40 Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You’ll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Grammar mistakes are not only the domain of non English speakers. 

Even English speakers have been caught in the snare of this malady. Sometimes, though, this mistakes can be hilarious. People have been caught in this mistakes on the internet and in private chats. 

This article presents some of the most hilarious grammar mistakes that will leave your sides in stitches. 

Dig in. 

Table of Contents

40 Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You’ll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

1. The rule “I before E, except after C, and when sounding like A, as in ‘neighbor’ and ‘weigh’,” holds true, but there are exceptions. Additionally, it’s important to note that this rule doesn’t apply on weekends, holidays, or in the month of May.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

The above meme pokes fun at the complexity and inconsistency of the English language’s spelling rules, suggesting that there are so many exceptions to the “I before E” rule that it’s practically useless.

2. Let’s eat Grandma! vs. Let’s eat, Grandma!

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

The first sentence, without the comma, suggests a rather gruesome activity of eating Grandma, while the second sentence, with the comma, properly invites Grandma to join in for a meal, making it a classic example of the importance of punctuation for clarity.

3. I’m gooder at English than you are.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake is humorous because it combines the incorrect use of a comparative adjective (“gooder” instead of “better”) showing a language superiority, which is, ironically we might add, undermined by the grammar mistake.

4. “Your going to love this!”

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

The confusion between “your” and “you’re” in this sentence leads to a funny misunderstanding, as “your” is a possessive pronoun while “you’re” is a contraction of “you are.”

The mistake suggests that the person’s act of going to love something is being possessed by someone else. Even the Batman is mad at this mistake. 

5. I’m literally dying of laughter right now.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence is funny because it employs hyperbole by using “literally” to emphasize the intensity of the situation, when in reality, the person is not actually dying but just finds something very amusing.

But Romeo and Juliet did die for love, didn’t they? 

6. I seen it happen.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This error involves using “seen” instead of “saw,” which is incorrect in standard English.

It’s funny because it’s a common mistake, but it stands out due to its glaring incorrectness. The girl looks like Greta Thunderbag. Is that her

7. He’s the spitting image of his father’s dog.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This humorous mistake arises from a misunderstanding of the idiom “spitting image,” which means a close resemblance.

However, interpreting it literally leads to a bizarre mental image of someone looking like a dog. So hilarious we had to pull the plug! 

8. I could care less.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake is funny because it contradicts the intended meaning. The correct phrase is “I couldn’t care less,” indicating complete indifference, whereas “I could care less” implies that there is some level of caring present.

Next time, we can talk about how this black cat’s expression looks so sentient. 

9. I’m allergic to cats, so I’m very careful when I’m petting them.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence is funny because it suggests that the speaker is cautious about how they pet cats due to their allergy, when the intended meaning is likely that they are careful to avoid petting cats altogether.

10. For all intensive purposes…

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This phrase is a hilarious misuse of the correct expression, “for all intents and purposes.”

The mistake is funny because it changes the meaning entirely, making it sound like someone is referring to a situation that requires a lot of concentration or effort, rather than one that is comprehensive or all-encompassing.

11. I seen a deer in the forest yesterday.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves the incorrect use of “seen” instead of “saw.” It’s funny because it’s a common error that’s easily recognizable, yet still persists in colloquial speech. The girl dropping the woman off the cliff though. 

12. Their going to the beach tomorrow.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence mixes up “their” (possessive pronoun) with “they’re” (contraction of “they are”).

The mistake is humorous because it creates confusion about ownership while indicating an action in the future.

13. I could of done better on that test.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This error substitutes “of” for “have” in the contraction “could’ve.” It’s funny because “could of” is nonsensical, and using it in formal writing would sound like someone is trying to spell a spoken dialect. 

14. He ain’t got no manners.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence contains a double negative (“ain’t” and “no”), which is grammatically incorrect in standard English. The mistake is humorous because it emphasizes the lack of manners while also showcasing colloquial speech patterns.

15. The cat laid on the bed all day.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves using “laid” instead of “lay” in the past tense. It’s funny because “laid” actually means to place or set something down, while “lay” is the correct past tense form of “lie” when referring to a person or animal reclining.

16. We was supposed to meet at noon, but I forgot.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence uses “was” instead of “were” with a plural subject (“we”). The mistake is humorous because it’s a common error in casual speech, but stands out in written form.

17. She’s got less books than I do.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence uses “less” when “fewer” would be grammatically correct because “books” is countable. The mistake is humorous because it’s a subtle error that can provoke a grammarian’s ire.

18. The dog’s are barking loudly in the backyard.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves incorrectly using an apostrophe to indicate pluralization (“dog’s” instead of “dogs”). It’s funny because the apostrophe suggests possession, leading to the image of loud barking dogs owning something in the backyard.

19. He should of went to the store earlier.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This error combines the incorrect use of “of” instead of “have” with the incorrect past tense form of “go” (“went” instead of “gone”). It’s humorous because it creates a jarring contrast between spoken and written language.

20. I’m feeling good today, so I’m going to lay in the sun.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence incorrectly uses “lay” instead of “lie” in the present tense. It’s funny because it suggests the person plans to physically place themselves in the sun rather than recline there.

21. Your such a good friend.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves using “your” (possessive pronoun) instead of “you’re” (contraction of “you are”). It’s humorous because it implies ownership of a good friend, rather than describing someone’s quality as a friend.

22. She speaked three languages fluently.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence uses “speaked” instead of the correct past tense form “spoke.” The mistake is funny because “speaked” is not a valid past tense form in standard English, creating a jarring linguistic error.

23. I could care less about politics.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This phrase is a humorous misuse of the correct expression, “I couldn’t care less.” The mistake is funny because it contradicts the intended meaning, implying that there is some level of caring present.

24. Let’s eat, kids!

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Without a comma, this sentence suggests a rather gruesome invitation to consume children. With the comma, it properly indicates a call to dine with children.

The humorous misunderstanding arises from the absence or presence of punctuation.

25. He’s allergic to peanuts, so he always carries an Epi-pen with him.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake is humorous because it suggests the person carries an Epi-pen with another person named “him,” rather than the intended meaning of carrying it with himself due to his allergy.

26. I seen him at the store yesterday.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This error involves using “seen” instead of “saw,” which is incorrect in standard English. It’s funny because it’s a common mistake, yet it stands out due to its glaring incorrectness.

27. She gave the book to Mary and I.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence uses “I” as an object pronoun instead of “me.” The mistake is humorous because it’s a common hypercorrection, with speakers mistakenly thinking “I” sounds more formal or correct than “me.”

28. The cat’s fur is soft, it likes to be pet.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake creates a run-on sentence by joining two independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunction.

The humorous aspect lies in the abrupt shift from describing the cat’s fur to its preference for being petted.

29. Their coming to visit us tomorrow.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence mixes up “their” (possessive pronoun) with “they’re” (contraction of “they are”). The mistake is humorous because it creates confusion about ownership while indicating an action in the future.

30. He’s the spitting image of his father’s dog.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This humorous mistake arises from a misunderstanding of the idiom “spitting image,” which means a close resemblance. However, interpreting it literally leads to a bizarre mental image of someone looking like a dog.

31. The cat’s are sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves incorrectly using an apostrophe to indicate pluralization (“cat’s” instead of “cats”). It’s funny because the apostrophe suggests possession, leading to the image of multiple cats owning something.

32. The dog’s laying in the sun.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence incorrectly uses “laying” instead of “lying” in the present tense. It’s funny because it suggests the dog is actively placing something in the sun, rather than reclining there.

33. The cat’s are playing with their toy mice.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This mistake involves incorrectly using an apostrophe to indicate pluralization (“cat’s” instead of “cats”). It’s funny because the apostrophe suggests possession, leading to the image of multiple cats owning something.

34. She don’t like broccoli.”

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This sentence uses “don’t” instead of “doesn’t” with a singular subject (“she”). The mistake is humorous because it’s a common error in casual speech, but stands out in written form.

35. Optimus, not Optimud. 

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Optimus, from the Transformers movie is referenced here in this chat. The grammatical mistake is likely due to a typo which led to the wrong spelling of Optimus.

A simple error thus can cause some confusion and a few laughs since the word now means something not intended. 

36. As, not Is.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This image is of a post on X, formerly Twitter. A professor who goes by the name Seth Abramson in the process of berating owner of X, Elon Musk, ended up making a grammatical mistake of his own.

He says Elon exhibits a below average logic, data analysis and reading comprehension skills. In the end he learns that mistakes in grammar can also call into question his own literacy skills.

When it comes to proofreading, a professor should lead. If Seth had proof read his words before posting, perhaps the Internet would now be occupied Elon’s below average literacy alone. 

37. You’re, not Your. 

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

One again, here is another example of writing ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re,’ a common grammar mistake people make online and even in speech.

As noted severally in this article, ‘your’ is simply a possessive noun. In the image below the writer meant to write, ‘you’re,’ a contraction of ‘you are.’ 

38. Gooey goo.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

This chat below exemplifies how grammatical errors can occur during chats where folks are either typing too fast, or not paying attention to their words. The details of how these errors occur could be numerous. 

In this instance the correct pronunciation, as mentioned by the other party in the chat is, ‘gooey,’ rather than ‘gooy.’ 

39. Take your Ls seriously.

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Desperate anger at one’s difficulties with language can also lead to grammatical errors. In the image below of a chat, the person voices their frustration at the English language. But even then, they still misspell the word ‘English.’

It is interesting though that the person got the spelling of the profanity right, but not the spelling of the more important word. 

40. The importance of Haves. 

Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You'll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

In the image below, we see evident display of the importance of the word have. Again, when one type or chat the same way one speaks, they are bound to make this sort of mistakes. In this case, there is a recognizable use of the word ‘have’ in the first chat blurb. 

But as soon as the person reverts into their speaking voice, they loose the ‘have.’

Rather than say ‘I seen,’ it ought to be ‘I’ve seen,’ a contraction of ‘I have seen.’  

Final Thoughts

Grammar mistakes can lead to costly results and misunderstandings. But they can also give us an opportunity to laugh.

The ones presented on this list in from chats and memes are some of the most hilarious ones you can find on the internet. You’re free to share them with others, spread the laughter. 


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