40 Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You’ll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

Grammar mistakes are not only the domain of non English speakers.  Even English speakers have been caught in the snare of this malady. Sometimes, though, this mistakes can be hilarious. People have been caught in this mistakes on the internet and in private chats.  This article presents some of the most hilarious grammar mistakes that… Continue reading 40 Funny Bad Grammar Mistakes You’ll Hurt Your Sides Laughing At

20 Savage Comebacks for When Someone Aalls You “Mr Big Nose”

This is the age of the perfect look. We are inundated with a barrage of what the perfect image is, in books, magazines, films and on social media everyday.  And people have invested hundreds of millions on improving their looks. Not everyone has the resources to change or improve how they look, though.  If you… Continue reading 20 Savage Comebacks for When Someone Aalls You “Mr Big Nose”