30 Double Chin Humor

The chin, part of the human’s face, is one of the important features. A badly aligned chin means you’ve got a misaligned face, which is a dent in your facial appearance. For instance, some people are born with a double chin while some develop it later. Also, this condition is often seen in overweight people,… Continue reading 30 Double Chin Humor

20 Best Insults for an Infp

Have you met an Infp before? INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. It’s one of the 16 personality types classified by the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). People with this personality type love being alone, they’re creative and are moved by a high-value system they strongly believe in.  They show interest in helping people and… Continue reading 20 Best Insults for an Infp

20 Best Comebacks to “You Smelt It, You Dealt It”

“You smelt it, you dealt” is an informal expression used as a retort when someone passes gas, blaming the first person to acknowledge the smell. This is an old expression that has several variations. For instance, “Whoever detected it, ejected it,” “Whoever observed it, served it,” and several more. Additionally, it can be used informally… Continue reading 20 Best Comebacks to “You Smelt It, You Dealt It”