20 Weird Insults for a Mexican

Weird Insults for a Mexican

The Mexicans are the beautiful people of Mexico, a country in North America.

They’re a unique people with a rich blend of American culture and European traditions, with traces to the Aztec and Maya people.

However beautiful, in this article, we’ll be discussing different insults for a Mexican. 

These lines explore Mexican traditions; from the rich dishes, music, and fashion, down to street life and sports.

So, when next you find yourself amid a Mexican, you can throw in these punchlines for interesting banter and also express yourself whenever you’re pissed with them.

20 Weird Insults for a Mexican 

There are several things you can say to piss off a Mexican. However, you should be careful when using these lines on them, especially if you’re in their co

Some of the things you can say include: 

“You’re the third pendeja I’ve met in this country,” “It’s only in Mexican that a mother can forget her child for chili,” and “Listening to Mexican folk music is like listening to mourners at a funeral.” 

Here are 20 weird insults for a Mexican:

  1. Listening to Mexican folk music is like listening to mourners at a funeral
  2. Eating Mexican cuisine is like planning your funeral
  3. Mexicans treat their food better than they treat visitors
  4. Mexican fashion is out of this world literally
  5. You’ll easily identify a Mexican from the garbage they wear
  6. You’re the third pendeja I’ve met in this country 
  7. Mexicans drink their soda in MexiCANs, that’s the only special thing about them
  8. Mexicans name their child Carlos because they know he’ll turn out callous
  9. Reading in Mexico is a bore because there are no books but Manuels
  10. It’s only in Mexican that a mother can forget her child for chili
  11. Cruz Azul is the worst thing to happen to Mexico
  12. They’ve got more cars than cute people in Mexico
  13. The crime rate in Mexico seems to be the only thing the country can boast about
  14. Any smart person you find in Mexico is a visitor
  15. There are more brothels than literates in Mexico
  16. Prostitution is the only thing a Mexican can sell to you
  17. Mexicans are just Chinese copycats
  18. There are more gigolos in Mexico than you can count 
  19. An average Mexican can make a tortilla, tortilla, and tortilla 
  20. Finding a beautiful girl in Mexico is like searching for water in a desert

Listening to Mexican Folk Music Is Like Listening to Mourners at a Funeral

“Listening to Mexican folk music is like listening to mourners at a funeral” is one of the things to say to insult a Mexican.

Mexican folk music is part of the traditions the people hold dear. So, making fun of their traditional music with this statement is going to get them wild.

Also, comparing their music to mourners implies that they’re boring and sad to listen to. In addition, this line reduces the richness of their culture to something bland. You better prepare to run after this line.

  • Mexicans sing like they’re mourning the dead
  • When you listen to Mexican folk music you immediately get sober and think about life after death 

Eating Mexican Cuisine Is Like Planning Your Funeral

Weird Insults for a Mexican

“Eating Mexican cuisine is like planning your funeral” is another powerful hit at Mexican traditions.

This one-liner ridicules their traditional dish, suggesting that eating it can cause death.

It’s a strong statement to make after eating their food to express your dislike. Also, this line portrays the Mexicans as people who can cause harm.

  • Eating Mexican cuisine is like planning your funeral, you better steer clear of them and their food

Mexicans Treat Their Food Better Than They Treat Visitors

“Mexicans treat their food better than they treat visitors” is another crazy line that portrays the Mexicans as people without hospitality.

Also, it ridicules them by suggesting they pay more attention to their dish than they do to visitors. 

It’s just a silly way of exaggerating their cultural practices, implying that it interferes with their treatment of visitors.

  • If you visit Mexico, you won’t receive attention like they give to their dishes
  • Don’t expect to be treated like the way they treat the food they serve you in Mexico 

Mexican Fashion Is Out of This World Literally

“Mexican fashion is out of this world literally” is a classic punchline you can use to insult a Mexican.

It’s a sarcastic statement that sounds like you’re complimenting their way of dressing.

However, adding”literally’’ implies that their fashion is odd and weird. Not many people will get this joke, but with your tone and further statement, they should get the sarcasm.

  • Mexican fashion is out of this world literally. You won’t find people who combine jargon as they do
  • Mexican fashion is out of this world literally. I wonder where they get their strange ideas from

You’ll Easily Identify a Mexican from the Garbage They Wear 

“You’ll easily identify a Mexican from the garbage they wear” is another crazy attack on the fashion sense of a Mexican.

This line is insulting to the Mexicans, as it highlights their fashion culture as garbage. Suggesting that the nonsense they wear is the best way to identify them will certainly slap hard.

You’re the Third Pendeja I’ve Met in This Country 

“You’re the third pendeja I’ve met in this country” is a smart insult for a Mexican.

Pendeja is one of the Mexican slang that means a stupid person.

So, this is an iconic punchline that doesn’t just attack your target, but also the country. Moreover, using their local words to insult them will make it more embarrassing.

  • You’re the third pendeja I’ve met in this country. Is it that your country is full of them?
  • You’re the third pendeja I’ve met in this country, don’t tell me there are more like you

Mexicans Drink Their Soda in MexiCANs, That’s the Only Special Thing About Them 

“Mexicans drink their soda in MexiCANs, that’s the only special thing about them” is another classic insult for a Mexican.

It’s a play on words that ridicules them. Also, it implies there’s nothing special about being a Mexican.

It’s just a hilarious way to make fun of them in front of others.

Mexicans Name Their Child Carlos Because They Know He’ll Turn Out Callous

“Mexicans name their child Carlos because they know he’ll turn out callous” is another hilarious way to insult a Mexican.

Carlos is one of the popular native names in Mexico. This line is a pun teaser that implies that Carlos is callous.

Moreover, it’s a smart way to say people named Carlos are wicked. It’s something to say to someone named Carlos. However, you can also use it to ridicule any Mexican, as it mocks their language.

  • Your parents must’ve named you Carlos because they know you’re callous
  • Your naming style is weird. Why will you name someone Car-llous

Reading in Mexico Is a Bore Because There Are no Books But Manuels

“Reading in Mexico is a bore because there are no books but Manuels” is another hilarious way to make fun of a Mexican.

This line ridicules the country by suggesting that they don’t have any books but, manuels. It’s a play on the word, manual.

Manuel is the Spanish name for “Emmanue,l” so it’s a common name in Mexico. So, this line is just a playful way to tease a Mexican and make fun of their name.

  • If you move round Mexico, you won’t find any books but manuels wherever you look

It’s Only in Mexican That a Mother Can Forget Her Child for Chili

‘It’s only in Mexican that a mother can forget her child for chili” is another heavy ridicule on a Mexican.

Chili pepper is one of the staple ingredients in Mexican dishes. The first use in the country dates back to about 6900–5000 BC.

From this old usage, you can infer that the Mexicans appreciate this spice in their dish.

So, this line is a humorous insult that mocks their love for chili pepper, suggesting that it’s way stronger than that of a mother for a child. 

Moreover, saying that a mother can forget her child for Chili pepper throws Mexican mothers into a negative spotlight. 

  • I’ve heard that in Mexico, a mother pays more attention to her chili pepper than to her child 

Cruz Azul Is the Worst Thing to Happen to Mexico

“Cruz Azul is the worst thing to happen to Mexico” is another exciting way to make fun of a Mexican.

Cruz Azul is one of the professional football clubs in Mexico.

So, this line ridicules the whole country by downgrading their football club. It reduces the country’s glory, implying that having the club has shadowed their shine.

  • Cruz Azul is the worst thing to happen to Mexico, they should better do away with the club

They’ve Got More Cars Than Cute People in Mexico

Weird Insults for a Mexican

“They’ve got more cars than cute people in Mexico” is another hot one-liner that slanders the beautiful people in Mexico.

This is a funny insult that suggests that there are not many beautiful people in the country.

It’s a crazy remark you can say after going round the city on your visit. Moreover, making this observation calmly will strike a nerve.

  • I’ve gone round the city and I can say Mexico got more cars than beautiful people
  • They’ve got more cars than cute people in Mexico, even a Mexican knows that 

The Crime Rate in Mexico Seems to Be the Only Thing the Country Can Boast About 

The crime rate in Mexico is on the high side

So, this statement is a painful jab at a Mexicans, as it reminds them of one of the country’s struggles.

It’s a clever one-liner that focuses on the rates of crime in the country, shading the country with this vice.

Also, it completely ignores the better part of Mexico, reducing the nation to a criminal one.

Any Smart Person You Find in Mexico Is a Visitor

“Any smart person you find in Mexico is a visitor” is another crazy comment to make to a Mexican.

This is a ridiculous statement that concludes that there are no smart people in Mexico.

Stating that only visitors are smart is a harsh statement that a Mexican will find highly insulting.

  • Any smart person you find in Mexico is a visitor, intelligence doesn’t run in their blood
  • Any smart person you find in Mexico is a visitor. Mexicans don’t appreciate intelligence 

There Are More Brothels Than Literates in Mexico

“There are more brothels than literates in Mexico” is another stinging remark to make to a Mexican.

This line is insulting to a Mexican as it highlights the country as a place that encourages prostitution.

Also, stating that there are more brothels in the country implies education is given little importance.

Prostitution Is the Only Thing a Mexican Can Sell to You 

“Prostitution is the only thing a Mexican can sell to you” is another crazy comment to say about a Mexican.

It’s a derogatory statement to a Mexican, as it relies on the stereotypes that prostitution is tolerated in the country.

It’ll surely sting hard, as it implies that they’re prostitutes.

Mexicans Are Just Chinese Copycats

“Mexicans are just Chinese copycats” is a funny comment to make about a Mexican.

Mexico is making waves in business and has unseated China to become the biggest exporter to the US.

So, saying that they’re Chinese copycats is a ridiculous statement that downplays the country’s hard work. A Mexican will find this statement greatly insulting.

There Are More Gigolos in Mexico Than You Can Count 

“There are more gigolos in Mexico than you can count” is another ridiculous statement that leans on the prostitution stereotypes to insult a Mexican.

It ridicules the country, implying that male sex workers are rampant.

  • Mexico breeds gigolos like they do animals
  • Everywhere in Mexico is littered with gigolos 

An Average Mexican Can Make a Tortilla, Tortilla, and Tortilla 

“An average Mexican can make a tortilla, tortilla, and tortilla” is a funny line you can use to tease a Mexican.

Tortilla is one of the staple meals in Mexico. So, this line mocks them implying that it’s the only meal they can make.

  • It’s only tortilla that an average Mexican learns from their mother 

Finding a Beautiful Girl in Mexico Is Like Searching for Water in a Desert

“Finding a beautiful girl in Mexico is like searching for water in a desert” is another hilarious line you can use to tease a Mexican.

This line implies that there are no beautiful girls in Mexico. It’s something you can say in casual conversation to hit some nerves.

Final Words

With this article, making fun of a Mexican has become easy.

So, if you’ll be journeying to Mexico, don’t forget to go with this list of one-liners, they can come in handy at any time.


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