20 Funny Roasts for Someone With a Big Feet

Funny Roasts for Someone With a Big Feet

People with feet so big are a hilarious sight. When they are walking, the Earth trembles and it is as though their feet will swallow the Earth.

There are so many humorous jokes you can say to someone with big feet.

You can make jest of their limited choices when it comes to buying pairs of shoes for themselves, or their funny appearance with or without socks.

Big feet jokes bring humor and laughter to everyone listening but this comes with the level of creativity and wits of the roaster.

If you would love to roast someone with big feet,  steal the show with your roasts, and get the title of a toaster, then this article is for you.

I have compiled the best big-foot jokes, sarcastic comments, and witty statements, with each a great punchline that will make your listeners roll in laughter.

Keep reading!

Table of Contents

Here are 20 Funny Roasts for someone with a big feet

Sure, here are 20 playful roasts for someone with big feet:

  1. You know what they say about people with big feet… they have a lot of socks to fill
  2. Your feet are so big, I’m surprised you didn’t become a professional swimmer
  3. When you walk, the Earth shakes
  4. You must have a hard time finding shoes that fit. Do they have a special ‘footwear for giants’ section at the store?
  5. With those big feet of yours, I’m surprised you don’t have your own gravitational pull
  6. You know what they say, big feet mean big… trips to the shoe store
  7. Your feet are like two cruise ships… always ready for an adventure
  8. I hear the disciples are looking for someone to fill the role of Jesus, and with those big feet, you’re a shoo-in
  9. Your feet are so big, they should have their own zip code
  10. Why don’t people with big feet ever lose hide and seek? Because they always leave a big footprint behind
  11. When you go to the beach, people think you brought your own sand dunes
  12. Your feet are like a GPS for lost socks. They always point the way
  13. If you were a superhero, your superpower would definitely be kicking people’s butts with those massive feet
  14. I bet you never have to worry about getting lost in a crowd. Your feet act as a personal GPS
  15. Your feet are so big, they could double as snowshoes in the winter
  16. With those big feet, you should consider auditioning for the role of Bigfoot in the next monster movie
  17. Your feet are like a pair of clown shoes, bringing joy and laughter wherever you go
  18. When you wear socks they look like parachute
  19. I heard you’re thinking of starting a new trend called ‘bigfoot chic’. Embrace those big feet
  20. Your footprint is the size of a small country

1. You know what they say about people with big feet… they have a lot of socks to fill

Your friend with big feet is walking around barefooted, and gingerly in your living room then you catch a view of his big feet, laugh and point to the feet, and say:

  •  Your feet are so big, you will need more than a pair of socks for them.

2. Your feet are so big, I’m surprised you didn’t become a professional swimmer

Funny Roasts for Someone With a Big Feet

This is a very hilarious thing to say to someone who has big feet. The roast uses direct comparison and imagery to draw a humorous effect on them.

You can’t escape the mental image and humor especially when you have seen the feet of a professional swimmer before. They are big, scattered, and widespread like the tail of a mermaid.

Go ahead and roast someone with big feet using these lines:

  • If feet were the only criteria for becoming a swimmer, you would be admitted on merit.

3. When you walk, the Earth shakes

People with big feet are presumed to always stamp the floor because of their big feet. Make a hilarious assumption and poke fun at someone with big feet with this classic one-liner.

  • With your big feet, I’m sure the Earth pleads for mercy when you walk on it.

4. You must have a hard time finding shoes that fit. Do they have a special ‘footwear for giants’ section at the store?

Funny Roasts for Someone With a Big Feet

One way to poke fun at someone with big feet is using their pain points against them. People with big feet always find it difficult to get their shoe size.

It even hits them harder when their preference is only done in smaller sizes. It’s such a terrible time for them, a time they always wish to have smaller feet.

  • If you were paid for the several disappointments you get trying to buy yourself a pair of shoes, you would be a millionaire in dollars by now.

5. With those big feet of yours, I’m surprised you don’t have your own gravitational pull

The assumptions that Big feet on the ground make the ground tremble further bring about this roast.

This roast suggests that if big feet can make the ground tremble then their feet should have their own gravitational pull that will draw objects to the floor.

This roast is a witty one and it is capable of drawing laughter from big feet and every other person present there.

  • With this big foot of yours, you could pull Mount Everest to the ground level.

6. You know what they say, big feet mean big… trips to the shoe store

This roast is rich in puns and idioms, with the ability to sting your friend with big feet hard. The joke is a play on words.

It takes the old saying and replaces the last word with something related to feet, but completely different from the word that people usually use to finish that saying. 

Use this roast to jokingly tease your friend with big feet.

7. Your feet are like two cruise ships… always ready for an adventure

Your elder brother walks into your room with his big feet, and his feet just get at him playfully with this good roast here.

This roast hilariously describes their feet implying that their feet structure is so unappealing.

  • Your feet are like two cruise ships always ready for a trip to the podiatrist.

8. I hear the disciples are looking for someone to fill the role of Jesus, and with those big feet, you’re a shoo-in

Here is a deep humor and a play on words you can use to roast someone with a big foot.

This roast jokingly makes fun of their big feet and suggests that since they have big feet, they will be able to perform the miracle of walking on water Jesus did. 

It also plays on the word “shoe” to make huge fun of their feet. Use this roast when you are in a roast banter with big feet.

  • I bet you can walk on water with those big feet of yours. Have you tried auditioning for the role of Jesus?

9. Your feet are so big, they should have their own zip code

If you have a sibling who has big feet and likes to intrude on your privacy and likes being everywhere in the room, this roast is for them.

Here in this roast, you are indirectly telling them they have big feet that can be noticed anywhere and therefore should learn to stay put in a place.

Here is an example:

  • Your feet come with their own area code, leaving a large print everywhere you tread.

10. Why don’t people with big feet ever lose hide and seek? Because they always leave a big footprint behind

Funny Roasts for Someone With a Big Feet

You can continue with your roast banter with someone who has big feet using this teaser.

You all could be outside in the compound enjoying the serenity of the evening, just lighten up the atmosphere with this funny riddle, and watch everyone tilt their head backward, laughing.

  • Why do people with big feet never like the hide-and-seek game? Because their feet always leave a large trail behind.

11. When you go to the beach, people think you brought your own sand dunes

This is another amusing thing you can say to someone who has big feet. This roast implies that their feet are so big that it can even be a hideout for sand dunes.

Roast them while they are having fun at the beach with this classic punchline:

  • With feet that big, people at the beach probably think you’re a walking natural disaster! I hope you’re not bringing an earthquake with you too.

12. Your feet are like a GPS for lost socks. They always point the way

This roast is certain to hit the mark when you use it on someone with big feet. It has a deep sense of humor and makes the listener think of a big foot protruding out of the stock.

  • Your feet are like a magnet for lost socks. They always show the way.

13. If you were a superhero, your superpower would definitely be kicking people’s butts with those massive feet

This is another sarcasm you can use to roast your friend with big feet amid your friends.

This roast will make everyone roll on the floor once they get the idea behind the humor which is you indirectly saying your friend has big feet, and at the same time useless except to look for trouble with them.

 Use this to roast your friends, especially at a slumber party, and watch all of them stay awake and alive with laughter bubbles.

14. I bet you never have to worry about getting lost in a crowd. Your feet act as a personal GPS

Poke fun at someone with big feet using these sarcastic lines. Here, you are saying they have big feet that are so prominent that it is the only noticeable feature in their body. And it can even be used to identify them amidst the crowd.

  • You will never get lost in the crowd because your feet are like your own personal beacon.

15. Your feet are so big, they could double as snowshoes in the winter

Here is a winter joke you can use to get at someone with big feet. So it is snowing and your big feet neighbor comes at your door requesting for your snow shoes to wear out.

Look at his feet (let them know you are looking at their feet) and then ask them jokingly;

  • Why do you need an extra pair of snowshoes when you have one already

16. With those big feet, you should consider auditioning for the role of Bigfoot in the next monster movie

In this roast, an illustration of how big their feet can be is done by referring to a large hairy ape with big feet from northwestern America.

If you want to emphasize how big someone’s feet are but you want to do it creatively, then make use of this funny roast.

  • If you were a superhero, your name would be Bigfoot

17. Your feet are like a pair of clown shoes, bringing joy and laughter wherever you go

People with big feet tend to get laughed at because of their bizarreness. Tell someone with big feet they are such a hilarious sight using this creative roast that is certain to draw laughter from the crowd.

  • Your feet are a premium entertainment for us. The minute You show up with your big feet, people are already rolling in laughter.

18.  When you wear socks they look like parachute

Another deep humor to make you engage in the mental processes of picturing their big feet in socks. Truth be told,  socks worn on wide feet with protruding fingers do look like parachutes. Hahahaha.

Go ahead and roast them with these comical lines:

  • Are those socks you are putting on or a parachute?

19. I heard you’re thinking of starting a new trend called ‘bigfoot chic’. Embrace those big feet

Roast your friend who has big feet with this teaser. Saying they are about to start a new trend because of their big feet is a hit-the-target and hilarious roast to use on them.

  • Bigfoot chic? Oh wow, that is a huge innovation. I can bet no one in the community has bigger feet than you  

20. Your footprint is the size of a small country

This is for you if you completely want to roast your friend with the big feet. You don’t need to tell them outrightly that they have big feet- it will be boring.

Instead, use this funny roast to state your points, and also to make jest of them.

  •  Your footprint could be mistaken for a new island.

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