20 Best Comebacks for Glasses Insults

Best Comebacks for Glasses Insults

People who wear glasses are objects of scorn or victims of jest-making amongst their friends, and this as a result has become a matter of insecurity for them.

 However, in the real sense, wearing glasses can be a sign of intelligence and curiosity. Fact stated that people who are myopic and wear glasses have higher IQs than people who don’t wear glasses.

Thus, you are lucky if you’re wearing glasses, it means you are more intelligent than an average person.

So the next time someone tries to make fun of your glasses, remind them how lucky you are to be among the few with an IQ higher than an average person.

Also, I have come up with 20 Best Comebacks you can use to hit them back when someone passes awful comments on you for wearing glasses.

With these witty comebacks, you’ll have the last laugh – and a clearer view of victory on your side.

Are you ready for the comebacks? Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

Here are 20 Best Comebacks for Glasses Insults

  1.  Insulting my glasses? Well, at least I have a clear vision of how awesome I am.
  2. Oh, you think my glasses are funny? That’s cute, I didn’t realize we were still in elementary school.
  3. Insulting my glasses won’t make your fashion sense any clearer, my friend.
  4. Are you making fun of my glasses? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how stylish I look.
  5. My glasses may be for my eyes, but your insults are clear evidence of your lack of vision.
  6.  You’re just jealous that I have a built-in accessory.
  7. Insulting my glasses won’t make your eyesight any better, just saying.
  8. Do you find my glasses funny? Well, they’re just a reflection of my intelligence shining through.
  9. I see you’re making fun of my glasses. Wonderful, Did you come up with such an idea all by yourself?
  10. My glasses are like my superpower, and your insults are just weak attempts to bring me down.
  11. My glasses may not be stylish, but at least I can see. Unlike you, who’s blind to how rude you’re being.
  12. My glasses may be thick, but your body odor is thicker.
  13. Mocking my glasses won’t make your lack of style any less noticeable.
  14. You think my glasses are an easy target for insults? Well, let’s see how sharp your wit is.
  15. I wear my glasses proudly, but I can’t say the same for your sense of humor.
  16. Insulting my glasses? Sorry, I don’t stoop down to your level of vision impairment.
  17. My glasses may be a visual aid, but your insults are just a sign of your verbal shortsightedness.
  18. You’re making fun of my glasses? That’s fine, I’ll just continue seeing the world more clearly than you.
  19. Insulting my glasses won’t change the fact that I can see through your attempts to bring me down.
  20. My glasses may be frames, but your insults are just empty words.

1. Insulting my glasses? Well, at least I have a clear vision of how awesome I am.

 Best Comebacks for Glasses Insults

The most effective way to attack a detractor is to mock the whole notion of what they assume to be a rocky insult.

By using this expression you are turning back the insult at them while rising above their petty insult and showing them how little you care about what they spill from their mouth. 

  • My glasses may not be stylish, but at least they don’t cloud my judgment as your negativity does.

2. Oh, you think my glasses are funny? That’s cute, I didn’t realize we were still in elementary school.

Do you want to call out their childish behavior without saying the word “childish?”, then make use of this response.

By using this phrase, you are directing the insult back to the critic. The only difference is that you add a good dose of good humor while delivering your comeback.

  • You think my glasses are hilarious? That’s a good one – almost as funny as your hair. They form ripples of laughter in my belly.

3. Insulting my glasses won’t make your own fashion sense any clearer, my friend.

Defend yourself with this creative quip when someone insults your glasses. The best way to respond to a critic is to also take a jab at their shortcomings.

There is nothing as hilarious as highlighting their bad fashion sense while in an easy battle with you.

This insult will hurt them so much that they will wish they had not had a roast fight with you.

  • My glasses may be uncool, but at least I’m not a total fashion victim like you, who’s blind to their  lack of style.

4. You’re making fun of my glasses? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how stylish I look.

Here is an effective response you can use to shrug off someone who insults your glasses. By this, you are dismissing their insult in a cool and even clever way and implying that their insult has nothing on you.

  • Your comments about my glasses are as shallow as a puddle. Sorry, I can’t hear you over how much fun I’m having being myself.

5. My glasses may be for my eyes, but your insults are clear evidence of your lack of vision.

The said statement is a direct blow to someone who insults your glasses. This response uses a play on words on “vision” to draw a comic dominance in ridiculing their opponent.

It is also a creative way of saying that their insult lacks depth and flesh, and therefore isn’t piercing enough to ridicule them.

  • I see how dumb you are. You even suck at lashing out insults.

6. You’re just jealous that I have a built-in accessory.

Showing them you are not in the category with them is necessary especially when you are in a roast banter.

This roast creatively communicates that message to them, leaving them in thoughts of what meaningful thing to say next.

  • Can’t blame you for feeling a twinge of envy; after all, my built-in accessory adds a touch of flair that money can’t buy.

7. Insulting my glasses won’t make your own eyesight any better, just saying.

 Best Comebacks for Glasses Insults

Another effective comeback for someone who insults your glasses is to debase their insult and make it look kind; they have just made a trashy statement.

By using this response, you are highlighting the insignificance of the insult, while pointing out that it adds value to you, not them.

  • Criticizing my spectacles won’t sharpen your sight, but it does add a comedic twist to your optical illusions.

8. You find my glasses funny? Well, they’re just a reflection of my intelligence shining through.

Another clever comeback you can use for an insult hurler is “You find my glasses funny? Well, they’re just a reflection of my intelligence shining through”.

This remark is a clever one that capitalizes more on their stupidity, and lack of knowledge. Also, it places you in a high rank above your detractor, while they feel defeated by this smart response.

  • Laugh all you want at my glasses, but they’re simply a stylish frame for the genius within, so consider it a bonus feature of my intellect.

9. I see you’re making fun of my glasses. Wonderful, Did you come up with such an idea all by yourself?

Here is a touch of sarcasm to make jest of someone who insults your glasses. By this, you are implying that they are dumb people who don’t know how to be creative in any form.

The good thing about this comeback is that you are creatively taking a sweep of their insult to further make them look foolish afterward.

  • I’m sure you have to do 12 hours of practice before you are able to deliver this result, yet, you still lack the creativity to do it.

10. My glasses are like my superpower, and your insults are just weak attempts to bring me down.

This is another witty statement to portray to them that they suck at giving insults and that the insults don’t have any effects on you. A creative way to say shut-up-your-insult-got-nothing-on-me.

 They are expecting a reaction but you are denying them every reaction, which is a good way to make them feel conquered.

  • You should try harder!  my glasses are my kryptonite-proof shield against your feeble attempts to dim my brilliance.

11. My glasses may not be stylish, but at least I can see. Unlike you, who’s blind to how rude you’re being.

A sharp, quick-witted retort is another thing you need to bounce back as a winner if you are being fired with downgrading insults.

With this response, you will be able to redeem your dignity and confidence to always meet up with their banter strength or even surpass them.

  • My glasses may lack style, but at least they grant me sight unlike your tactless remarks, which seem to come from a blind spot.

12. My glasses may be thick, but your body odor is thicker.

Here is a hard blow on someone who insults the thickness of your glass forgetting that they have their flaws that could easily be hinged upon for a stinging comeback.

This reply is so sassy and sharp-edged and it is capable of making them humid.

  • Thick glasses are a small price to pay for clear vision; unfortunately, there’s no nose plug for your overpowering odor.

13. Mocking my glasses won’t make your own lack of style any less noticeable.

When being insulted, don’t just focus on the insult alone. Divide focus and partially focus on the insult and the insult-slinger’s loopholes.

It is from there you will be able to sketch a great comeback that will hit them.

By using this roast, it shows you are very observant and you have just succeeded in displaying that in your next comeback which is this statement above.

  • Making fun of my glasses won’t automatically upgrade your fashion sense; that’s a reflection you’ll have to face in the mirror.

14. You think my glasses are an easy target for insults? Well, let’s see how sharp your wit is.

If someone insults your glasses and you tell them in return that their insults aren’t piercing enough, then you have just succeeded in making a big fool of them.

It will sting them so hard to know you’re not in any way cowed by their witless insult which will really humiliate them.

  • Maybe you should aim higher – like your jokes, my glasses are designed to withstand the glare of mediocrity.

15. I wear my glasses proudly, but I can’t say the same for your sense of humor.

If someone tries to embarrass you because you are putting on glasses, be timely to show them you are not to be toyed with, using this clever response. This is an effective comeback in shutting off.

  • My glasses are a badge of honor, but your sense of humor seems to be missing in action and hiding behind those outdated jokes.

16. Insulting my glasses? Sorry, I don’t stoop down to your level of vision impairment.

Here is another sarcastic answer you can give to someone who insults your glasses. By using this comeback, you are implying that you are not mediocre like those who hurl cheap insults at people.

17. My glasses may be a visual aid, but your insults are just a sign of your verbal shortsightedness.

Insult their lack of wit and verbal prowess by using this witty comeback for them. By using this statement, you are implying that they suck at coming up with creative insults.

18. You’re making fun of my glasses? That’s fine, I’ll just continue seeing the world more clearly than you.

Shrug off their petty insult with this funny comeback. By using the humorous comeback, you indirectly call them myopic both literally and figuratively. 

  • No wonder you don’t see beyond your narrow perspective.

19. Insulting my glasses won’t change the fact that I can see through your attempts to bring me down.

Again, remind them that their attempts to bring you down or humiliate you is futile by using this comment. The realization that their insult does not affect you will hurt them more.

20. My glasses may be frames, but your insults are just empty words.

Directly referring to their insults as empty words is a smart and effective way of directing their insults back at them.

Also, you are directly telling them that their insult is baseless, lacking the power to sting you.

  • Yeah, my glasses may be frames,  but your insults are just empty frames of humor, lacking substance or style.

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