20 Funny Roasts for Man City Fans

Funny Roasts for Man City fans

As we dive into 20 hilarious roasts that will have you in stitches, Manchester City supporters, get ready for an amusing ride.

Acknowledged for their achievements in football, these devoted followers are about to experience something fun as we examine their cherished team.

Nothing is off-limits in this hilarious compilation of jokes, from their rivalry with Manchester United to their notorious transfer deals.

Thus, unwind, settle in, and get ready to laugh aloud as we make light of the ardent Man City supporters in the most hilarious ways imaginable.

Table of Contents

Here are 20 Funny Roasts for Man City Fans

  1. Man City is the only club with a robot named “Erling Haland” playing for them.
  2. Has anyone noticed Man City is so noisy and filled with show-offs and nothing else?
  3. Man City has more male fans than female. It is just a Boy Scout-filled club.
  4. It is hard to find a real Man City fan, they have few because of their trophies, not real love. 
  5. Most Man City fans don’t remember the club having a legend aside from Aguero.
  6. I won’t advise anyone to date a Man City fan, they don’t understand struggle just good times only.
  7. Man City is the only club I know to sign players before they could walk.
  8. Man City signs a lot of players not to leave, but stay and win without playing.
  9. With few trophies Man City feels like top leagues, but it is just a feeling it ain’t real 
  10. Most Man City fans know it, they look up and get motivated by Manchester United.
  11. Man City players are loyal to the oil money it has never been love for the club.
  12. Without Kelvin De Bruyne Man City would have been battling relegation.
  13. Man City fans after winning a few trophies think they might be the best in the world? What a joke.
  14. When the going gets tough, Man City fans tend to disappear because they are so spoiled and frail.
  15. Without Rodri supporting the defense, Man City’s defense is nothing to be proud of.  
  16. Man City supporters will perform well in Division 2 they are losing the vigor to support in the Premier League.
  17. Man City fans are getting used to football, welcome newbies you must be starving.
  18. Pep Guardiola looks more like a crime mastermind than a coach.
  19. Man City has enough team players to start World War 3.
  20. If not for the oil money for big signings, Man City is another Bolton in the premier league.

1. Man City is the only club with a robot named “Erling Haland” playing for them.

Call Herling Haaland a robot in a low-key attempt to ridicule him for his incredible, seemingly unbreakable goal streak in the Premier League.

This cleverly written roast makes fun of Man City supporters by suggesting that anyone who stereotypically plays or scores in a way that seems a bit impossible, is a cheat. 

Tell your friend who is a Man City fan about this roast and watch him get red because he just got burned.

  • Producing Herling Haaland for Man City is the closest human-like project humans have ever tried to replicate.

2. Has anyone noticed Man City is so noisy and filled with show-off nothing else?

Another means of making fun of a Man City supporter. All they have to brag about is beating the opposition in the next game, according to the constant chatter. due to their increased assurance in their ability to win leagues and the treble.

This is a clever post that tells them that every beginning has an end.

  • This season has not been the best for you, and all you have is past glory to show off and not the charisma of this season’s premier league winner.

3. Man City has more male fans than female, it is just a Boy Scout-filled club.

A funny roast for Man City fans. Engage a Man City fan by telling them most of their fans are male fans and they have fewer girls and even the few girls mostly look manly. 

This is a soft jab to keep a Man City fan quiet and numb since there is nothing you aim at them that seems to work.

  • I heard Man City makes entry for female fans free without a ticket, to boost female attendance, since their fans seem like men all through.

4. It is hard to find a real Man City fan, they have few because of their trophies, not real love. 

Use this roast to gently put a dent in your friend’s ego. This roast is for you if you want to tell your brother that their club is a bunch of fuckery without being direct about it.

Here, the club’s winning run is portrayed as the reason for supporters’ loyalty rather than their genuine passion for winning and losing. Right now, all Man City supporters understand is winning and losing feel weird.

  • Without the trophies and winning streaks am sure Man City wouldn’t have up to 100k Instagram followers.

5. Most Man City fans don’t remember the club having a legend aside from Aguero.

Man City has a few legends of the club with outstanding achievements that remain relevant from years back till now.

Indulge a Man City fan in this ridiculing conversation, saying most of their fans are recent after they started winning and don’t know much about the club’s history or legends.

  • Most Man City fans are newbies, they don’t remember the club’s history and only heard of Aguero, most didn’t watch him play.

6. I won’t advise anyone to date a Man City fan, they don’t understand struggle just good times only.

This is a great roast for a boisterous Man City supporter who enjoys bragging about their trophies and victories. 

When a girl tells you she needs a man in her life, aim a jab at your buddy who supports Man City while you are hanging out.

Man City fans believe they are too good for every other team, damn sure the same way they treat every relationship they are in.

  • Heard girls dating Man City fans get dumped anytime they lose a match.

7. Man City is the only club I know to sign players before they could walk.

Funny Roasts for Man City fans

With enough availability of funds, Man City scouts young players and talents from different leagues before other players get to them. 

Use this statement to tease a Man City fan who believes Man City can do no wrong in this manner, which might serve as an eye-opener.

  • I heard Man City would be giving contracts to a 10-year-old boy who scored a hat-trick while playing with his family. 

8. Man City signs a lot of players not to leave, but stay and win without playing.

More than enough talented players get signed into Man City, but don’t get enough playtime to adapt or prove themselves due to the existing good and competitive players.

Roast a Man City fan with this statement, educating him on how Man City could be a talent and time waster.

  • Man City should also be called Talents Graveyard.

9. With few trophies Man City feels like top leagues, but it is just a feeling it ain’t real 

Use this roast to put a leash on a Man City fan who won’t stop boasting of the consecutive silver wares accumulated by the club in recent times.

Chipping in the fact they are still not the most decorated club in the premier league, and not even in the top 3 will sting them hard.

  • With this much noise over recent achievements, your club still has a long way to go in becoming one of the best.

10. Most Man City fans know it, they look up and get motivated by Manchester United.

Given its bigger stadium, greater total number of trophies won, and longer history of international success, Manchester United has a compelling argument to be regarded as the largest club in Manchester.

Use this statement to briefly school a Man City fan who is caught up in the moment and a brief history of football.

  • With everything your club has achieved so far, it is still not the biggest club in Manchester.

11. Man City players are loyal to the oil money it has never been love for the club.

With man-city players who are either performing or not but highly paid, show the reason why they struggle hard to leave the club even when they are not getting enough game time.

Use this opportunity to call out a Manchester City fan for supporting a club, whose players are loyal to the club because of money and not true love.

  • Every player sees Man City as a retirement plan and prefers to stay than leave, not for love but for money.

12. Without Kelvin De Bruyne Man, City would have been battling relegation.

Kelvin De Bruyne is the midfield maestro of Man City and his impact is always, helping the team win, and Man City always feels his absence when he is injured.

Roast a Man City fan with this statement, telling him that Man City is where they are today because of one man not as a team.

  • Without Kelvin De Bruyne saving your team, as usual, Man City would have been relegated to Division 2.

13. Man City fans after winning a few trophies think they might be the best in the world? What a joke. 

This is a sharp prickly word to deflate a Man City fan ego, who thinks due to a few trophies won, and a continuous winning streak, Man City might be the greatest football club in the world.

Make a Man City fan itchy with this roast.

  • If Barcelona stops existing as a club today, Man City might never have their trophy numbers till the end of time.

14. When the going gets tough, Man City fans tend to disappear because they are so spoiled and frail.

This roast makes use of sarcasm to ridicule the lazy Man City team, who got used to them winning and always dominating, and with a slight change in their prediction or expectations they start to fumble.

This roast might seem hearty but will draw attention from your friend who is a Man City fan.

  • Man City think they are the king of comebacks, but I think they just lack focus.

15. Without Rodri supporting the defense, Man City’s defense is nothing to be proud of.

As one of the world’s best defensive midfielders, Rodri has contributed to Man City’s victories and successful defense of its three points.

Step on a Man City fan’s toes with this witty statement by implying without Rodri, Man City would have conceded more goals than goals scored, hence exposing their juvenile defense.

  • Without Rodri, Man City’s defense will lose while playing against men on wheelchairs.

16. Man City supporters will perform well in Division 2, they are losing the vigor to support in the Premier League.

The Premier League is known for its tough games and supportive fans, who are always there to witness the losses and wins, for the love of the game. 

Man City fans don’t understand what it is to enjoy the tension of football anymore, they are too relaxed, believing they will always win.

  • Have seen hockey fans cheer their players better than Man City fans recently.

17. Man City fans are getting used to football, welcome newbies you must be starving.

Funny Roasts for Man City fans

This statement is capable of shutting Man City fans up since all they can brag about is their current streak of achievement.

Use this statement to make them feel their current achievement has been some big club past and it is just a phase for them it will pass, so they should enjoy it while it lasts.

  • Man City fans have been starved of winning trophies, but still, your greatest moment is Man United’s past.

18. Pep Guardiola looks more like a crime mastermind than a coach.

Man City coach Pep Guardiola is a smart man with a surprising plan, and he is always on the search for ways to win or get the best players signed into Man City.

Strike a Man City fan where they expect the least by taking down their coach and making his genius plans look anti-football but crime-friendly with this statement.

  • Pep Guardiola’s plan works through luck, but am sure he has a better plan for a bank heist.

19. Man City has enough team players to start World War 3.

This statement depicts Man City having a perfect first squad, and talented players will still fill in the second squad while sitting on the bench.

Poke a Man City fan by letting him know there are enough players signed into Man City that can be mobilized to fight in World War 3 if it were to happen.

  • The American army might have fewer soldiers than the players signed to your club.

20. If not for the oil money for big signings, Man City is another Bolton in the premier league.

A Man City fan is now itching for retribution. With this final roast, turn up the heat.

The money spent to acquire the best players is the only reason why Man City could do better than some other clubs who don’t have such a budget.

In the past with a lesser budget, Man City was ordinary and trying to survive.

  • FC Porto without such an expensive team won the Champions League, can you tone your bragging down now ?

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