20 Insults for a Genshin Player

Insults for a Genshin Player

A Genshin Impact player is someone who plays the popular video game, Genshin Impact. The game is an open-world, action role-playing game developed by the Chinese company, miHoYo.

Genshin Impact has been a massive hit, with over 60 million players worldwide.

In this article, I will show you sarcasm, puns, and heavyweight insults you can use to silence an opponent, or a friend anytime and anywhere.

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Insults For A Genshin Player

  1. The only way he would graduate this semester is if the syllabus changes to “Introduction to Genshin”.
  2. I was asked why I think you acted like a social miscreant, I said maybe you mistake reality for fantasy sometimes
  3. I know the only reason you look unrecognizable from that beating is because you thought you were Aether
  4. When we caught the instigator, we asked him how he lured you to fight, and he said he changed the argument to “Genshin is wack”
  5. I was the one who told your mum to borrow out her house rent when your console got lost
  6. I heard your healthy grandma died quickly because of how you exclaim at night when you lose.
  7. Genshin impact players like you are the reason why the phrase “get a life” is invented
  8.  Your Genshin impact skills are so lackluster, it is like watching an NPC try to defeat a boss
  9. I heard Genshin impact players have short attention spans, which is why you can’t commit to anything outside of the game
  10. Your addiction to this game is a never-ending quest, except that the reward is becoming a nit-wit
  11. Genshin impact players like you are the reason why the government needs to make an announcement every week to remind people to go out and interact with humans
  12. Genshin impact has become your second life, which is impressive considering you barely had a first life to begin with
  13.  You may be a Genshin impact player but in the real world you are just an NPC (Non Productive Character)
  14.  Your mum told me how your decisions for your life have suddenly changed, guess you are permanently stuck in a state of delusion
  15. You get fatter every week, I bet the only exercise you do is swipe your phone screen and yell out your misery
  16. Gen Shin’s impact has made you so pathetic, you thought you had done the graduation we just did today
  17.  I bet your Genshin impact character is more developed than your real-life persona and personality
  18.  You play this game all the time and you still can be voted as the most talentless sucker in the world
  19. Playing Genshin Impact made you so daft your mum is asking girls out for you
  20.  Genshin impact has turned you into a virtual zombie, mindlessly chasing after digital rewards, but in real life, you borrow every penny you spend.

1. The only way you will graduate this semester is if the syllabus changes to “Introduction to Genshin”.

A Genshin Player is often so invested in the game they play, to the extent that they find it hard to read for tests or examinations.

They prefer to play the game even when they have homework to do. Therefore, when they are faced with an exam or test paper, they will fail because they are too busy to read.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • The lecturer joked that this semester’s syllabus is called “Introduction to Genshin” and then you made a fool of yourself by being the only one to believe him.

Insults for a Genshin Player

2. I was asked why I think you acted like a social miscreant, I said maybe you mistake reality for fantasy sometimes.

When someone is addicted to a game, in this case, Geshin Impact, they do weird stuff or misbehave because of the influence the game has on them. If you have a friend or an opponent in this category this is the perfect insult for them.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • Now that you mistake reality for fantasy I told your mum to keep all the knives at home before you stab the baby.

3. I know the only reason you look unrecognizable from that beating is that you thought you were Aether.

Fantasy or fantasizing can be a problem when a lover of games invests so much time and emotion playing it, and it may lead to circumstances that may affect them in real life, especially if the person thinks a virtual fight is the same as reality.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • You are the only person who goes ahead with a fight which it is obvious you have lost from the beginning
  • The guy was twice your size even Aether would have advised you to run.

4. When we caught the instigator, we asked him how he lured you to fight, and he said he changed the topic of the argument to “Gensin is wack”.

For a Genshin impact player, it is easy for them to believe it is the best game in the world. It is also easy to get them to misbehave if you bad-mouth the game they play with utmost satisfaction.

Thus, if you have an opponent who is sentimental about Genshin’s impact, this is the perfect insult for them.

Deliver your insult  this way:

  • I told your mum unless she stops you from playing the game, World War 3 will start from her garden.

5. I was the one who told your mom to borrow out her rent when your console got lost.

Game players generally can not do without playing a game for a month, if they don’t play it at their own house, they will play at a friend’s place.

But in a situation where such a person’s console got lost or stolen, they can be a little bit desperate.

This may prompt them to use funds meant for other things to purchase their PS5 or PS4 just to satisfy their need to play games and win missions.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • Before you ruin your parent’s life like yours I had to give her the advice to borrow someone her rent.

6. I heard your healthy grandma died quickly because of how you exclaim at night when you lose.

Game lovers love to play games at night because during the night they are less disturbed and they can be all alone.

But as passionate individuals, who often lose themselves to the thrill of winning and bitterness of losing, they might be a nuisance in the night.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Your grandpa can come and stay with us, we don’t want him to sleep and not wake up.

7. Genshin impact players like you are the reason why the phrase “get a life” is invented

Genshin Impact is a mission game with several stages, where the foes become stronger and harder to conquer, so passing a stage sometimes requires a lot of time and effort.

Such individuals would have to spend more time behind the screen, thereby missing important activities and part of the day.

Try not to smile when delivering this insult:

  •  Telling your parents you won’t go hang with us will be the best news they would have heard this year.

Insults for a Genshin Player

8. Your Genshin impact skills are so lackluster, it is like watching an NPC try to defeat a boss.

Nonplayer characters in a game cannot have the dexterity of a professional gamer who took his time to learn the tactics, and techniques needed to win.

Therefore, if a gamer is likened to a non-player character it means the person sucks a lot at the game.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • I don’t know how you don’t have depression, by being eager to play this game every day knowing you will lose.
  • I won’t be surprised if this game crashes one day because it is tired of the nonsense you keep playing.

9. I heard Genshin impact players have short attention spans, which is why you can’t commit to anything outside of the game.

Geshin impact players spend a ridiculous amount of time playing the game trying to progress to another stage.

Therefore, they usually don’t pay much attention to other important things they are supposed to do. This is the reason why they have a short attention span for something else that is not Genshin impact.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Sometimes I believe you have amnesia because you always forget the smallest of details.

10. Your addiction to this game is a never-ending quest, except that the reward is becoming a nitwit.

A game addict who is always playing Genshin Impact continues to play it as more versions of the game are being released.

All they know is the latest weapon they have acquired, the stage boss that took them more than 50 tries to conquer, etc. All this can make them a clueless individual who is nothing but a nit-wit.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • If being daft was a picture, it would be a picture of you and your pad with a gruesome expression on your face.

11. Genshin impact players like you are the reason why the government needs to make an announcement every week to remind people to go out and interact with humans.

Playing a game like Geshin Impact takes a lot of time, and a person can stay inside for days playing Genshin Impact.

By doing so, players often neglect the responsibility they owe to themselves and their loved ones and they barely go out on a date or hang out with friends which brings about the insult.

Look serious when delivering this insult:

  • I told your family that the only way you can survive is if the mayor makes an announcement to deal with youths like you.

12. Genshin impact has become your second life, which is impressive considering you barely had a first life to begin with.

Geshin impact players get addicted to the game after playing it for a while, and it becomes majorly their life, especially when all they are good at in the first place is playing the game.

So, if you have a friend in this category, this is the best insult for a friend.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • Geshin impact is your second chance at life because you are a failure without it.

13. You may be a Genshin impact player but in the real world you are just an NPC (Non Productive Character)

Geshin impact takes time and requires devotion to be good at it. Thus, it takes one’s creativity at other things and makes people seem utterly useless because when they are supposed to gain more exposure, they are behind closed doors sweating on the game.

Therefore, this is the perfect insult for any person in this category.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • I wanted to ask your opinion on this project, but I remembered again that it is not related to Gen Shin’s impact.
  • The only usefulness you have for me is to complete the quota for the Congress meeting.

14. Your mum told me how your decisions for your life have suddenly changed, guess you are permanently stuck in a state of delusion.

Some things influence a youth’s life, it may be an artist, an actor, an actress in a movie, or a piece of writing on Amazon.

It may also be because of a bestseller book, or a game, all these things sell fantasy.

In this case, Gen Shin’s impact is the motivating factor that changes people and they start deciding due to the game, and most times it is always a negative decision.

Insult them this way:

  • Even if I were to open ur brain and dump sense into it, you would still wake up with a reason to disappoint my efforts.
  • You are stuck in a never-ending loop of indecisiveness, you could sell yourself for a new version of Genshin’s impact.

15. You get fatter every week, I bet the only exercise you do is swipe your phone screen and yell out your misery.

Genshin Impact can also be played on a mobile phone. Thus, this insult can be used for a person who likes to find a space to open his tablet or smartphone to play the game.

There is no way a player who loves the game would not grunt playing this game when he is lost and consumed in the scenery of the game.

When these things happen often, such a person cannot have time to think about a healthy fitness routine. Therefore,  allowing them to keep gaining weight.

Try not to be too serious when delivering this Insult:

  • I know you exercise your brain and mouth a lot, but Christine will only judge you on your posture, that looks like you want to replace Biggie Smalls.
  • My mum was saying that we should take you for a walk sometimes because every time you visit to play a game she is always calling the carpenter.

16. Genshin impact has made you so pathetic, you thought you had done the graduation we just did today.

Genshin impact players are sometimes so invested in the game that they are forgetful.

Whenever you tell them something, they remember now and forget as soon as they start squeezing the pad of their consoles.

Thus, this is the perfect insult for an individual who decided to be that useless and forgetful.

Insult them this way:

  • You disgrace your parent in front of them, and when you are not there your reputation is still disgracing them.

17. I bet your Genshin impact character is more developed than your real-life persona and personality.

One of the reasons why Genshin impact lovers spend more time playing the game than they spend time on other things is because they want to build their character to a formidable one so that they can boast about it, and it can allow them to flex their skills that they spent a crazy amount of time acquiring, while they neglect themselves and their personal development.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • If you could be this formidable in life like your game character, your mum would not look sad when she sees us coming to your house.

18. You play this game all the time and you still can be voted as the most talentless sucker in the world.

There are instances, where a person who plays a game, frustratingly does not understand the game until he or she goes online to watch clips and gain tips to pass some stages.

Sometimes they don’t pass those stages because they are too eager to become professional.

Try to look serious when delivering this insult:

  • Your effort sometimes is like a psychiatric patient wondering how to store water in a basket every time he wakes up.

19. playing Genshin Impact made you so daft your mum is asking girls out for you.

This Insult can be used in instances where one opponent is a shy introvert, and all he does is find solace in a game.

Thus, such individual parents might think that the child might never live a completely normal life, so they try to match him to facilitate some real-world reaction and development.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • I am sure your mum does everything better than your young self can, is she the one finishing those missions I know you can never complete?

20. Genshin impact has turned you into a virtual zombie, mindlessly chasing after digital rewards, but in real life, you borrow every penny you spend.

Genshin impact takes time and builds interest by giving a player a reason to continue playing. Rewards are also given for the completion of each quest.

Power-ups are also given as players progress from stage to stage. Thus, all this takes their time, making them unable to work and therefore, make them a potential debtor.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • If we could convert all those points you gain to money, you would pay me all my debt and still have enough to buy all the wisdom in the world.

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