20 Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

Do you need funny roasts for a Detroit Lions fan? 

There are many ways to piss off a Detroit Lions fan, and this article has got all the interesting punchlines you need.

First, the Detroit Lions is a good football team. Established in 1929, they have won several championships. But, of course, they’ve got their bad seasons where they struggle through several losses.

So, if you want to roast their loyal fans, just hilariously point out some of these losses, and you’ll get the reaction you need. Keep reading this article to discover more funny one-liners to roast a Detroit Lions supporter.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

Some interesting one-liners you can use to roast a Detroit Lions fan include:

“Why did the Detroit Lions fan open a Mall? They needed a plan B in case they didn’t win the bet!,” “What’s the difference between the Detroit Lions and the original Lion? The former is a counterfeit,” and “What did the Lions fan say when his team finally won a game? This is a miracle!”

Here are 20 funny roasts for a Detroit Lions fan:

  1. What’s the best part about dating a Detroit Lions fan? She never remembers a ring
  2. How do you make a Detroit Lions player stay out of your yard? Set up goalposts and they’d never get close
  3. Why don’t the Detroit Lions ever take coffee? It’s not possible with the Patriots having all the cups
  4. Why won’t the Detroit Lions ever join in a hide-and-seek game? Nobody would find them!
  5. Why did the Detroit Lions join the dance club? They needed a plan B in case they didn’t win the bet!
  6. What did the Lions fan say when his team finally won a game? This is a miracle! 
  7. The Detroit Lions should go to art school. Maybe they would learn how to draw a winning play!
  8. What do the Detroit Lions do when they’re not playing? Watching other teams to learn their moves!
  9. If you see a Detroit Lions player with a championship ring, don’t be surprised. He’s just a visitor!
  10. Why did the Lions fan bring a map to the match? So he could help his team find the end zone!
  11. What’s the difference between a Detroit Lions fan and a spear? The spear has a point!
  12. What’s the difference between a Lions fan and an air conditioner? An air conditioner makes more sense
  13. The Detroit Lions fan went with a shovel to the game. He said he needed it to dig his team out of another loss!
  14. What’s the difference between a Lions fan and a clock? A clock never makes much noise
  15. What’s the difference between the Detroit Lions and the original Lion? The former is a counterfeit
  16. I saw the Detroit Lions fan crying. He said he knew the outcome of the game already
  17. What do the Lions and a man of God have in common? Both can make a large crowd stand and shout Jesus Christ!
  18. Why are Lions fans always confident? They trust their team to let them down again
  19. Why are mosquitoes better than the Detroit Lions? Mosquitoes only annoy you during summer 
  20. What’s the cool part about being a Detroit Lions fan? They are seated in almost all their games

What’s the Best Part About Dating a Detroit Lions Fan? She Never Remembers a Ring

Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

Use this classic roast to finish up the Lions fan. This savage line makes fun of the fans and also the team for their inability to win.

It implies that since the team is not good at winning the Super Bowl ring, dating a fan will be quite easier because, of course, they won’t remember a ring.

Also, it’s a funny wordplay that’ll get the audience in fits of laughter during a roast battle. 

How Do You Make a Detroit Lions Player Stay Out of Your Yard? Set Up Goalposts and They’d Never Get Close 

How do you catch a rat? Set a trap. And of course, if the rat knows that there’s a trap they won’t get close to it.

So, this is a savage one-liner that makes fun of the Lion’s inability to score a goal. It’s a crazy line that illustrates what happens during a game.

It implies that the team can’t score a goal because they never get close to the goalpost. So, seeing a goalpost in your yard, they won’t be able to get close. A fan will surely find a comeback difficult.

Why Don’t the Detroit Lions Ever Take Coffee? It’s Not Possible with the Patriots Having all the Cups

Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

If one person has all the cups, how will others be able to use any? Use this savage punchline on a Detroit Lions fan to make them wish they never came in contact with you.

It’s a classic burner that shows your skill as a king of roast. This one-liner rubbishes a fan and the whole team by implying that their opponent, the Patriots, has won all the cups, so the team can never have one.

Why Don’t the Detroit Lions Ever Join in a Hide and Seek Game? Nobody Would Find Them!

This is another hilarious line you can use to finish a Lions fan during a roast duel.

This one-liner makes fun of the team by implying that nobody notices them because they’re too bad.

  • If the Lions ever play hide and seek, they’d remain hidden forever. Nobody will remember to look for them
  • The Detroit Lions never play hide and seek because they’re worried no one will search for them

Why Did the Detroit Lions Fan Join the Dance Club? They Needed a Plan B in Case They Didn’t Win the Bet!

Use this iconic one-liner to finish up a fan of the Lions and showcase your roasting skill.

This fantastic roast line ridicules the team and the fan by accusing the fan of having a plan B because they’re not confident that their team will win, which means losing their bet.

Also, it’s a funny way of making fun of the team by suggesting that they’re very good at losing a game.

What Did the Lions Fan Say When His Team Finally Won a Game? This is a Miracle! 

This is another fantastic line you can use to roast a Detroit Lions fan.

This classic punchline makes fun of the team’s many losses. So, it ridicules the fans for their surprise at the team’s first win.

Also, it’s a humorous way of pointing out that that team can’t ever win except by a miracle.

The Detroit Lions Should Go to Art School. Maybe They Would Learn How to Draw a Winning Play!

Use this iconic punchline during a roast duel to ridicule the Lions fan. This interesting one-liner makes fun of the team by calling out their inability to win.

So, it advises them to go to the art school, so maybe they can then learn how to draw a winning play. It’s a sarcastic comment the fan won’t forget for a long time.

Also, it’ll work well during a roast duel, especially after a loss from them.

How Do the Detroit Lions Do When They’re Not Playing? Watching Other Teams to Learn Their Moves!

This is another ridiculous statement that you can use to poke fun at a Lions fan.

This one-liner makes fun of the team by implying that they spend the days they’re not playing watching other teams so that they can learn their moves. It’s just a funny way to call them out for their bad playing.

If You See a Detroit Lions Player with a Championship Ring, Don’t Be Surprised. He’s Just a Visitor!

Use this savage remark to deal with a Lions fan during a roast duel.

This punchline makes fun of the team by implying that they’ve never gotten the Super Bowl Ring. So, it hilariously advises anyone not to be surprised if they find the team with the Ring.

Also, adding that anyone with the ring is a visitor makes it more hilarious.

Why Did the Lions Fan Bring a Map to the Match? So He Could Help His Team Find the End Zone!

The end zone is the scoring area on the football field. So, this classic punchline insults the Lions team and their fans by calling out their inability to find the scoring area.

It’s a savage remark that doesn’t only ridicule the team for their inability to find the end zone, it also makes fun of them by implying that they need their fans for that.

Also, adding that the fan came with a map for that purpose is going to send the audience into fits of laughter.

  • So, the Lions need a map to find the end zone, isn’t that pitiful?
  • Wow! So without their fan and a map, the Detroit Lions won’t know what the scoring area looks like 

What’s the Difference Between a Detroit Lions Fan and a Spear? The Spear Has a Point!

This is another fantastic line you can use to roast a Detroit Lions fan during a football argument or a roast duel.

This hilarious line compares them to a spear and insists that a spear is better because it has a point. So, this is a funny way of accusing them of a pointless argument.

What’s the Difference Between a Lions Fan and an Air Conditioner? An Air Conditioner Makes More Sense

Funny Roasts for a Detroit Lions Fan

This is another hilarious comparison you can use to make fun of a Lions fan.

This punchline compares them to an air conditioner, implying that an AC is better. Also, saying that an AC makes more sense ridicules and looks down on them by suggesting that they don’t make sense.

The Detroit Lions Fan Went with a Shovel to the Game. He Said He Needed It to Dig His Team Out of Another Loss!

This is another funny remark that roasts the Lions fans and the team by calling out their many losses.

It’s a crazy line that calls out the fans for going to their team’s match with the confidence that they would lose.

What’s the Difference Between a Lions Fan and a Clock? A Clock Never Makes Much Noise

Use this iconic punchline to call out the Detroit Lions fans for their noise making.

This is an interesting one-liner that compares them to a clock, implying that a clock is better because it doesn’t make much noise. It’s just a funny way to insult them for making a lot of noise.

What’s the Difference Between the Detroit Lions and the Original Lion? The Former Is a Counterfeit

This is another interesting way to insult someone that supports the Lions. It’ll work well during a roast battle to rubbish a fan.

This iconic one-liner compares the Detroit Lions to a real Lion. It insists that the Detroit Lions are a counterfeit, which of course is true, they’re not a real Lion.  

Also, it’s just a stylish and amusing way to call them fake.

I saw the Detroit Lions Fan Crying. He Said He Knew the Outcome of the Game Already 

Why would a fan be crying before the game? Could it be tears of optimism or tears of joy? 

This is a crazy one-liner that makes fun of the Lions fans, inferring that they cry before the game because they know the outcome. And what other outcome other than failure? 

What Do the Lions and a Man of God Have in Common? Both Can Make a Large Crowd Stand and Shout Jesus Christ!

Use this interesting one-liner to roast a Detroit fan by comparing their team to a man of God.

This punchline makes fun of the team by inferring that they’re like a man of God.

Saying that they can make a large crowd stand and shout “Jesus” is a sarcastic remark that ridicules them. Their fans won’t miss the mockery.

Why Are Lions Fans Always Confident? They Trust Their Team to Let Them Down Again 

Use this sarcastic comment to roast a Lions fan. It calls them out for their confidence, implying that they’re very confident in the team’s failure.

It’s a funny way of ridiculing the team for their constant losses.

Why Are Mosquitoes Better Than the Detroit Lions? Mosquitoes Only Annoy You During Summer 

This is another crazy remark that makes fun of the Lions and their fans.

This punchline compares them to a mosquito, implying that they’re more annoying than a mosquito since a mosquito only annoys during the summer.

Also, it’s just a funny way to call them out for their frequent failures.

What’s the Cool Part About Being a Detroit Lions Fan? They Are Seated in Almost All Their Games

This is another interesting punchline that’ll surely get to a Lions fan.

This savage remark makes fun of the team for their inability to win and get their fans to stand and cheer them up.

Final Words

Use these classic punchlines to make fun of a Detroit Lions fan if you want to roast any of them. You’ll find them useful during a roast battle or a football argument.

However, keep in mind that it’s just for fun and to have a good time with your fellow football lovers.


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