20 Insults for Anti-SJWs

The nightmare of the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), the people who prioritize facts over feelings in any debate, yes, you guessed right, this article is set to throw some hot disses for Anti – SJWs.  I have prepared a list of 20 witty expressions that could be used to insult Anti-SJWs, from the sarcastic comments,… Continue reading 20 Insults for Anti-SJWs

30 History Jokes to Share

Getting people to laugh at jokes is quite challenging, not to mention cracking jokes about something as boring as “History ”, now that’s another level of funny.  Well not to worry, I have prepared 30 History  themed, one-liner jokes that you could share with your friends or family members. By the TIME you’re done with… Continue reading 30 History Jokes to Share