trying to compete with Elon Musk by saving every cent in a piggy bank. Their every cent and dollar must be accountable for.

  • You would prefer to teleport and miss a limb than pay a dollar hike in price for transport.

7. I heard you prefer to be the woman in the house, to be a man is expensive.

Economists are the walking price tag, especially men who know every price for every grocery, and every hike in the market doesn’t escape them.

They prefer to go shopping instead of their wives because they don’t trust them but they trust themselves to stick with the list made at home for groceries and nothing extra is coming in.

Not even a dollar’s worth of chocolate because everything in the house runs on a budget.

Deliver this insult with a pinch of conscience if there is any:

  • In your case, it takes extra balls to be the woman of the house.

how to insult an economist

8. The only thing you give out freely is bad advice and bad energy

When you want a frown on an economist, tell them it is time to donate, and the vibe will become sour, they feel choked and gasp for air.

They don’t like to give and they always have a budget for every penny and dime, but only to receive and believe aside that nothing is free.

We won’t want them getting away with this all the time, someone has to remind them they never paid for the oxygen in their lungs.

  • Am very sure you won’t give out a dollar to save yourself if you were to see your death coming.

9. Every grain of rice on that plate matters to you, but remember that plate life matters also.

Having a friend who loves to satisfy his conscience by perfectly picking every grain of rice from the plate and scraping the plate, licking with either tongue or finger feels disgusting.

He believes he paid for every grain and deserves to have his full and enjoy everything while embarrassing himself and you in public.

Someone needs to set him straight and they only learn the hard way due to their feeling of entitlement.

  • You can simply pay for the plate and swallow it, to settle your scores with food.
  • Is it through if you miss one grain from your food you will die?

10. I heard you are never happy going to the toilet, that is the only leftover you can’t make use of.

Everything is useful to economists, yes everything, everything has its value- they always want to recycle things to prevent wastage because it gets on their nerves, using every resource and managing scarcity and wants.

Whenever you see a happy economist they have successfully utilized all resources without wastage. Sometimes we have a friend or sibling like that.

Deliver your roast in this manner:

  • You will serve as a good fertilizer anytime you pass on due to old age.

11. You hate to see things waste, the waste management job is a match made in heaven for you.

This is a constructive insult for someone who hates to see things waste. Especially food and money because they have a budget that could last them till the end of time and they are not ready to include anything or go overboard, considering their plan is perfect.

Deliver this insult with a cold facial expression:

  • I heard your mum gave birth to you while working with waste management, so you protect your humble beginning.

12. I heard you count every rice grain in your house, to know when one is missing.

Having an economist in the house can be so annoying, they act like detectives around the house measuring everything and keeping records with time on their side.

They know things they are not supposed to know and measure or count everything that could be numbered, to prevent other people from touching it or making use of it behind their backs.

  • With this talent, you could monitor your progress and know you are far from making it.

13. I heard you are an only child because your dad was also an economist.

Do you have a friend who is an only child but loves to be frugal with spending and economize a lot? That could be because he or she has no siblings they freely give things to and he or she doesn’t also receive from other siblings as the only child except from their parents.

They are private about everything, especially if their parents do not entertain visitors they can play with and share things with while growing.

Get him to burn with this insult:

  • Giving birth to you was a mistake your dad planned to make a fortune from the sperm bank.

how to insult an economist

14. I understand why you look this awful, to you looking good is a waste of time.

We all have that friend who loves to dress shabbily and look unpresentable just because they consider fashion as being expensive and getting trendy clothes or shoes as being frivolous with spending.

They prefer to look simple on important occasions and won’t go to parties or gatherings with a uniform dress code, and if they show up they are always the talk of the party because they always appear different which could be an embarrassment to his friends but they simply don’t care.

Insult them this way:

  • I understand looking good is bad for your health, but did you have to appear like a sommelier?

15. Being short and being an economist is a match made in heaven, you couldn’t afford to be tall.

Friends or siblings who are economists and also short can be so annoying, not that being tall will make them less annoying but the ideology of too much space could be a waste to them, everything looks too much or extra.

That makes them fit the scenario, as they look brief and lack extra height, and they are waging war against anything that goes against what they represent.

Mind you they would have been more fun if they weren’t an economist, but since they are, they just can’t help it.

  • You thought being close to the ground made you humble, so you couldn’t afford to be tall.


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