20 Best Insults for a Scouser

Best Insults for a Scouser

The inhabitants of Liverpool are referred to as Scousers. The name is derived from a popular local dish, Lobscouse, made in Liverpool, particularly among the sailors. 

Also, Scouse refers to a special English accent spoken by the people of this city.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the best insults for Scousers; from witty jabs to hilarious puns that explore the culture of Liverpool.

So, when next you meet a Scouser or whenever you journey to Liverpool City, feel free to throw jabs at a Scouser with these lines.

20 Best Insults for a Scouser

There are many things you can say if you want to insult a Scouser. Some of them include:

“You’re just a whooper,” “Why were you named after a stew?” “After the Beatles, Liverpool can’t boast anything good.”

 Here are the 20 best insults for a Scouser:

  1. You’re just a whooper 
  2. Do you Scousers understand each other? 
  3. You sound like a bunch of confused people
  4. You should shut up more, your accent is terrifying
  5. Why were you named after a stew?
  6. So if there wasn’t a stew, there wouldn’t be Liverpool 
  7. I can see your head must be filled with potatoes
  8. Your meal is more attractive than you
  9. Scousers sounds like scavengers in search of food
  10. Is it only scouse you eat?
  11. I think you also use your brain to make your dish
  12. You sound like you’re from the slum
  13. Although horrible, when it comes to you or your English, I’ll choose your English 
  14. After the Beatles, Liverpool can’t boast anything good
  15. I heard Scousers sing like drunks
  16. Liverpool football players now play like they’ve lost their liver
  17. You’re the reason I feel Liverpool is overrated
  18. As a Scouser, you have a surprisingly low understanding
  19. I thought Scousers were beautiful
  20. Being a Scouser should be one of your greatest mistakes

You’re Just a Whopper 

“Whopper” is one of the phrases peculiar to the Scousers. It’s used to refer to someone who has made a mistake or done something foolish. 

It’s the slang for a dumb person. So, calling a Scouser a “whooper” is one of the best ways to insult them.

As a foreigner, using their slang to insult them will surely get to them, as it shows you’re familiar with some things about them. Also, this line will work when they do something wrong.

  • You’re just a whooper, you know nothing
  • Oh, I can’t believe I just met another whooper 

Do You Scousers Understand Each Other? 

“Do you Scousers understand each other?” is one of the questions to throw at a Scouser to insult them.

One of the things peculiar to the Scousers is their accent. Many people can identify a Scouser with their unique English accent. However, some English speakers loathe the way they speak.

So, mocking their accent is one of the ways to ridicule them. This question will work well after you hear them speak or after meeting them for the first time.

Asking them if they understand themselves implies that you find their pronunciation terrible.

  • Do you Scousers understand each other? You sound terrible
  • I’m sure you all struggle to understand each other the same way you struggle to speak English 

You Sound Like a Bunch of Confused People 

“You sound like a bunch of confused people” is another thing to say to ridicule a Scouser.

This one-liner is another emphasis on how they speak just like the example above.

It’ll work well after you hear them speak for the first time or during a conversation with them. Also, making this remark shows you find the way they speak annoying.

  • You sound like a bunch of confused people, with that annoying drawl
  • There are no people more confused than the Scousers with the way they speak 

You Should Shut Up More, Your Accent Is Terrifying 

“You should shut up more, your accent is terrifying” is another punchline to use to attack the Scousers’ English.

This line is a double one-liner that doesn’t only ridicule the way they speak, but also attempts to shut them up.

It’ll work as a response after they make a statement. Asking them not to talk because of their accent is greatly embarrassing.

  • You should shut up more, your accent is terrifying just like your face
  • You’ve got nothing to say to us with your terrible accent and lack of wit

Why Were You Named After a Stew?

Another question to throw at a Scouser is, “Why were you named after a stew?” 

This is a funny question to ask them after getting to meet them. As I’ve earlier stated, Scousers were named after a popular stew eaten by sailors in Liverpool, “Lobscouse” or “Scouse.”

Asking them this question may be taken as a curiosity. However, with your tone, you should be able to pass on the ridicule. 

You can use any of these lines:

  • Why were you named after a stew? Is this how unimportant you are?
  • Why were you named after a stew? It seems the stew is more important 

So if There Wasn’t a Stew, There Wouldn’t Be Liverpool 

“So if there wasn’t a stew, there wouldn’t be Liverpool” is another embarrassing thing to say to ridicule a Scouser.

This line ridicules them for being named after their famous dish, “scouse.”

It’s a funny line that infers that Liverpool City only came about because of the Lobscouse stew. 

I Can See Your Head Must Be Filled with Potatoes

Best Insults for a Scouser

“I can see your head must be filled with potatoes” is another line you can use to insult a Scouser.

This is another line that’s gotten from the scouse dish. First, Scouse is made from potatoes, carrots, onions, and pieces of meat. 

So, this is a hilarious insult that ridicules them for eating the meal all the time. Also, it’ll work when they do something wrongly to imply that they’re dumb.

  • I can see your head must be filled with potatoes since that’s all you eat every day
  • I can see your head must be filled with potatoes, that’s why you know nothing 

Your Meal Is More Attractive Than You 

“Your meal is more attractive than you” is another crazy one-liner you can use to make fun of a Scouser.

This line is a hilarious comparison with their food. It doesn’t just call them unattractive, saying that their meal is more attractive will make it more embarrassing.

Also, it’s the perfect way to call them ugly.

  • Even though your meal doesn’t look good, it’s still more attractive than you
  • Your meal is more attractive than you and it’s yet to score a mark in my book 

Scousers Sounds Like Scavengers in Search of Food

“Scousers sounds like scavengers in search of food” is another thing to say to make fun of someone from Liverpool.

This punchline focuses on their name, implying that it sounds like the name given to hungry people.

It’ll work after you meet them for the first time. Also, making this kind of remark about someone you’re just meeting for the first time will certainly sting, as it concludes based on their name without getting to know them.

  • Scousers sounds like scavengers in search of food, is that what you all do in Liverpool?
  • When you hear the name Scouser, the first thing that comes to mind is a scavenger 

Is It Only Scouse You Eat?

“Is it only scouse you eat?” is another silly question to pose to a Scouser to insult them.

This line ridicules them for their famous dish, implying that it’s probably the only meal they eat since they were named after it.

  • I bet Scouse is the only meal you’ve got in Liverpool

I Think You Also Use Your Brain to Make Your Dish

“I think you also use your brain to make your dish” is another humorous way to insult a Scouser.

This line will work after they’ve done something wrong. First, it pokes fun at their popular cuisine and also insults them for lacking sense.

  • I think you also use your brain to make your dish, that’s why you can’t think straight any longer
  • Your brain must be part of what you use to make your meal because you’re brainless 

You Sound Like You’re from the Slum

“You sound like you’re from the slum” is another thing to say to make fun of a Scouser.

This is another embarrassing comment to make after a statement from them. First, it makes fun of their accent. Then it also ridicules them by implying that Liverpool is a ghetto city.

  • You sound like you’re from the slum. Your accent says a lot
  • Hearing you speak tells me Liverpool must be a ghetto 

Although Horrible, But When It Comes to You or Your English, I’ll Choose Your English 

Here’s another classic one-liner you can use to insult a Scouser.

This is another two-in-one punchline that insults both them and their accent.

First, it describes the Scouse English as terrible. Then adding that you’ll choose their English over them implies that they’re more terrible.

It’s just a hilarious way of describing them as a horrible person.

  • I don’t like your accent. But when it comes to what appeals to me more between you and your accent, your accent does it for me
  • You’ve got a terrible accent, but you’re more horrible 

After the Beatles, Liverpool Can’t Boast Anything Good 

The Beatles were one of Liverpool’s bands formed in the 1960s. They’re regarded as one of the most influential bands in music history.

So, saying that besides the Beatles, there’s nothing good in Liverpool is one of the classic insults for a Scouser. This line will work well to ridicule them, especially when they speak well about their city.

  • Nothing good has ever happened in Liverpool since 1960 when they had the Beatles 

I Heard Scousers Sing Like Drunks 

“I heard Scousers sing like drunks” is another perfect way to make fun of a Scouser.

This punchline is not only a hit on a Scouser, it also ridicules the city. Implying that the Scouser sings like a drunk implies that the music in Liverpool is bad.

  • You can never hear good music in Liverpool. I heard Scousers sing like drunks 
  • Never hope for good music in Liverpool, they’re always on the booze 

Liverpool Football Players Now Play Like They’ve Lost Their Liver

Insinuating that the Liverpool Football team performs badly is another clever insult for a Scouser.

Liverpool is one of England’s most successful football clubs. So, saying that their football players play badly may not get to them.

However, saying they now play like they’ve lost their liver is just a play on words that’ll cause some laughs and embarrass a Scouser.

You’re the Reason I Feel Liverpool Is Overrated

“You’re the reason I feel Liverpool is overrated” is another smart insult for a scouser.

This line ridicules them by implying that their actions don’t match all the good things people say about their city. Also, it’s a perfect way to express your disappointment after meeting them.

  • I’ve heard a lot of good things about Liverpool, but you’re not one-third of it

As a Scouser, You Have a Surprisingly Low Understanding

Best Insults for a Scouser

“As a Scouser, you have a surprisingly low understanding” is another sharp comment you can use to insult a Scouser.

This line implies that you feel Scouser are intelligent people, however, they didn’t meet your expectations. It’s something you can say during a conversation with them when they don’t get your message.

  • I’m surprised you’re a Scouser, you’re too dumb to be one 

I Thought Scousers Were Beautiful 

“I thought Scousers were beautiful” is another silly remark to make about a Scouser.

This punchline is an iconic one that’ll slap hard. It’s something you can say after meeting them for the first time.

Making this comment is going to greatly embarrass them, especially if there’s an audience around. It’s the perfect way to call them ugly.

  • I thought Scousers were beautiful, but what I’m seeing doesn’t show that 
  • Are you sure you know where you come from, Scousers aren’t this ugly 

Being a Scouser Should Be One of Your Greatest Mistakes

“Being a Scouser should be one of your greatest mistakes” is another funny way to ridicule a scouser.

This line is something you can say after meeting them for the first time or during a discussion with them. It’ll surely hit hard.

  • Being a Scouser should be one of your greatest mistakes, but sadly you can’t help it 

Wrapping Up

If you’ve always thought of ways to diss a Scouser, with this article you don’t have to worry anymore.

These are some of the best punchlines you can to make fun of someone from Liverpool. Feel free to use them appropriately.

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