15 Ways to Roast a Boy in Your Class

Ways to Roast a Boy in Your Class

There is always a particular boy in your class who is always trying to be the center of attention.

If he is not talking over the teacher, he is interrupting other students, and just generally being disruptive or loves to attend class late.

You’re getting fed up with his behavior, and you want to put him in his place but you don’t know how to go about it? Then this roast article is for you. 

In this article, I will be dishing out 15 funny one-liners, sarcasm, deep humor, and witty statements you can use to roast the boy in your class.

However, keep in mind that when roasting someone in your class, it’s important to keep it light-hearted and ensure that everyone involved is having fun. 

Ready? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Here are 15 playful ways to roast a boy in your class

  1. I heard they’re considering adding a ‘Class Clown’ award just for you. You’re a natural
  2. You must have a PhD in being late. It’s impressive how consistently you arrive after everyone else.
  3. They say laughter is contagious, and you’re definitely the carrier in this classroom
  4. You’re like a walking dictionary of every math problem into an unparalleled comedy routine.
  5. You must be practicing for a future career as a professional napper. Your talent for dozing off during lectures is unmatched
  6. They say ‘knowledge is power,’ so you must be the strongest person in the room with all the questions you ask
  7. You’re like a human alarm clock, always reminding us that it’s time to wake up and pay attention
  8.  I have to hand it to you, your ability to turn every practical into a comedy routine is unparalleled.
  9. I admire your dedication to being the class distraction. It takes a special kind of talent
  10. I heard you’re auditioning for the role of ‘Most Likely to Forget Their Homework.’ Break a leg
  11. Congratulations, you’ve officially mastered the art of turning every group project into a solo act
  12. Your ability to make even the simplest tasks seem complicated is truly remarkable
  13. You’re like a magnet for funny situations. It’s like you have a special talent for comedic timing
  14. I have to say, your ability to misplace things is truly impressive. It’s like you’ve invented a new game called ‘Hide and Forget.
  15. You must be a professional multitasker, juggling both schoolwork and entertaining the class with your witty remarks

1. I heard they’re considering adding a ‘Class Clown’ award just for you. You’re a natural

There are many ways to roast a boy in your class. One effective way is to roast them based on what they can relate to.

It could be his personality, habits, or hobbies.

So let’s say there is a boy who is the one noted for always telling rib-cracking jokes, and doing some funny and silly things just to make you laugh, then using the lines on them is a perfect way to roast them.

And on another note, this roast can be used sarcastically to ridicule their bad sense of humor and their expertise in telling bad jokes. Whichever way you want to use this roast, here are instances for you:

  • Because of you, the category of “most funniest male” award has been added. Your being inspired the invention.
  • Your jokes are so bad, it’s like you’ve got a Ph.D. in Lameology!”
  • “Your jokes are so bad, they should be featured in a museum of terrible humor! 

2. You must have a PhD in being late. It’s impressive how consistently you arrive after everyone else.

Another way you can roast a boy in your class is to roast them based on what they can relate to. That way, the roast will be more than effective.

So, assuming he is an unrepentant latecomer who always comes late to class, and not only does he come late, he drags his feet while walking in.

This annoying habit of his makes the whole class go berserk and you have been willing to set him straight; then this roast is all you need to do that.

  • You should get an honorary degree in Procrastination, for your consistent ability to arrive just after it’s too late.

3. They say laughter is contagious, and you’re definitely the carrier in this classroom

Another way you can roast a boy in your class is to use this classic burner. If the boy is one to always appear funny in his school uniforms or does some awkward things, then consider using this roast.

This roast is capable of throwing everyone in the classroom into fits of laughter.

  • All we need to do to have some good laughs is to just look at you, boom! We are already laughing.
  • You’re the class funny-maker – spreading smiles and snorts with every appearance you make.

4. You’re like a walking dictionary every math problem in a comedy routine is unparalleled.

Ways to Roast a Boy in Your Class

We all have a particular classmate who is skilled in turning formulas into comedy. These people are good at turning word problems into stand-up comedy- if such a boy is in your class, then this roast is apt for them.

One interesting thing about this roast is the boy and the entire class will be able to relate to the roast, hence the cause for more giggles.

  • Your ability to turn any math problem into a stand-up routine is truly unparalleled – it’s like you’re the Jon Stewart of numbers.
  • You should win the Nobel Prize in Comedy – your ability to take the most boring math problem and turn it into a side-splitting routine is truly unrivaled.

5. You must be practicing for a future career as a professional napper. Your talent for dozing off during lectures is unmatched

Ways to Roast a Boy in Your Class

This roast is for the boy in your class if he is someone who always dozes off while the teacher’s lectures are ongoing. Some classmates are like that.

They are active when it is fun time but when it comes to learning, they sleep off and drool in the classroom, like a snail.

If the boy in your class is notorious for always sleeping In class, then don’t hesitate to use this roast for them the next time you catch them sleeping.

  • You’re a future world champion napper – no one can doze off with such dedication and enthusiasm as you.
  • Your ability to nod off at a moment’s notice is truly impressive – you could win gold in the Olympic sport of sleeping.

6. They say ‘knowledge is power,’ so you must be the strongest person in the room with all the questions you ask

The witty statement is for the boy who loves to ask questions; ‘ask-hole”. He is always on the lookout to hear the lecturer announce “any questions”.

Upon hearing that, they are up on their feet asking questions, both relevant and irrelevant questions.

With this roast, you are ridiculing them for always asking questions and making jokes about them, emphasizing that the amount of questions they have asked should equate with the amount of knowledge they have amassed.

It will hit him more if, with all his questions, he is still as dumb as an oyster.

  • With all the information you’ve absorbed, by now you could put an encyclopedia out of business.

7. You’re like a human alarm clock, always reminding us that it’s time to wake up and pay attention

This is a funny roast for a boy in your class who is zealous about studies and is always the one to call teachers for class. This roast is a light-hearted one and it can be used to tease them.

  • You’re like the snooze button on an alarm clock – always giving us just one more minute to stay in dreamland.
  • You’re like the most annoying alarm clock ever, waking us up even when we don’t want to get out of bed.

8. I have to hand it to you, your ability to turn every practical into a comedy routine is unparalleled.

Here is a classic liner to roast the boy in your class, if he is one that usually plays everywhere including the lab room.

Your teacher gives you all and the next thing he is doing is making funny movements with the specimen. Express your displeasure using this roast. 

  • You’re like the class clown, but instead of pulling pranks, you pull off hilarious commentary.
  • Your commentary is like comedic gold – making even the driest material funny.

9. I admire your dedication to being the class distraction. It takes a special kind of talent

This witty roast is for him if he is a noise maker and is known to always make the list of noise makers.

Also, you can use this roast for them if they are the outspoken ones and part of the troublesome boys that love to stay at the back of class to disturb.

  • Your ability to disrupt class with your antics is truly admirable – not everyone can be such a skilled troublemaker.
  • “You’re like a one-person circus, keeping everyone entertained with your antics.

10. I heard you’re auditioning for the role of ‘Most Likely to Forget Their Homework.’ Break a leg

If the boy in your class is stubborn and has a nonchalant attitude towards education, and he’s always in the bad book of the teacher because he claims to always forget to do his homework; then this one-liner is the perfect roast for them.

This roast can be used when you are having a conversation with them, then you will just chip it in jokingly:

  • I hear you’re a shoo-in for the award of ‘Most Likely to Lose Their Textbook.’ I wish you the best of luck
  • They say hard work pays off, so I know you’ll win the award for ‘Most Likely to Procrastinate.

11. Congratulations, you’ve officially mastered the art of turning every group project into a solo act

Another roast for a boy in your class if he is one known to have zero team spirit and doesn’t function well in team projects.

They are the ones to quickly fall out, even before the commencement of the project. This roast is a perfect one for him.

  • You’ve truly perfected the art of making every group project your own personal show – a true talent
  • You’re like a one-man band, performing every aspect of the project all by yourself. 

12. Your ability to make even the simplest tasks seem complicated is truly remarkable

This one-liner is for him if he is good at complicating issues, and instead of providing solutions, causes more problems.

Such a person can be a difficult person to work with because they will always complicate things for you.

  • You have a talent for turning even the simplest task into a complex puzzle – it’s truly awe-inspiring.
  • “You’re like an expert at turning molehills into mountains – turning the simplest task into a Herculean feat.

13. You’re like a magnet for funny situations. It’s like you have a special talent for comedic timing

Another roast to poke fun at a boy in your class is to refer to incidences they can relate to. For instance, they are always involved in embarrassing situations, so this roast is for him. 

By this, you are implying that he has a special magnetic force that attracts embarrassing situations that land him in trouble.

  • You’re like a comedy savant – attracting hilarious situations like a magnet.
  • You’re like the universe’s favorite comedian – it’s like the world conspires to give you the best comedic timing.

14. I have to say, your ability to misplace things is truly impressive. It’s like you’ve invented a new game called ‘Hide and Forget.

This is for the boy in your class who is famous for his carelessness. He is good at misplacing things and he is always seen looking for one school item or the other.

Use this roast to make light fun of their carelessness. It’s a good way to point out their carelessness in such a way that will make the rest of your classmates burst into laughter.

  • You’ve invented a new sport – ‘Hide and Forgot’ – and you’re the reigning champion
  • You’re like a pro at misplacing things – your talent for losing things is truly Olympic-worthy.

15. You must be a professional multitasker, juggling both schoolwork and entertaining the class with your witty remarks

A sarcasm for a boy in your class. This roast can be used to poke fun at him, and even tease him.

Saying he is a professional multitasker because he juggles school work and entertaining the class is a hilarious way to make fun of someone. Indirectly, you are trying to say they are unserious.

  • You’re the ultimate ‘edutainer’ – a combination of education and entertainment!

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