20 Best Roast for a “Triple Chin” Guy

Best Roast for a Triple Chin Guy

A triple chin can be the most embarrassing feature in someone’s body and can even be the first thing that will be noticed in a person’s body.

This brings us to the idea that roasting someone based on their physical appearance can be a bit degrading and could sound like body shaming to them.

However, if you have a friend, colleague, or neighbor who has triple chins and you want to say some lighthearted roast to them just for good laughs and to lift their spirits, then stay glued to this article.

The article consists of light-hearted roasts, deep humor, sarcasm, and classic one-liners that you can use to roast someone with triple-chin.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Here are the 20 Best Roast for a “Triple Chin” Guy

  1. I have got a favorite hideout for my stolen meat- your chin!
  2. There is enough meat in your chin that can feed the whole house for a week.
  3. I wouldn’t know if you are hungry, your chin is always looking like extra food is stored in there.
  4. I was wondering if you have a favorite chin out of the three or do they each have their own personality?”
  5. Your triple chin is like a built-in stress ball, always there to give you a squeeze.
  6. Who needs one chin when you can rock three like a boss?
  7. You’ve got a threefold advantage with those triple chins, it’s like getting extra credit in the chin department.
  8. Your triple chin game is strong, it’s like having your own built-in cushion for long naps.
  9. Embrace the triple chin life, it’s like having a spare chin for special occasions.
  10. Your triple chin is just showing off how multi-dimensional you are.
  11. Your triple chin is like a secret weapon – it distracts from everything else and steals the show.
  12. With a triple chin like that, you’re always ready for a game of hide-and-seek with your own chin.
  13. Your triple chin is proof that good things come in threes 
  14. Who needs a jawline when you’ve got a triple chin that demands attention?
  15. Your triple chin is a conversation starter – it’s like having a built-in icebreaker.
  16. You’re not just a double threat, you’re a triple chin threat.
  17. Your triple chin is the envy of those still stuck in the one-chin club.
  18. They say two’s company, three’s a crowd, but in your case, three chins are a party.
  19. You’ve got a chin for every mood – one for happy, one for sad, and one for ‘bring on the snacks.
  20. Rocking the triple chin look with such confidence – you’re a trendsetter in the making.

1. I have a favorite hideout for my stolen meat- your chin!

You are seated with your triple chin friend enjoying the cool breeze and serenity of the evening but after some time, the atmosphere is already getting boring, then you can throw humor in the hand using this roast above.

Just suddenly look at your triple chin friend, point to his chin, and say: ” Jeez! I just discovered a favorite hideout for my stolen meat- your chin”.

Your buddy will surely get the joke and be thrown into torrents of laughter.

  • Your chin is a great reservoir for meat. Nobody will know you hid something there.

2. There is enough meat in your chin that can feed the whole house for a week.

Mr. Triple Chin guy just strolled into the room full of guys looking like an extra pair of self?

Well, give him a welcoming speech, and one to warm the guys up using this funny roast. This roast is capable of poking fun at him.

  • Complaining of protein deficiency but you stack up 12 kilos of meat below your neck.

3. I wouldn’t know if you are hungry, your chin is always looking like extra food is stored in there.

Another roast to poke your triple chin buddy and playfully ridicule them. Triple chin has already settled in and he is asking for lunch.

Look at him and say the above roast to him. Trust me, the triple chin guy will chase you everywhere with his plate of food.

  • Imagine saying you are hungry and the chef stares at your triple layer of fat underneath your neck.

4. I was wondering if you have a favorite chin out of the three or do they each have their own personality?

Take a subtle jab on your triple-chin colleague who looks dull on his desk.

Give a creepy smile and point at him saying the roast above, and watch him let out a smile or I’m some cases, eye you playfully.

  • The three buddies stuck underneath your neck look like they have got attitude.

5. Your triple chin is like a built-in stress ball, always there to give you a squeeze.

Best Roast for a Triple Chin Guy

Triple chin guy just informed you he wants to start exercising to keep himself fit? Put your hand on his shoulders, and tease him with this classic punchline above.

This roast is capable of making him swoon for two seconds then making angry faces at you the next second they get the gist.

  • You need no fat burner. The weight of those chins is enough to give your upper body a good squeeze

6. Who needs one chin when you can rock three like a boss?

This roast here looks like a compliment but on closer examination, you realize that this statement is made to roast you.

Playfully poke fun at someone with a triple chin at a get-together or just at an evening gathering.

Also while being poked at, this roast can be used to build his self-esteem depending on the way they see it.

7. You’ve got a threefold advantage with those triple chins, it’s like getting extra credit in the chin department.

This is another sarcasm you can use to roast your triple-chin guy among your friends.

This roast will make everyone roll on the floor once they get the idea behind the humor which is you indirectly saying he has a pronounced triple.

Use this to roast your friends, especially at a slumber party, and watch all of them stay awake and alive with laughter.

  • Your neck should demand rent from you for overloading.

8. Your triple chin game is strong, it’s like having your own built-in cushion for long naps.

Another great way to roast a triple-chin guy is to do so in a witty way. Through this manner, you get them lost in the display of wit.

When they eventually grasp the humor, what happens next? It is too late to plan a comeback because you have already won.

You are illustrating his chin’s elasticity and supporting your argument with a lighthearted analogy by employing this roast. 

9. Embrace the triple chin life, it’s like having a spare chin for special occasions.

Your triple chin homie is feeling insecure about his chin, and he is brooding. Draw smiles to his face using this sarcastic road that sounds like encouragement yet it is a roast.

The trick about this is that they would feel good at first, thinking it is a compliment before the true revelation hits them and they are already squeezing their face.

10. Your triple chin is just showing off how multi-dimensional you are.

Triple chin guy is squeezing his face from the effect of the last roast but all you can see is his extra layer of chin; avoid laughing and rather go naughty on him again with this roast. This is a hilarious roast that will poke fun at them.

  • With your triple chin, you look like a different Jake.

11. Your triple chin is like a secret weapon – it distracts from everything else and steals the show.

Best Roast for a Triple Chin Guy

“Your triple chin is like a secret weapon – it distracts from everything else and steals the show” is another humorous statement you can use to poke fun at the triple chin guy.

Triple chin as explained is the first thing people see even before seeing what the person looks like.

The statement uses simile(direct comparison) to humorize a triple chin guy and emphasize the prominent chins.

  • Your chins are meant for the spotlight.

12. With a triple chin like that, you’re always ready for a game of hide-and-seek with your own chin.

“With a triple chin like that, you’re always ready for a game of hide-and-seek with your chin” is another funny statement you can use to pull the legs of a triple chin guy.

By using this statement, you are creating a humorous analogy to emphasize the extra layer of skin around their chin.

  • If I hid something underneath your chin, it would conceal it and leave no traces.

13. Your triple chin is proof that good things come in threes.

If you have an uncle who has a triple chin and you wish to roast him but do not want to do so in an offensive manner, skillfully pass a roast on him using this creative statement.

Your uncle wouldn’t know what a bad lad you are and he would be grinning at you thinking you were complimenting him.

14. Who needs a jawline when you’ve got a triple chin that demands attention?

Use this classic punchline to tease your colleague with a triple chin in a way that other colleagues will burst into laughter.  By using this roast, you are sarcastically insulting your friend with the triple chin.

  • Who needs a pointed jaw when you attract one million stares with your jaws?

15. Your triple chin is a conversation starter – it’s like having a built-in icebreaker.

Tell your friend in a creative way that their chin is the first thing people motor and spark conversation about by using this intelligent statement.

This is a subtle jab at them and is sure to draw laughter among the boys.

  • Sometimes when I don’t know what to talk about, I look at your jaw and I’m filled with 1000 things to say.

16. You’re not just a double threat, you’re a triple chin threat.

“You’re not just a double threat, you’re a triple chin threat” is another light-hearted joke to poke fun at Triple Chin.

Saying they are a triple threat as a result of their triple chin is a deep humor carved around their chin. It is a good roast that will derive chuckles from the rest. 

17. Your triple chin is the envy of those still stuck in the one-chin club.

Another playful tease to use for your triple-chin guy neighbor. If he doesn’t understand sarcasm, you are lucky if he does, be prepared for a comeback. 

  • For a kind of chin that gets a thousand reactions, I’m sure celebrities will do anything to have your kind of chin.

18. They say two’s company, three’s a crowd, but in your case, three chins are a party.

“They say two’s company, three’s a crowd, but in your case, three chins are a party” is a crafty response to shut a rude triple chin guy or to sting him in a roast fight.

This is a creative way of telling them you are not their make in terms of delivering good roasts.

19. You’ve got a chin for every mood – one for happy, one for sad, and one for ‘bring on the snacks.

Need a happy mood atmosphere then do not hesitate to use the above roast the next time you are hanging out with a triple-chin guy, and the rest of your friends.

This is a teeth-revealing joke for your triple chin buddy.

20. Rocking the triple chin look with such confidence – you’re a trendsetter in the making.

Finally, give a triple-chin guy a premium tease with this roast. This is an ironic roast which is typically aimed at making a jest of a triple-chin guy.

  • If you have an association of triple-chin guys, undoubtedly, you will be their leader.

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