20 Good Roasts for Toxic Players

Good Roasts for Toxic Players

A toxic player is someone who constantly creates an ominous atmosphere that interferes with your gaming experience.

It can be so annoying that you want a solution to keep their mouth zip. So, How do you respond to a toxic player?

All this while, my resolve has always been just to ignore them because I believe the silence will quickly get boring so that they will go away.

I remember joining the Item Asylum game, and two toxics tried to bully me and trash talk, but that didn’t do anything to me, and I didn’t care about it.

But sometimes, a word or two that’s snappy and roast can serve them right. 

Here are the best roasts for toxic players I’ve heard so far and why I think you can use them in any situation: 

List of the Best 20 Roast Punchlines to Tell a Toxic Player

 Good Roasts for Toxic Players

These sets of people make the game noticeably less enjoyable for other players through what they type in chat. Here are some sassy things you can say to keep their mouth zip:

1. I will find your parents and force them to pay attention to you.

Flip their negativity around by making fun of them needing attention like a kid. Use this line as a funny and intelligent way to tell them they’re acting immature and need to chill out. 

It’s the kind of comeback that makes everyone laugh and shows you’re not taking their mean comments seriously. You can even put the punchline this way:

  • I’ll call your mom to babysit you.
  • Need a timeout? I’ll ask your parents to step in.

2. Develop some skills

Toxic players often rely on their supposed superiority to feel good about themselves. So, when you suggest they lack skill, it’s a direct hit to their ego. 

Instead of stooping to their level with insults, you’re delivering a classy burn that leaves them speechless.

  • Maybe practice a bit more.
  • You need some improvement there, buddy.

3. Crybaby

Tease them for acting immaturely. This roast is short and punchy, but it’s a way to shut down their lousy behavior without getting into a big argument. 

Plus, it shows you’re staying cool while they’re getting all worked up.

  • Quit your whining, crybaby!
  • Stop being such a crybaby, dude!

4. You smell like week-old ground beef

Subtly hint that they might need to work on their hygiene or attitude. It’s also a reminder that they’re not being very nice. And it’s so descriptive that you can almost smell it! 

This makes it hit even harder because it’s like you’re painting a really gross picture in their mind.

  • You stink worse than a dumpster in July.
  • You’re as smelly as a skunk with a cold shower.

5. You collect your toenails in a jar

 Good Roasts for Toxic Players

The idea of collecting toenails in a jar is just plain silly. That’s what makes it such a great roast—it’s so weird that it’s hard to take seriously. 

This leaves the toxic player feeling confused and maybe even a little embarrassed, which is exactly what you want from a good roast.

  • You probably have a jar full of toenails at home.
  • Do you keep your toenails in a jar as a hobby?

6. You probably snort pancake mix

Make them look even more absurd. Pancake mix is something you use to make breakfast, not something you’d ever imagine snorting. 

So when you say they do, it’s like saying they’re so silly or clueless that they’d actually consider doing something that absurd.

  • You must eat crayons for breakfast.
  • Do you use ketchup as toothpaste?

7. You won’t make your bed in the morning

Tell them they’re messy and disorganized, not just in the game but probably in real life, too. Making your bed in the morning shows you’ve got your act together, but they clearly don’t. 

It’s a funny way of calling them out on their immaturity and lack of responsibility. 

So, by using this roast, you’re not only shutting down their toxic behavior, but you’re also giving them a playful roast about their overall attitude.

  • You’re as organized as a tornado in a trailer park.
  • You’re about as tidy as a frat house after a party.

8. Your insults are as predictable as your gameplay.

Tell them they’re not very good at being mean or playing the game. Calling their insults “predictable” means you can see them coming from a mile away, just like you can see their moves in the game. 

  • Your insults are as dull as your game skills.
  • Your insults are as repetitive as your gameplay.

9. Shut up doo doo head

The childish language makes it even more effective because it’s unexpected and kind of silly. Plus, telling someone to “shut up” shows you’re not afraid to stand up to them. 

  • Hey, stop talking, poop face.
  • Quiet, silly head.

10. I bet you’re the type to rage-quit even when playing solitaire.

 Good Roasts for Toxic Players

Solitaire is a game you play by yourself, so saying they rage-quit means they can’t handle losing, even when they’re all alone. 

You can use this line to cleverly suggest that their bad sportsmanship isn’t just in multiplayer games but extends to even simple, single-player ones. 

Instead of being mean, it’s just a funny way to tell them they need to chill out when they lose.

  • You’d probably flip the table playing solitaire!
  • I bet you quit solitaire before you even shuffle!

11. I bet your dad sells Avon

Compare their dad to someone trying to sell makeup door-to-door. Imagine their dad going around selling Avon products, facing rejection after rejection.

 So you can use this roast to imply that their dad must be employed to get turned down a lot, just like how the toxic player keeps getting shut down in the game.

  • Is your dad still stuck in the ’80s selling makeup door-to-door?
  • Your dad must be a pro at hearing ‘no’ if he’s selling Avon.

12. Hoop a fridge

“Go hoop a fridge” is a funny way to tell a toxic player they’re not good at the game. It’s a silly image that shows they’re slow and annoying to deal with. 

So, it’s a lighthearted yet effective way to shut down their lousy behavior. Plus, it might make everyone else playing laugh, too!

  • You’re as useless as playing basketball with a fridge!
  • You might as well try playing with a fridge because you’re not much better!

13. I bet you pour milk before cereal

Tell them you bet they weirdly do things. By using this line, you’re teasing them in a friendly manner. 

When someone’s mean in a game, you can utilize this line to lighten the mood and maybe even get them to stop being rude.

  • You probably tie your shoes before putting on socks!
  • I bet you brush your teeth before eating breakfast!

14. Even the mute button can’t silence your toxicity.

When things get too much, you can “mute” them, like turning off their voice so you don’t have to hear their bad attitude. 

Now, saying, “Even the mute button can’t silence your toxicity,” is a way of showing them that their negativity is so intense that not even the mute button can stop it.

  • You’re so toxic, even muting you doesn’t help.
  • Even with the mute on, your negativity still shines through

15. A T1 tower shot has a more threatening presence than you

 Good Roasts for Toxic Players

Let them know they’re not as tough as they think they are. Towers in games are powerful and dangerous. 

A T1 tower shot is just the basic attack from one of these towers. This line means something that makes others feel scared or nervous.

 Saying the tower shot has more of this presence means it’s scarier than the toxic player. 

  • Even a baby tower is scarier than you.
  • A beginner’s tower hit packs more punch than you.

16. I’ve seen more affable behavior from a rabid squirrel.

Call them out for being rude. Rabid squirrels are known for being crazy and aggressive. So, by comparing the player’s behavior to that of a rabid squirrel, you’re saying they’re acting like a wild, out-of-control animal.

  • You’re worse than a grumpy squirrel.
  • Even a mad squirrel has better manners than you

17. You bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘sore loser.’

Give them a sarcastic award for their bad behavior. Instead of just saying they’re a sore loser, you’re basically saying they’re the ultimate sore loser champion!  

But the cool thing is, you’re not getting mad or mean like they are. You’re just using your words to show them how silly they’re being. 

  • You’re really good at being a sore loser!
  • You take losing to a whole new level!

18. If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest player alive.

If not knowing or caring about how they’re acting makes them happy, then they must be really, really happy.

By using this line, you’re not only standing up for yourself but also giving them something to think about. And who knows, maybe it’ll even make them change their ways.

  • If not knowing how to play nice makes you happy, you must be the happiest player around.
  • You seem so cheerful in your ignorance about being nice; it’s like you’ve unlocked the ultimate happiness level.

19. I hope one day you find a hobby that doesn’t involve ruining other people’s fun.

Use this as a clever way to tell them to stop being, meanwhile also making them think about how their actions affect everyone else. 

It means you want them to be nice or find something else to do! in a way that might actually make them realize they’re being harmful.

  • Stop spoiling the game for others and find a more friendly hobby.
  • Quit being a fun-ruiner and find something better to do.

20. Training in the main menu

Instead of getting mad, you say, “You should practice more.”You’re indirectly telling them that they are not very good; maybe practice will help. 

This comment is friendly but also shows you’re better. 

It’s a funny insult that might make them think about how they’re acting. It’s a simple and clever way to handle rude players in a game.

  • It looks like someone skipped the tutorial!
  • It’s time to hit the practice mode, buddy!

Remember, You Can Mute, Report, & Move on

People handle rude behavior differently. Some get upset even with minor criticism, while others ignore toxic players entirely. 

The best thing to do is to mute and report them. Arguing with them only makes things worse and upsets the team. 

There’s no clever response that will make them stop or feel sorry. It’s better to focus on playing and not let them ruin the game for you.


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