20 Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me

Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me

When you dare to be different, there are lots of people who’ll call you names for that. 

As a lady, being called a pick-me can be offensive. Maybe you have a lot of male friends, or you like hanging out with the guys, someone may label you a pick-me for that.

If someone calls you a pick-me, you don’t have to take it from them. There are a lot of things you can say to show your confidence and put them in their place.

Fortunately, in this guide post, I’ll be showing you the best savage comebacks you can give someone who calls you a pick-me.

20 Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me 

How you respond to someone can affect their actions towards you another time. So, if someone calls you a pick-me, a good response can teach them to avoid you.

Some savage replies include: “I’m still better than you,” “The problem isn’t me but you,” and “I’m proud of myself, I can see it’s not the same for you.”

Here are 20 savage comebacks for being called a pick-me:

  1. I’m not a pick-me, I’m just not you
  2. Call me whatever you want, I don’t care
  3. I’m still better than you
  4. It’s alright, you’re no match to me anyway 
  5. You think I’m a pick-me? No, my dear. I’m just too attractive
  6. Your jealousy stinks
  7. You should be bothered about your dressing rather than picking on me
  8. Go and work on your appearance before you come for me
  9. I’m proud of myself, I can see it’s not the same for you
  10. I’m not a pick-me, you just have low self-esteem
  11. The problem isn’t me but you
  12. I’d rather seek the opinion of a madman than listen to you
  13. Well, your boyfriend is after me
  14. Well, it’s your opinion and I can’t remember asking you for it 
  15. Are you sure you don’t want to be like me?
  16. Don’t be bitter, I can teach you how to be desirable
  17. You should be bothered about your father chasing me 
  18.  I’m not a pick-me, I’m just not a sucker for silly girls like you
  19. Don’t you care to know why all the boys have my attention?
  20. A pick-me is better than a dunce

I’m Not a Pick-me, I’m Just Not You 

“I’m not a pick-me, I’m just not you” is one of the things to say to someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is a straightforward reply that denies their accusation. Also, telling them you’re not them is a perfect way to ridicule them. It implies that they called you a pick-me because you’re different from them.

Additionally, it implies that you’re glad you’re not them.

  • I’m not a pick-me, I’m just not you, which is a good thing
  • I’m not a pickme, I’m just not you. Deal with that reality and you’ll be okay

Call Me Whatever You Want, I Don’t Care 

“Call me whatever you want, I don’t care” is a smart reply for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This response disregards their insult, letting them know that you’re not hurt by their offensive word. Also, it’s a great way to dismiss them.

  • Call me whatever you want, I don’t care. I’ll still be me
  • Call me whatever you want, I don’t care. As long as I’m not you, I’m fine

I’m Still Better Than You 

“I’m still better than you” is another thing to say to someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is a savage reply that shows that you’re not affected by their insult. Also, it returns the insult to them, emphasizing that whatever they think about you, you’ll still be better than them.

  • I’m still better than you, that’s all that matters
  • I’m still better than you, you should know that 

It’s Alright, You’re no Match to Me Anyway

“It’s alright, you’re no match to me anyway” is another befitting reply for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This response shows you’re not offended by their insult. Also, it lets them know you’re okay with what they think as long as you’re better than them.

Moreover, telling them that they’re no match for you is a smart way to return the insult to them.

  • It’s alright, you’re no match for me anyway, so you can call me whatever you like
  • It’s alright, you’re no match for me anyway, so your opinion about me doesn’t matter

You Think I’m a Pick-me? No, My Dear. I’m Just too Attractive

“You think I’m a pick-me? No, my dear. I’m just too attractive” is another interesting way to reply to someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is a clever comeback that boldly denies their accusation. Also, it’s a great way to display your pride in yourself. Adding that you’re too attractive will surely get to them.

  • You think I’m a pick-me? No, my dear. I’m just too attractive, which I can see is a problem for you
  • You think I’m a pick-me? No, my dear. I’m just too attractive, which clearly is affecting you

Your Jealousy Stinks

 Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me

“Your jealousy stinks” is another smart comeback for being called a pick-me.

This reply tells them that they’re jealous and that’s why they call you that. It’ll work for someone who doesn’t like you, probably because of your dress and lifestyle.

You can use this reply to ridicule them.

  • Your jealousy stinks, go wash yourself up
  • Your jealousy stinks. Seek help before it’s too late 

You Should Be Bothered About Your Dressing Rather Than Picking on Me 

“You should be bothered about your dressing rather than picking on me” is another savage comeback for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is the perfect response that returns the insult to them by attacking their dressing sense.

Also, it’s a hilarious pun that tells them that they’ve got a bad fashion sense.

Go and Work on Your Appearance Before You Come for Me 

“Go and work on your appearance before you come for me” is another way to shut up someone who calls you a pick-me.

This response just like the above attacks their appearance, letting them know they don’t always look good.

Moreover, telling them that they should work on their appearance first is a hilarious way to ridicule them, letting them know they have no right to insult you.

I’m Proud of Myself, I Can See It’s Not the Same for You 

“I’m proud of myself, I can see it’s not the same for you” is another savage response for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This response shows the confidence you’ve got in yourself.

Also, saying you’re not sure they’re proud of themselves is a perfect way to ridicule their self-esteem, suggesting they’ve got a low one.

  • I’m proud of myself, I can see it’s not the same for you. I pray you show yourself more love
  • I’m proud of myself, I can see it’s not the same for you. You should be bothered about embracing yourself 

I’m Not a Pick-me, You Just Have Low Self-Esteem 

“I’m not a pick-me, you just have low self-esteem” is another way to attack someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is the perfect comeback that shows them that they’re the ones with the problem. Also, stating that they’ve got low self-esteem is a perfect way to insult and dismiss them.

  • I’m not a pick-me, you just have low self-esteem. You should be worried about that
  • I’m not a pick-me, you just have low self-esteem, and that’s your problem 

The Problem Isn’t Me but You 

“The problem isn’t me but you” is another smart thing to say to someone who calls you a pick-me.

If someone is not okay with your lifestyle and calls you a pick-me, this response will work well to tell them they’re the one with the problem.

Since they’re not comfortable with the way you live your life, then they sure have some issues to deal with. So, use this response to put them in their place.

  • The problem isn’t me but you. Go face your problem
  • The problem isn’t me but you. So, let me breathe and deal with you

I’d Rather Seek the Opinion of a Madman Than Listen to You 

“I’d rather seek the opinion of a madman than listen to you” is another clever reply for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is a savage comeback that ridicules them, letting them know that you won’t give them the benefit of a response.

Also, this reply is sure to take them by surprise, as it doesn’t only insult them but dismisses them rudely. It’s a funny way to tell them a madman is better than them.

Well, Your Boyfriend Is After Me 

 Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me

“Well, your boyfriend is after me” is another savage punchline that’ll work for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is a crazy and interesting response that’ll take them aback. If someone calls you a pick-me to ridicule you because of your lifestyle, this response will return the shame to them.

It’s a smart way to shut them up.

  • Well, your boyfriend is after me. I’m sorry for you
  • Well, your boyfriend is after me. Are you sure you don’t want to be me?

Well, It’s Your Opinion and I Can’t Remember Asking You for It 

“Well, it’s your opinion and I can’t remember asking you for it” is another fantastic way you can reply to someone who insults you.

If someone calls you a pick-me, this reply shows them that you’re not affected by their insult. Then, letting them know that you didn’t ask for their opinion is a clever way to dismiss them.

  • Well, it’s your opinion and I can’t remember asking you for it. So keep it to yourself
  • Well, it’s your opinion and I can’t remember asking you for it. Next time, wait for my permission 

Are You Sure You Don’t Want to Be Like Me?

Another great way to reply to someone who insults you is with this question, “Are you sure you don’t want to be like me?” 

This clapback will work well for someone who calls you a pick-me. It tells them you think they’re jealous of you and want to be like you.

Moreover, asking if they want to be like you is a smart way to ridicule them.

  • Are you sure you don’t want to be like me? Just say it, and I’ll show you the way
  • Are you sure you don’t want to be like me? I can see you’re just too jealous 

Don’t Be Bitter, I Can Teach How to Be Desirable

“Don’t be bitter, I can teach you how to be desirable” is another clever comeback to give someone who calls you a pick-me.

This is another savage punchline that calls them jealous and bitter. Not only that, it tells them they aren’t desirable and that’s why they are jealous of you who are.

You Should Be Bothered About Your Father Chasing Me 

“You should be bothered about your father chasing me” is another interesting way to deal with someone who calls you a pick-me.

This reply is a crazy one that doesn’t only insult them but their father. First, it dismisses their insults and puts the attention on them. 

Also, telling them that their father is chasing you is a smart way to make fun of them.

I’m Not a Pick-me, I’m Just Not a Sucker for Silly Girls Like You 

“I’m not a pickme, I’m just not a sucker for silly girls like you” is another great way to dismiss someone who calls you a pick-me.

This great response is another savage reply that’ll put them in their place. It tells them that you’re the way you are because you don’t fancy them.

Moreover, calling them silly is a perfect way to embarrass them.

Don’t You Care to Know Why All the Boys Have My Attention?

“Don’t you care to know why all the boys have my attention?” is another smart response for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This statement is a clever one that shows your love for yourself. Also, stating that all the boys have your attention is a perfect way to ridicule them 

A Pickme Is Better Than a Dunce

 Savage Comebacks for Being Called a Pick-me

“A pickme is better than a dunce” is another savage comeback for someone who calls you a pick-me.

This classic insult doesn’t deny their accusation, rather it shows that you’re better than them. Also, calling them a dunce will surely hit hard.

  • A pick-me is better than a dunce, so I don’t care
  • A pick-me is better than a dunce, so I’ve got no problem with being a pick-me 


Someone might call you a pick-me for several reasons. They might call you a pick-me because they’re jealous, they don’t like you, or because you’re truly one.

However, whether you’re one or not, you don’t have to take their insult. That’s why you need great comebacks to put them in their place. And with this article, you’ve got all you need to disarm them.


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