20 Funny Roasts for Andrew Tate Fans

Funny Roasts for Andrew Tate Fans

It is fair to say someone is living under a rock if they haven’t heard of the name Andrew Tate, especially in this generation.

The American-British social media personality is a former professional kickboxer who is now a four-time world champion.

However, he found worldwide fame online by appearing in countless videos, flaunting an ultra-luxurious lifestyle of fast cars, private jets, and yachts, as well as preaching the gospel of “alpha-male-hustle-bro-anti-feminism” culture. 

When you meet any of his followers, you may get irritated at how they express their fandom for Tate. In such a situation, here are the best lines you can use to piss them off: 

Table of Contents

List of 20 Funny Roasts to Tell Andrew Tate Fans

1. “Is Andrew Tate’s self-help advice on how to be a millionaire just sending him money and hoping for the best?”

Remind them they’re just tossing money into a well and wishing for magic to happen. For Andrew Tate’s fans, it’s a bit like being told they’ve been duped, thinking they’re investing in success strategies when they might just be financing someone’s lavish lifestyle. 

Imagine the disappointment of realizing your hero might be more of a showperson than a sage. You can alternatively deliver the roast this way: 

  • “Thinking Andrew Tate’s advice is gold? It’s more like tossing money into a wish well.”
  • “Andrew Tate fans paying for success? It’s like a blindfolded game of financial roulette.”

2. “Following Andrew Tate’s financial advice is like expecting a goldfish to teach you how to swim.”

Funny Roasts for Andrew Tate Fans

Use this line to argue that his advice might not be constructive, using the funny image of a goldfish trying to teach something it doesn’t know. 

Fans might get upset because it points out that the person they admire might not be the best source for financial guidance, and it does it funnily and cleverly.

  • “Listening to Andrew Tate’s money advice is like asking a penguin for tips on flying – it’s just not their expertise!”
  • “Taking financial tips from Andrew Tate is like expecting a cat to give you diet advice – not exactly their area of purr-session!”

3. “Do Andrew Tate fans even lift, bro? Well, yeah, their wallets – forking out cash to support their hero’s empire!”

Tell them they’re more focused on spending money on their idol than hitting the gym. The roast plays on the idea that instead of building physical muscles, these fans are working on their financial muscles by contributing to Andrew Tate. 

It’s a witty dig that suggests their dedication goes beyond just being fans; it’s like they’re doing a workout routine for their wallets, not their bodies. 

4. “I asked an Andrew Tate fan for life advice, and they said, ‘Just be rich.’ Wow, groundbreaking stuff there.”

Dismiss them playfully. Andrew Tate fans buy into the idea that they’re part of an elite group with exceptional knowledge about achieving wealth and success. 

To them, being an Andrew Tate follower is like having a golden ticket to prosperity. 

So, when you playfully dismiss their revered advice with a sarcastic “Wow, groundbreaking stuff there,” it’s like saying their magical formula for success is as simple as waving a wand.

  • Imagine I asked a big Andrew Tate fan for life advice, and all they had to say was, “Just get rich.” Like, seriously? Groundbreaking, right?
  • I went to an Andrew Tate enthusiast for life tips, and they hit me with, “Just be rich.” Talk about next-level advice – mind blown!

5. “If Andrew Tate’s advice is so good, why isn’t he charging us all a fee just to listen to it?”

Funny Roasts for Andrew Tate Fans

Challenge the idea that such valuable advice should be freely shared instead of being a lucrative business.

It’s a bit of a sarcastic tease that could make a passionate Andrew Tate fan feel defensive about their hero’s approach to sharing his wisdom.

  • “If Andrew Tate’s advice is the real deal, why isn’t he making us pay for it? It’s like getting a treasure map handed out at a pirate party without an entry fee!”

6. “Andrew Tate’s success plan: Charge followers for motivation, not results.”

Rub it on their faces that Tate’s genius plan is to make money by selling motivation that’s as empty as a balloon. It’s a playful roast that might make them question if their hero is serving up a five-star plan or just a fast-food version of success. Ouch, indeed!

  • Andrew Tate’s success secret: Sell inspiration, not results – because who needs actual achievements when you can buy feel-good vibes?”

7.”There’s more to making money than positive thinking he sells to you all.”

Tell them the positive thinking stuff isn’t the money-making miracle they believe it to be. This would annoy his fans because you’re basically saying that, despite following their hero’s advice, your money situation didn’t magically improve. 

It’s a friendly roast, but it hits them where it hurts – in the pocketbook or lack thereof.

8. “Andrew Tate’s financial wisdom disappears as soon as you realize it’s all smoke and mirrors.”

Tell the fans that their financial hero is more an illusionist than a guru. Comparing it to “smoke and mirrors” suggests that, if you look closely, there’s not much substance to Tate’s advice

  • Andrew Tate’s money tips are like a disappearing act – poof, gone once you see it’s all make-believe.
  • Andrew Tate’s financial smarts are like a magician’s trick: vanish the moment you realize it’s just smoke and mirrors.

9. “If Andrew Tate’s mind is a goldmine, his fans must be digging for fool’s gold.”

Point out that even though people think Andrew Tate is brilliant, his fans might not be getting the intellectual brilliance they expect from him.

Use this line as a witty roast that hints maybe Andrew Tate’s intelligence isn’t as deep as some think. 

His fans might be getting fooled into thinking they’ve found something extraordinary when it might not be that extraordinary after all.

  • “Imagine Andrew Tate’s mind as a fancy dessert, but his fans could be biting into fool’s gold instead of a golden treat.”

10. “Andrew Tate fans are like modern alchemists, trying to turn their bank statements into gold with the power of positive thinking.”

Poke fun at the idea that positive thinking alone can magically make money appear in their bank accounts. It sounds funny and ridiculing to them when you suggest that they might be on a quest as ambitious as turning lead into gold but with a modern twist involving positive vibes and financial dreams.

  • Andrew Tate fans, the modern alchemists, turning positive thoughts into gold for their bank accounts—it’s like hoping good vibes will spawn a money tree.

11. “If Andrew Tate’s mindset advice worked, his fans would be so rich they could buy him a personality.”

Use this as a clever quip to question whether they’re genuinely benefiting from his views and opinions. Instead of achieving financial success, his followers might need to pool their resources to get their mentor a personality upgrade. 

It’s a lighthearted way of teasing them about not seeing the promised results and, at the same time, poking fun at Tate himself.

  • If Andrew Tate’s advice really worked, his fans would be so rich they could buy him a fancy car.
  • If Andrew Tate’s mindset tips were as unique as they claim, his fans would be so successful they could fund a vacation for him on a private island.

12.  “Tate’s wealth-making tips is houses on clouds.”

Tell them Tate’s advice is nothing more than daydreaming about money. It’s not just a critique; it’s like telling them their financial wizard is more like a fairy godmother with a wand than a money-making severe mentor. 

Fans have invested not just money but also their belief in this method, and calling it “wishful banking” is like yanking the rug out from under their financial dreams.

  • “Andrew Tate’s wealth-building method seemed more like daydreaming about money than a real strategy when I gave it a shot.”

13. “Andrew Tate’s followers are making risking investments.”

Tease them for putting all their money and time into one risky investment – Andrew Tate.

The joke hits hard because it questions their unquestioning loyalty, suggesting that maybe following Andrew isn’t the surefire way to financial success they think it is.

It’s a playful roast at their devotion, making them question if their financial hero is as infallible as they believe. 

  • Andrew Tate’s fans believe ‘unfollowing’ is a financial strategy – like selling stocks in the Church of Tate! 

14. “Tate’s success book will probably be just about positive thinking. Easy, right?”

The whole line is a playful roast of Andrew Tate, suggesting that his take on success is oversimplified and maybe even a bit cheesy. 

Fans might get upset because it makes their idol’s success formula sound a bit too basic and not as extraordinary as they believe.

  • “Heard Andrew Tate’s working on a success guide – it’s like a recipe card with ‘positive thinking’ as the only ingredient. Simple as that, apparently!”

15. “What color is your Bugatti? You don’t have one. So, what color is your hair?”

Make a dig at the difference between what they say and what’s true. Use this sarcastic question to point out that they talk a big game about success and luxury, symbolized by a Bugatti, but in reality, they don’t own one. 

The whole point is to playfully challenge the image they project and highlight the difference between their bragging and reality. 

  • “Bugatti in your garage or just in your dreams? So, spill it – what’s the real color of your hair?”
  • “Bugatti owner or wishful thinker? Either way, let’s chat: What’s the deal with your hair color?”

16. “I asked an Andrew Tate fan for their favorite financial book, and they said, ‘My checkbook.'”

Funny Roasts for Andrew Tate Fans

The roast comes from the fact that in the world of finance, there’s a wealth of knowledge beyond just writing checks.

So, this roast gently mocks the idea that a checkbook is the ultimate financial guide, making it a witty jab at the perceived arrogance of Andrew Tate fans.

  • Is Andrew Tate a fan’s favorite money book? “My checkbook,” they proudly claim. Because who needs shelves of finance wisdom when you’ve got checks, right?

17. Following Tate? It’s not such a genius move now, is it?

Throw shade at their own choices. By implying Tate’s advice is questionable, you’re basically saying his fans are…well, doubtful about following it. 

That’s like telling a mime their invisible dog needs a leash. It’s a playful jab at their devotion, and let’s be honest, nobody likes their fandom roasted.

  • “Tate’s advice is like a casino: you might win big, but odds are you’ll just walk out lighter.”

18. “All he does is talk a big game, cash in, and leave followers wondering where their money went.”

Make them regret buying into Tate’s membership. Some Tate fans might be nursing a smidge of “buyer’s remorse” after shelling out for his courses or memberships.

That nagging feeling that they haven’t quite achieved the promised six-pack and Bugatti lifestyle can simmer just below the surface. 

So, your little quip about “wondering where their money went” is like poking that simmering pot with a red-hot ladle of truth. It might just boil over.

  • “Tate? More like Talk, Take, and Two-faced. Leaves fans with empty pockets and promises.” 
  • “Andrew Tate: All flash, no cash. Your bank account cries while he buys his 12th Bugatti.”

19. “Will anti-feminism make you as rich as he seems to be?”

Rub the hustle paradox on their faces. With this line, you’re implying that all the chest-thumping, Bugatti-flaunting, “hustle harder” mantras might not be the golden ticket to riches they thought it was. 

They’ve invested their identity in Tate’s brand, and you’re implying it’s built on affirmations, not actual financial acumen: boom, existential crisis brewing.

  • “If visualization made you rich, every gym mirror would be a Scrooge McDuck vault.” 
  • “Tate fans: ‘Grind never sleeps!’ Their bank accounts: ‘Wake me up at 401(k) time.'”

20. “Andrew Tate fans are like the Flat Earthers of finance – convinced of something that doesn’t hold up in the real world.”

Deflate the alpha balloon. Tate’s image hinges on projecting an aura of unshakeable confidence. 

Questioning his financial gospel is like poking a hole in his inflatable six-pack. Suddenly, the self-made millionaire in a rented Bugatti doesn’t seem so invincible. 

That’s enough to deflate even the most bronzed ego.

  • “Calling Andrew Tate a financial guru is like calling a TikTok chef a Michelin star. You might get some flashy moves, but you’ll still end up with burnt ramen.”


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