30 Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

Some obnoxious people think it’s fine to insult other people’s parents which further proves how deprived they are of respect.

This is why there’s a need to always be prepared with hot comebacks just in case you find yourself in a word combat with someone who insults your parents. 

I will be walking you through 30 best comebacks that would be suitable for people whose mouths never cease from insulting the elderly.

With these expressions, I am confident that your parent’s name or topic would stay off their mouths. 

Without any further delay, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

List of Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

  1. You sure must have been the biggest mistake your parents ever made. 
  2. It’s not your parents fault that you turned out to be a loser. 
  3. I should probably give your mum birth controls, so she won’t have to make another mistake. 
  4. My parents raised me well enough to know that you are mannerless. 
  5. Well I see you like to disrespect other people’s parents because you don’t have one. 
  6. If you weren’t so deprived of love and respect, you would know how to show it to other people. 
  7. You’re so gorgeous and beautiful, all you lack is a Father figure to validate that. 
  8. If I had a kid like you, I’d certainly want to give him up for adoption. 
  9. My parents gave birth to good people, it’s sad that your parents picked up an animal from the hospital. 
  10. I hope your parents ever forgive themselves for coming together to birth a piece of trash like you. 
  11. My parents look at me and thank the heavens, while yours look and wish it was legal to commit murder. 
  12. You can never have a quarter of the success my parents ever attained in your entire lifetime. 
  13. My parents are old yet still look younger than you. 
  14. I am sure after your parents had you, they had a sense of instant regret. 
  15. Your parents invested a lot in you, yet you ended up a loser! 
  16. You’re coming after my parents because you wish yours was half as great. 
  17. You look like my mum’s grandmother and that’s why you’re envious. 
  18. Perhaps if my parents had raised you, you wouldn’t have ended up a failure. 
  19. Anytime I see you, I thank my parents that I was raised by them. 
  20. You’re the perfect example of the lack of basic home training. 
  21. I wouldn’t trade my parents for anything in the world, you wish they were yours. 
  22. Judging from how you look, I sense that you’re the black sheep of the family. 
  23. My dad could throw more punches than your feeble young hands can. 
  24. After six kids, my mother still has a sexier tummy than you do. 
  25. I wish you knew how sad you make your parents feel anytime you speak. 
  26. You’re disrespectful even to yourself so I am not surprised. 
  27. Even my parents’ shadows command more respect than your entire being. 
  28. You curse out your parents as a hobby that’s why you think you could do so to mine. 
  29. It’s not my parent’s fault that you live a miserable life, you shouldn’t take your frustrations out on them. 
  30. You’re as spoiled as rotten bananas, you can’t be fixed.  

You sure must have been the biggest mistake your parents ever made. 

If someone comes after your parents then the best way to make a comeback is to deflect the insult on them. 

This comeback implies that the insulter is projecting their own negative self-perception onto the so-called speaker, deflecting the insult back onto them.

  • You’re definitely the biggest mistake your parents ever made. 
  • Your parents must have been devastated when you were born. 

It’s not your parents fault that you turned out to be a loser. 

A comeback like this would make one rethink coming after you the second time. 

It purely dismisses the insulter’s attempt to blame the speaker’s parents for their perceived shortcomings, implying that the insulter is responsible for their own behavior.

  • Your parents tried everything they did to make sure you’re not a loser but to no avail. 
  • Your parents must be sad that they had a loser like you as a son. 

I should probably give your mum birth controls, so she won’t have to make another mistake. 

Revenge is best served cold with a hot jab like this, I am sure the person would stay off your parents after this line has been served. 

This comeback expression sarcastically turns the insult back onto the insulter, implying that their own existence is the true mistake.

  • Your mum should have used birth control pills then, she wouldn’t have made a mistake like you. 
  • Your mum was carrying a mistake in her womb when truly, it was a mistake. 

My parents raised me well enough to know that you are mannerless. 

Defending someone as important as your parents takes a smart delivery of hot burns as comebacks to keep the enemies chained. 

An expression like this highlights the speaker’s upbringing and values, contrasting them with the insulter’s lack of manners. It is a great way to hype your parents thereby turning the tables around. 

  • You are obviously mannerless, my parents raised me well to know that. 
  • I know when someone is mannerless, you are. 

Well I see you like to disrespect other people’s parents because you don’t have one. 

Comebacks like this are what they call brutality. It throws shade perfectly at someone who insults your parents for sure. 

The expression suggests that the insulter’s lack of respect for others’ parents stems from their own absence or dysfunctional family dynamic.

  • You don’t have parents and that’s why you can insult mine. 
  • If your parents were around more often maybe you would have learned to value other people’s parents. 

If you weren’t so deprived of love and respect, you would know how to show it to other people. 

Some folks who insult other people’s parents might do so because they have no love in their heart, this comeback targets that vulnerability big time. 

The comeback depicts that the insulter’s disrespectful behavior stems from their own emotional deficiencies, implying that they project their insecurities onto others.

  • You definitely were not shown how to love and that’s why you attack everyone that comes your way. 
  • My parents gave me all the love in my heart, your parents didn’t have any to give you. 

You’re so gorgeous and beautiful, all you lack is a Father figure to validate that. 

This witty comeback uses sarcasm to dismiss the insulter’s attempt to insult the speaker’s lack of a father figure, implying that the speaker is secure in their self-worth regardless of external validation.

If you ever need to protect your parents’ honor then this expression would be useful. 

  • You have everything aside from a father figure to validate that. 
  • All the good things about you weren’t acknowledged by your parents and that’s why you are taking it out on mine. 

If I had a kid like you, I’d certainly want to give him up for adoption. 

You’re definitely going to cause some emotional damage to whoever you want to use this comeback for. 

 This comeback implies that the insulter’s behavior is so undesirable that even the speaker, hypothetically, would disown them. You could share this amongst your friends and colleagues to join in the fun. 

  • I would certainly want to give you up for adoption if you were my kid. 
  • If you were my kid I would definitely give you out alongside a box of cash. 

My parents gave birth to good people, it’s sad that your parents picked up an animal from the hospital. 

What a brilliant way to call whoever insults your parents, an animal. You have certainly flipped the tables on them for sure. 

It highlights the speaker’s positive self-perception and contrasts it with the insulter’s derogatory language, implying that the insulter’s behavior is animalistic. 

  • You don’t know how unlucky your parents are to pick up an animal like you from the hospital. 
  • My parents are proud of me unlike how your parents feel about you. 

I hope your parents ever forgive themselves for coming together to birth a piece of trash like you. 

I wouldn’t want to be the one who this comeback would be referring to, it’s just too much for one man to handle. 

It sarcastically and humorously suggests that the insulter’s behavior reflects poorly on their parents, implying that they are responsible for raising a disrespectful individual.

  • Your parents must constantly beat themselves up with hope for birthing trash like you. 
  • I hope your parents forgive one another, you became an animal all on your own. 

My parents look at me and thank the heavens, while yours look and wish it was legal to commit murder. 

Drop it like it’s hot with this amazing comeback for when someone insults your parents. 

This expression suggests that the speaker brings joy to their parents, contrasting with the insulter’s negative impact on theirs, it’s a funny and yet an insulting comeback that would be very smart to put to use. 

  • Your parents wish they could commit murder anytime they look at you. 
  • You don’t look like they need you anymore, it would be best for all if you were silenced for good. 

You can never have a quarter of the success my parents ever attained in your entire lifetime. 

This is one way to highlight the honor of your parents against someone who dares to insult them in the first place. 

It implies that the speaker’s parents have achieved significant success, contrasting with the insulter’s perceived lack of accomplishment. 

  • In your entire lifetime, your success can never be measured to that of my parents. 
  • My parents will forever be relevant than you’ll ever be in your entire rotten life. 

My parents are old yet still look younger than you. 

Ugly people don’t get to insult any person’s parents and get away with it, this comeback is one way to make them pay. 

 It translates that the insulter’s appearance is inferior to that of the speaker’s parents, implying that the insulter is aging poorly. Get a tissue, because someone’s going to need it. 

  • My parents still look younger than you, you age like a zombie. 
  • My parents are aging quite well, as for you, I am not sure at all. 

I am sure after your parents had you, they had a sense of instant regret. 

This comeback implies that the insulter’s existence is regrettable to their parents, contrasting with the speaker’s positive relationship with theirs.

It’s a great line to share amongst friends that have people disrespecting their parents. 

  • I think your parents must have been full of regret when they had you. 
  • It was a total setback for your parents having such a kid like you. 

Your parents invested a lot in you, yet you ended up a loser!

If someone insults your parents then calling them a loser would be fair because that’s what they are.

A comeback like this suggests that the insulter’s failure to live up to their parents’ investment contrasts with the speaker’s success.

The right comical tone would make this expression more effective and get them even more pissed off than they already are. 

  • You ended up a loser despite your parents’ investment in you. 
  • Your parents gave you all they had, how on earth did you end up a loser? 

You’re coming after my parents because you wish yours was half as great. 

Rebuke the haters of your parents by dishing this hot comeback to them with the right comic tone. 

The expression shows that the insulter’s negative comments about the speaker’s parents stem from jealousy of their perceived greatness.

  • You wish your parents were half as great as mine. 
  • Your parents can never be on my parents level, it’s not possible. 

You look like my mum’s grandmother and that’s why you’re envious. 

This expression uses humor to suggest that the insulter’s envy of the speaker’s parents is rooted in their own unattractive appearance. 

It could be as a result of their bitterness from being so ugly that could make them attack your parents. 

  • You’re so envious because you look like my mum’s elder sister. 
  • You are so young yet you look like my mum’s granny. 

Perhaps if my parents had raised you, you wouldn’t have ended up a failure. 

Give your parents more credit with a smart comeback like this.

This comeback implies that the insulter’s upbringing by the speaker’s parents would have resulted in a better outcome, contrasting with their current state.

It’s a fun way to ridicule a person who insults your parents, so you can definitely try using it. 

  • I am sure if my parents raised you, you wouldn’t have ended up a poor man.
  • Perhaps if you spend a week with my parents your rotten personality might change. 

Anytime I see you, I thank my parents that I was raised by them.

What a clever comeback for someone who insults your parents! 

The best part of this comeback is that it emphasizes the speaker’s gratitude for their upbringing by their parents, contrasting with the insulter’s apparent lack of appreciation for their own.

  • I thank God I was raised by my parents, I have seen how you ended up being raised by yours. 
  • You were raised by your parents but ended up a pig, I thank God for mine. 

You’re the perfect example of the lack of basic home training. 

It could be that some people might lack basic home training, that’s why they seem to lack respect for others, whatever it is, this line is coming for them anyways. 

This one liner expression suggests that the insulter’s disrespectful behavior is indicative of poor upbringing, contrasting with the speaker’s upbringing by their parents.

  • You’re the basic example of lack of basic home training, it’s mind blowing. 
  • I can see you represent people who lack home training very well. 

I wouldn’t trade my parents for anything in the world, you wish they were yours. 

A witty comeback like this highlights the speaker’s strong bond with their parents and implies that the insulter is envious of that relationship.

It wouldn’t be bad if they understood how lucky you as the speaker is to have such an amazing parent. 

  • My parents are gems and you don’t need to be told that because you can see it. 
  • You’re only envious that God didn’t bless you with wonderful parents like mine. 

Judging from how you look, I sense that you’re the black sheep of the family. 

Metaphorically, this comeback suggests that the insulter’s appearance or behavior contrasts unfavorably with their family members, implying that they are the odd one out.

It could go as far as meaning that they are the evil one not only in the family but in all ramification. 

  • You’re the black sheep of the family so I don’t blame you. 
  • Your family doesn’t even like you, my parents aren’t your crazy uncles. 

My dad could throw more punches than your feeble young hands can. 

This hilarious comeback line means that the speaker’s father is more physically capable than the insulter, implying that the insulter’s attempts to demean the speaker’s family are futile.

Whoever is going to be the speaker of this expression should perfect the use of comic tone for more effectiveness. 

  • My dad’s hands are still strong to slap sense back right into your brain. 
  • Your hands are so weak, my father’s hands could crush it. 

After six kids, my mother still has a sexier tummy than you do. 

With disrespectful insults to a person’s parents comes rude comebacks to haters who dares it. 

The comeback uses humor to imply that the speaker’s mother’s appearance is more attractive than the insulter’s, thereby undermining the insulter’s attempt to insult the speaker’s family.

  • You’re not even sexy as a single person with no kids, my mum still has the flair even after five kids. 
  • Your breasts have all collapsed without even feeding a child unlike my mom’s. 

I wish you knew how sad you make your parents feel anytime you speak. 

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

This comeback suggests that the insulter’s disrespectful behavior affects their own parents, implying that they should consider their own actions before criticizing others’ families.

Next time they open their mouth to insult someone else’s parents they would think twice.

  • You must know how sad your parents are whenever you open your mouth to say anything. 
  • You should stop talking please, spare your parents the embarrassment. 

You’re disrespectful even to yourself so I am not surprised. 

A comeback like this takes a person’s self worth and dignity and rubs it all over the gutter. It’s just completely perfect for someone who insults your parents. 

It suggests that the insulter’s disrespectful behavior extends to themselves, implying that they lack self-awareness and credibility.

  • You lack self worth and that’s why you are foolish.
  • I am not surprised that you don’t value anyone because you don’t even value yourself. 

Even my parents’ shadows command more respect than your entire being. 

The excellence that this comeback possess makes it even easier to use on someone who insults your parents. 

It is excellent because it emphasizes the speaker’s parents’ authority and respectability, contrasting with the insulter’s lack thereof.

  • My parents’ shadow is shown more respect than your entire association. 
  • The company you keep must be so toxic, they don’t treat you with any respect. 

You curse out your parents as a hobby that’s why you think you could do so to mine. 

This comeback implies that the insulter’s habit of disrespecting their own parents leads them to believe they can do the same to others’, highlighting their flawed reasoning. 

It would be a line that you can share amongst your friends. 

  • You curse out your parents, well not everyone is not your parents. 
  • My parents can not be treated with disrespect like you treat yours. 

It’s not my parent’s fault that you live a miserable life, you shouldn’t take your frustrations out on them. 

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

Tears would definitely be flowing in the eyes of anyone who insults your parents if you deliver this line to them. 

The one-liner expression means that the insulter’s unhappiness is not the fault of your parents, implying that they should address their own issues rather than blaming others. 

  • It isn’t my parents that made your life turn south, find someone else to be mad at. 
  • You should keep my parents’ mouth out of your smelly mouth. 

You’re as spoiled as rotten bananas, you can’t be fixed.

Best Comebacks When Someone Insults Your Parents

A direct comeback passes the message that you’re not joking and that your parents are off limits. 

It perfectly dismisses the insulter’s behavior as irreparable, implying that they are beyond redemption and unworthy of consideration.

  • A rotten banana has more hope of getting fixed than you. 
  • You are so spoiled, you’re already beyond repair. 






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