20 Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person 

Bossy people are so for many reasons. Some may be dealing with insecurities, others may have fears, some are just too proud, while for some it’s a personal trait.

Being around a bossy person can be very annoying. Whether they’re your family, friends, colleagues, or boss, they can be a constant pain in the ass.

So, it’s no surprise that you might want to give them the comeback they deserve. You don’t have to look further, this article has got you covered.

I’ve compiled a list of sassy comments and amusing one-liners you can use to deal with a bossy person. These punchlines are sure to make you laugh while helping you get back at them in a lighthearted way.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person

There are plenty of ways to deal with a bossy person. With your witty and savage reply to their behavior, you can put them in their place while having the best time of your life.

Some examples include: “It’s alright. Even a mad person roams about freely these days,” “The magic did not work. Try another person,” and “I don’t follow commands, I only listen to opinions. So, yours is duly noted and successfully ignored.”

Below are 20 funny one-liners for a bossy person:

  1. You always act like the boss even when you’re not. Doesn’t that make you stupid?
  2. If only you had sense, I’d take you more seriously
  3. I don’t follow commands, I only listen to opinions. So, yours is duly noted and successfully ignored 
  4. Oh! I didn’t realize when you became the king here. I’ll remember to bow and remove myself from your presence next time 
  5. If you want to control everyone, start with controlling your desire to be stupid
  6. There’s nothing wrong in telling yourself how insecure you are
  7. You have the right to ask me what to do and I have the right to refuse it
  8. It’s alright. Even a mad person roams about freely these days
  9. Have you stopped to think that maybe you’re the only one who enjoys listening to your voice?
  10. When you try to tell adults what to do, don’t you think you’ll look like a clown?
  11. When you buy a suit, I’ll pay you a little attention
  12. You should create your own company first. You can then boss the furniture around
  13. Anytime you try to act bossy, I’m reminded of a dog that tries to control its master
  14. The magic did not work. Try another person
  15. I understand how you feel. It’s hard to find a free robot to control these days 
  16. Why not rest? Maybe you’ll come back to your senses
  17. Are you talking to me? Oh I see you talk to yourself now
  18. I’m not yours to control. Deal with your illusion, please 
  19. Bossy people don’t bother me. They’re just a bunch of unpaid comedians
  20. I find your attempt to boss me around unimpressive

You Always Act Like the Boss Even When You’re Not. Doesn’t That Make You Stupid?

Some people just like to act bossy even when they’re not your boss or in any way superior to you.

Dealing with a bossy boss is already a big deal, how much more having to deal with a bossy person who isn’t your boss?

So, this is a crazy line you can use to put them in their place. It insults them for their unnecessary bossy attitude.

If Only You Had Sense, I’d Take You More Seriously 

Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person

Some people are just out to try to control people even when they’ve got nothing to offer.

So, you can use this line to make fun of a bossy person, especially someone who doesn’t know anything. 

It’s a crazy one-liner you can use on any of your colleagues or team members who acts all bossy without making any positive impact.

  • You don’t know anything yet you act all bossy
  • Do you know what it looks like when you act all bossy with zero brains 

I Don’t Follow Commands, I Only Listen to Opinions. So, Yours Is Duly Noted and Successfully Ignored 

Another crazy comeback you can give to someone who tries to boss you around is this sharp one-liner.

Also, it’ll work well to let them know that they can’t control you. It’s a funny way of dealing with them and putting them in their place.

For instance, if someone asks you to do something with a commanding tone, this response will work well.

Oh! I Didn’t Realize When You Became the King Here. I’ll Remember to Bow and Remove Myself from Your Presence Next Time

This is another funny way you can reply to someone who tries to command you.

This is a sarcastic statement that doesn’t only refer to them as a king, it also shows the lengths you’ll go to give them the respect they deserve next time.

Also, it’s an amusing way of letting them know you don’t appreciate their presence. They won’t miss the mockery.

If You Want to Control Everyone, Start with Controlling Your Desire to Be Stupid  

Another way you can get to a bossy person is with this savage comeback.

This is another interesting line that’ll perfectly roast a controlling person. It doesn’t only mock them for their bossiness, it also insults them for always being stupid.

Also, it’s the perfect way to respond to them when they try to control you.

  • Start with controlling your urge for acting stupid 
  • If you want to be bossy, it’d make sense if you knew how to control your dumb nature 

There’s Nothing Wrong in Telling Yourself How Insecure You Are 

As I’ve earlier established, some people who act bossy are insecure. And the only way to hide their insecurities is by putting out a controlling attitude.

So, you can use this line to taunt a bossy person, especially someone who has become a real pain in the ass.

It’ll work well to shut them and put them in their place.

You Have the Right to Ask Me What to Do and I Have the Right to Refuse It

Another beautiful response you can give to someone who tries to control you is letting them know you have a right to refuse them.

Of course, as humans, we all have freedom of expression and free will. So, if someone has the right to tell you to do something, as an adult, you’ve got the right to say what you want to.

And if it’s a “no,” then they have to deal with it. So, this a savage reply to give anyone bossing you around.

  • You have the right to ask me what to do and I have a right to refuse it. That’s freedom of speech 
  • If you can tell me what to do, I can as well tell you “no,” right?

It’s Alright. Even a Mad Person Roams About Freely These Days 

Another fantastic way to respond to someone who tries to boss you around is by referring to them as a mad person.

This is a classic response that attempts to empathize with them. Also, it’s a savage and sarcastic response that indirectly calls them a mad person.

When someone acts bossy around you, instead of expressing anger, you can calmly give this reply to put them in their place.

Have You Stopped to Think That Maybe You’re the Only One who Enjoys Listening to Your Voice?

Another funny way to reply to a bossy person is with this classic question.

It’s a crazy comeback that mocks them for their controlling attitude. Also, it’ll work adequately as a response when they command people around you.

Pointing out that they’re likely the only ones who enjoy listening to their voice is a perfect way to roast them without mercy.

When You Try to Tell Adults What to Do, Don’t You Think You’ll Look Like a Clown?

Another funny and mocking response to give someone who tries to boss you around is this hilarious question.

This question will work for a bossy colleague or friend who tries to control everyone around them. It’s a classic insult they won’t forget in a long time.

When You Buy a Suit, I’ll Pay You a Little Attention 

This is another funny way to respond to a bossy person.

It’s a savage remark that taunts them for their bossy character even when they’re not a boss or leader. Also, this response tells them that they don’t have what it takes to boss people around.

So, it’ll work for your friend or colleague who’s fond of controlling people around them. 

  • When you get a suit, you can come back and try, maybe we will take you seriously then
  • Try and package yourself well, then we might listen to you

You Should Create Your Own Company First. You Can Then Boss the Furniture Around 

This one-liner is another amusing response that’ll shut a bossy person up.

It’s another classic and savage response that shows them their place. Also, it’ll work well as a response when they try to command you.

Additionally, telling them that they can boss their furniture around tells them that they’re not fit to act the way they do.

Anytime You Try to Act Bossy, I’m Reminded of a Dog That Tries to Control Its Master

Another funny thing to say to roast someone who tries to boss you around is comparing them to a dog.

This classic comeback taunts them for their annoying attitude by telling them that they’re just like a dog who tries to control its master. 

In addition, it’s a crazy and humorous way of telling them that they’re not fit to control anyone.

  • It’s funny when you act all bossy. You’re just like a dog trying to control its master
  • This bossy attitude makes you look like a foolish dog that has gone astray 

The Magic Did Not Work. Try Another Person

Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person

Another simple reply you can give to roast a controlling person is, “The magic did not work. Try another person.” 

This is a simple yet hilarious and savage response that’ll roast them perfectly. Giving this reply when they ask you to do something will surely shock them. They’ll find what to say in reply.

Moreover, giving this reply to others around is certain to make them the center of a real joke.

I Understand How You Feel. It’s Hard to Find a Free Robot to Control These Days 

Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person

This is another iconic punchline you can give to someone who tries to boss you around.

It’s a sassy response that sarcastically empathizes with them. They’ll surely not miss the mockery.

Why Not Rest? Maybe You’ll Come Back to Your Senses 

“Why not a rest? Maybe you’ll come back to your senses” is another iconic response to give to a controlling person.

This line directly insults them by implying that they’re not with their senses. You should use this response when they attempt to boss you or people around.

Are You Talking to Me? Oh I See You Talk to Yourself Now 

When someone commands you to do something, asking them if they’re talking to you is sure to get to them.

Feigning ignorance is a great comeback that rubs their annoying attitude on their face. And concluding that they’re talking to themselves is a funny way to show them their place.

I’m Not Yours to Control. Deal with Your Illusion, Please 

Funny Roasts for a Bossy Person

Some people may attain a certain position and begin to feel on top of the world. It’s usually at this time they assume a controlling character. 

So, clarifying with them that you’re not theirs to control is a great way to put them in their place.

Also, asking them to deal with their illusion is a classic insult they won’t forget for a long time.

Bossy People Don’t Bother Me. They’re Just a Bunch of Unpaid Comedians

Another iconic way to deal with a bossy person is by referring to them as an unpaid comedian.

Calling someone who tries to control you a comedian is enough to get to them. But adding that they’re unpaid will surely roast them.

Additionally, it’s a savage comment that’ll work during a roast duel.

I Find Your Attempt to Boss Me Around Unimpressive

“I find your attempt to boss me around unimpressive” is another interesting response to give someone who tries to control you.

This is a crazy comeback that shows how bored you are with their attitude. Also, it’s a classic burner that’ll make them appear foolish. They should regret their actions.

  • I find your attempt to boss me around unimpressive. Go learn some handiwork
  • I find your attempt to boss me around unimpressive. Try other things you’re better at


Having to deal with a bossy boss is enough of a headache on its own. But, having to spend time with a bossy person can push you to the wall.

So, the perfect responses for these bossy people are these classic one-liners that’ll show them their place while leaving everyone in stitches.


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