20 Funny Roasts for an Iranian

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

Laughter transcends borders, and humor knows no boundaries. In the vibrant tapestry of Iranian culture, humor has woven itself into the fabric of everyday life, creating a unique blend of wit and charm. 

In this funny roast, we embark on a lighthearted journey through 20 pairs of funny roasts, each crafted to tickle the funny bone of those with an Iranian perspective.

From the tea-steeped dilemmas to the philosophical ponderings of a falafel, these funny roasts celebrate the richness of Iranian traditions and cuisine, all while embracing the universal language of laughter. 

Dig in. 

20 Funny Roasts For An Iranian

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

1. Why did the teapot apply for a job?

Iranians love tea. Assuming your Iranian person is a tea lover too. In Iran, tea is a beloved beverage.

This joke plays on the importance of tea in Iranian culture and if your Iranian person is having tea with you or some other beverage, then bring up this roast. 

There’s a play on the process of steeping tea. The roast is linked to how tea saturates the hot water. Also there’s a pun on the name of the teen detective Nancy Drew from the popular story. 

  • Why did the teapot apply for a job? It wanted to be steeped in success!


  • What do you call a detective who solves tea-related crimes? Nancy Brew.

2: Why did the pistachio start a podcast?

Here’s another pun on Iranian food that an Iranian person would relate with. This is sure to make him or her laugh. 

Iran is famous for its pistachios. This joke humorously personifies a pistachio.

So let’s say you and the Iranian person are snacking on some food, you can drop the roast. There’s a pun on the word shell, the outer covering of the pistachio. 

  • Why did the pistachio start a podcast? It wanted to crack open some nutty discussions!

3: What did Rumi say about his favorite computer game? 

Rumi, the Persian poet, is celebrated worldwide. This joke brings a playful twist to his profound poetry. So ask the Iranian person if he or she is familiar with Rumi and his poems.

Then begin a conversation about the poet, link him to the Iranian person. Then drop the roasts as if the Iranian person is Rumi himself. Be tactful when doing this so you don’t come off as being racist. 

  • Why did Rumi become a rapper? He wanted to drop some poetic beats!


  • What did Rumi say about his favorite computer game? Let’s transcend levels and rhyme in the divine realm!

4: How does a magic carpet navigate?

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

Persian carpets are renowned for their intricate designs. This joke gives a whimsical twist to their reputation. In this roast there are several play on words.

The magic carpet rugs the lamp, instead of rub it. The carpet also goes to therapy. Iranians are not expected to take offense since these things have cultural meanings for them. But they’re sure to laugh at these roasts.

  • Why did the Persian carpet go to therapy? It had too many knots in its emotions!


  • How does a magic carpet navigate? It ‘rugs’ the lamp for directions!

5: Why did the saffron blush?

Saffron is a valuable spice in Iranian cuisine. This roast adds a playful element to its high price. Ask your Iranian friend the last time he used saffron.

Begin by telling him you are roasting him using saffron and see him smile. In this roast saffron, which an Iranian knows too well, is personified.

There’s a play on the idea of saffron’s color and what happens when an Iranian loses his cool and becomes upset. 

  • Why did the saffron blush? It saw the price tag and turned redder than itself!


  • How do you make a saffron laugh? Tell it a coriander joke!

6: Why did the pomegranate attend etiquette school?

Here’s another Iranian roast based on one of their favorite fruits. Pomegranates are a symbol of hospitality in Iran. This joke imagines a polite pomegranate.

This roast personifies the seed in the pomegranate fruit. It connects it with school. And its juice is connected to saying an apology. 

  • Why did the pomegranate attend etiquette school? It wanted to be well-seeded in good manners!


  • How does a pomegranate say sorry? It offers a juicy apology!

7: How did the turban ace the history exam?

Does the Iranian person we are roasting wear or love turbans? Yes! Roast him with his turban! Turbans have historical significance in Iran. This joke humorously suggests a turban’s time-traveling abilities.

The traditional Iranian look is not complete until you have a turban wrapped around your head. The play here is on the state of being wrapped on the head with the turban. 

  • How did the turban ace the history exam? It wrapped its head around the past!


  • What did the time-traveling turban say to fashion designers? I’ve got timeless style!

8: Why did the kebab start a blog?

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

An Iranian loves his kebab. If the one you’re roasting does too, roll up your sleeve and try this roast on him. 

Kebabs are a popular Iranian dish. This roast imagines a kebab with storytelling skills. Imagine that. Remember, this is a roast so anything can happen.

Kebab starts a blog, and has a favorite genre. First, ask the Iranian what would happen if his kebab was human and started a blob. The humor is found in your response as seen in the examples below. 

  • Why did the kebab start a blog? It had a skewer-cet of interesting stories to share!


  • What’s a kebab’s favorite genre? Skewer-real fiction!

9: Why did the mullah start a band?

If the Iranian is a mullah, then the better for the purpose of this roast. Mullahs, religious leaders in Iran, are known for their wisdom.

This joke adds a musical twist to their character. When delivering this roast, add some flourish, be expressive as much as you can. Do this by mimicking the Iranian mullah. 

  • Why did the mullah start a band? He wanted to preach the harmony of life!


  • How does the musical mullah greet people? Salaam alaikum, let’s jam!

10: Why did the Farsi language enroll in speed reading classes?

Farsi, the official Iranian language, is known for its poetic nature. This joke humorously suggests a fast-forward version.

This roast hits better if your Iranian friend can speak farsi. And if you have several Iranians  in your audience, even better, as they can begin to demonstrate the truth of this roast by speaking the language.

  • Why did the Farsi language enroll in speed reading classes? It wanted to finish its sentences in a verse!


  • How does fast-forward Farsi order coffee? Expresso, bitte!

11: Why did the pomegranate bring a puzzle to the party?

Here’s another fruit roast for an Iranian. And it’s the pomegranate again that plays a puzzle game. Puzzles are a popular pastime. This joke imagines a pomegranate struggling with a puzzle.

An Iranian will definitely identify with this joke as the fruit is a popular one in their country. There’s a mental comparison between the cluster of seeds in the pomegranate and a collection of puzzles. 

  • Why did the pomegranate bring a puzzle to the party? It wanted to seed some entertainment!


  • How long did it take the pomegranate to finish the puzzle? It was a real head-scratcher—several juicy hours!

12: Why did the falafel become a philosopher?

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

This next roast is a food roast, an attempt to roast an Iranian with one of their food—falafel. 

Falafel, a Middle Eastern dish, is given a philosophical twist in this funny roast.

Falafel is made of chickpeas and there’s a reference to this in the roast. They may also be flavored with spice too. This is why falafel may pack a little punch when you eat. 

  • Why did the falafel become a philosopher? It wanted to ponder the meaning of chickpea-existence!


  • How does the philosophical falafel approach life’s challenges? It rolls with the philosophical punches!

13: Why did the Persian rug start doing yoga?

In the roast we take a jab at something peculiar to an Iranian—Persian rug. There’s a reason these rugs are called Persian.

The Iranian is personified in the Persian rug, and the rug in this roast enrolls in a yoga class. Yoga’s popularity is universal.

This joke envisions an unexpected yogi in Iran. This roast is most appropriate where the subject matter is centered on yoga. 

  • Why did the Persian rug start doing yoga? It wanted to find its inner weave!


  • How does the yoga rug relax? It unravels its stress!

14: The cucumber gets invited to all the parties

Cucumbers are a popular feature of Iranian cuisine. This fruit is known for its cooling effect on the gut. This roast draws inspiration from this benefit of the fruit.

This joke turns a cucumber into a well-mannered character. You can use this roast while snacking on cucumber alongside your Iranian friend. Running this roast without a preamble makes it more hilarious. 

  • The cucumber gets invited to parties because it is a “cool” and polite guest!


  • How does the courteous cucumber answer the phone? “Cu-llo!”

15: Why did the Shah become an astronomer?

Referring to the historical title, Shah, this roast takes a playful approach to royalty.

The Iranian person can identify with this reference to Persian history. The best place to use this funny roast is during a history class where the subject is politics. 

  • Why did the Shah become an astronomer? He wanted to rule the celestial bodies!


  • What’s the Shah’s favorite constellation? The Royal Dipper!

16: Why did the saffron join a choir?

We borrow this next roast from the bright ebullience of saffron. Building on the theme of saffron, this joke gives it a musical talent.

This playful roast is usable in every situation. Most especially where there’s an Iranian person in the audience. 

  • Why did the saffron join a choir? It wanted to spice up the harmonies!


  • How does the singing saffron express its feelings? Through flavorful melodies!

17: Why did the Persian rug become a detective?

Riddles are a fun challenge. This roast envisions a rug solving riddles. You can be flexible with this roast. The rug and the Iranian can be interchangeable.

This is why this roast should be directed at the Iranian specifically, in the audience. Lay a background for the roast if you’re doing it from a stage, then follow up with the examples below. 

  • Why did the Persian rug become a detective? It could unravel the mysteries of any case!


  • What’s the rug’s favorite riddle? Why did the thread go to therapy?

18: How did the watermelon become the wisest fruit?

Watermelons are a summer favorite. Begin this joke with a background story: in the Middle East, it is a popular fixture in markets and neighborhoods.

The Iranian will identify with this roast when it is directed at him. This roast turns a watermelon into a wise character. 

  • How did the watermelon become the wisest fruit? It absorbed all the melon-choly wisdom from the seeds!


  • What advice did the wise watermelon give? Stay cool and stay juicy!

19: The Fastidious Fig

Here’s another joke based on food common to Iranians in the Middle East—figs. Figs are known for their sweetness. This joke imagines a fig with a meticulous, sweet, personality.

If the Iranian person is known to have this kind of personality, then this joke is bound to hit home. 

  • Why did the fig become a perfectionist? It wanted every bite to be a flawless fig-ment!


  • How does the fastidious fig arrange its seeds? In perfect fig-ure eights!

20: Why did the kebab start practicing kung fu?

This final roast brings some of the food we have used in this roast list together in one single joke. Combining Iranian cuisine with martial arts, this joke adds a humorous twist to kebabs.

The humor in this joke comes out better if used during a meal of Iranian food with an Iranian person. 

  • Why did the kebab start practicing kung fu? It wanted to be a master of skewer-y!


  • How does the kung fu kebab defend itself? With swift and well-seasoned moves!

Final Thoughts

Funny Roasts For An Iranian

In this list you’ve been presented with a list of funny roasts. They’re all lighthearted, free of racial slurs.

Iranian culture is beautiful and with the roasts here you can further celebrate it with your Iranian friends. 

Avoid any form of discrimination against other races. When using these roasts, be sure to be respectful of other people’s culture, food and clothing. 


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